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Everything posted by 1-75th_bco_ltc=isaac

  1. 1-75th_bco_ltc=isaac

    Hope Realism is a factor

    I played OFP, but have been waiting for a newer game to come out for years with the same type platform. Â Now I play America's Army, and do love the realism it offers except the few bugs that never seem to get fixed, or that pop up with newer versions. Â With Armed Assault I hope you have the same option to bring up iron sites, and also to leave the knifes out of the game. Â Bunny hopping and straff shooting is another problem which takes atvantange of lag in the game code or connection speeds. Â One thing I did not like about OFP was the controls and the control options to map out your keys for game play. Â The scrolling up and down to select weapons or positions in a vehicle was shotty to say the least, and would sway my decision to not buying the game in a quick hurry. Â Most gamers today are looking for more and more realism from military sim games, and I do hope we get this from Armed Assault. One thing I did forget was to mention the CEM in America's Army. This CEM meter increases or decreases your soldiers ability to fire. When your CEM is low, your accuracy is lowered. Your CEM is lowered if you jump, or when your are moving around. It also lowers when you are being fired on, which simulates battle awarness and stress. They fixed the bunny hopping by lowering the CEM drasticly when your soldier jumps, and you have to wait for you CEM to raise before you can attempt a long range shot, or be as effective as your enemy which may be in the prone or crouched ready possition. Also, your CEM is over all descreased as your soldier is wounded. Your CEM can raise by lessoning your movements, or being close to your squad. If your soldier is prone your CEM is higher than if you were crouched or standing. This realism is what draws so many to this game, and again I hope that the devs of Armed Assault do figure this in to game play as it is needed to create the most realism you can get from online sims.
  2. 1-75th_bco_ltc=isaac

    Hope Realism is a factor

    How many of you have been in combat, it's not as if you just snap into some momment of bliss where you pull your rifle to the ready and fire off rounds down range with accuracy. Â While I have not played OFP to the extent as some of you, I only look forward to more realism in the gamming arena. Â America's Army is a CQC type game, and that is the reason I do look forward to Armed Assault, but however, I don't want to aim my interest into a game where bunny hopping and straff shooting while handling a knife is allowed. Â Nor do I feel the need to have some snot nose kid talking like a big man to me on a forum that is here for the purpose of discussion. Â So if you would please, hold your tounge like an adult, if you can do that much. I have been there kiddo's, and listening to the lip from some on these forums is less than needed. Â Learn Loyalty, Duty, Restpect, Selfless-service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage. If you don't know what that is...... I do in all honesty feel sorry for you. P.S. Respawn is not even close to what a military sim needs. Time limit on maps to where you don't come back until the mission is either a success or failure.