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Everything posted by 160th(SOAR)LoNeWoLF

  1. 160th(SOAR)LoNeWoLF

    Uh1c version 2 choppers released

    mmmmmmm o boy.... BTW - Ex-RoNiN who is the chick in ur signature?
  2. 160th(SOAR)LoNeWoLF

    Fuel for the motorcycle?

    umm...well u have 2 options. -Wait for the bus -Take motorcycle to the first town u come across and jack the small white car parked outside the residential area (otherwise known as a house)
  3. 160th(SOAR)LoNeWoLF

    Annoying streetlights

    lol..."if all else fails, blow it to hell with a satchel" (THE MOST Important phrase in OFP for destroying stuff)
  4. 160th(SOAR)LoNeWoLF

    Annoying streetlights

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">lamp switchLight "Off"<span id='postcolor'> - I'll try this, ty </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Yes, u can edit and delate them in WRPEdit. All u have to do is put the mouse over a light and click Ctrl + Del<span id='postcolor'> - If the above doesnt work, i'll try this.... TY to both of you
  5. 160th(SOAR)LoNeWoLF

    Best add-ons list

    Select This' KLR50 Kawasaki and Rider Jafergon's LSD STT Desert Malden SEB Delta Force TJP MH-60 DAP TJP MH-47E Capt Moore's Little Birds Keg's Winter Kolgujev Kegs and Gunslinger's Editor Addon SelectThis's Spec Op UH-1 Black Baron's Challenger R/T " Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â " Stingray 1967 Mehanic's Ferrari's (360 and 355 Pack) Satchels Sound Pack TOW Marine Pack HK Pack WHOOPS almost forgot every addon on DESERT OFP ( Awwww... Link don't work anymore...any1 got link to MAF's site?) Anything else by Kegetys or SelectThis for that matter.... Think that about covers it.
  6. 160th(SOAR)LoNeWoLF

    Huey uh-1n

    I was browsin Operation Gulf War Crisis's site and I came across a first/new pic of the UH-1N......Looks good so far Huey UH-1N
  7. 160th(SOAR)LoNeWoLF

    Huey uh-1n

    I was browsin Operation Gulf War Crisis's site and I came across a first/new pic of the UH-1N......Looks good so far Huey UH-1N
  8. I was wondering how you script a map so when you enter a certain area as say a west unit you die (Basically how many map makers prevent base-rape in CTF and other missions) because I simply hate having a decent A-10 pilot kill everything in my base and laggin us all to hell. Thanks In Advance -WoLF
  9. 160th(SOAR)LoNeWoLF

    Destroying units when they enter an area

    LoNe_WoLF__13@hotmail.com TY sooo much!
  10. I'm ASSUMING you would first place a waypoint(wp) with the Set Fire(or watever it is) to Hold Fire. Then make another waypoint witht he Set Fire as Open Fire, Engage at Will. Place a trigger between the 2 waypoints that has West Detected By East and then synchronize the trigger to both of the Open Fire Engage at Will wp's Maybe Diagram Will Help... ooooo - Men | O - Never Fire | O - Open Fire Engage at Will ||Sync O - Trigger - West Detected by East || - Sync O - Open Fire Engage at Will | O - Never Fire | ooooo - Men Good Luck! -WoLF
  11. 160th(SOAR)LoNeWoLF

    Knives/bayonettes/hand to hand skills!

    My problem wit knives is that the dmg system on Res is pretty bad as it is, and knives would make it sooo more complicated. I would much rather put a dose of lead in some1's head than stab em with a stick and walk away just to have them a few seconds later squeeze off 3 rounds and kill me. 'Nuff said.
  12. 160th(SOAR)LoNeWoLF

    Kawasaki klr 250 motorbike

    That looks like a barrel of monkeys! That will be sooo much fun!!!!!! BTW - Ditto to the above post
  13. 160th(SOAR)LoNeWoLF

    What kind of buildings/static objects

    Well It's been mentioned before but I'd like some sort of 3rd-World-Country huts(Think Black Hawk Down) and I'm not sure if the next one is do-able but.... The Communications Tower from MGS! Â And if any1 remembers the 23 Floors of Hell, that would be a great addition for it. Â Again, if possible, the two towers could be connected with a helipad or steel framework.... Comm.Tower 1 'Member This? (Comm. Pic 2) Or Maybe a huge factory with an interior like where you fought Raven... The Deep Freeze LoL....Modeling a HUGE complex after Rex's Compound + a Static REX inside would be awesome! Â Then the guys upstairs could work magic and make a Metal Gear REX/RAY pilotable... Rex(Scroll Down a Little) Ray(Scroll Down a Little) Sorry For Long Post
  14. 160th(SOAR)LoNeWoLF

    Request for somalians...

    I'm halfway through my current map, Black Hawk Down and I am in desperate need of Africans with ak-47 because setting every units face to Face 52 is awfully time consuming. If anyone could take the slightest bit of time to just take some of the Civies and change their skin tone/make clothes a little shaggier it would be greatly appreciated. BTW - Ralph I didnt mean anythin by my last post about the you-kno-whats. I understand fully that racism is not allowed and i am not racist lol but I was just giving Draco an example so I hope this clears it all up
  15. 160th(SOAR)LoNeWoLF

    In need of somalians!

    Hey, its my first post here but I just wanted ta say that im workin on a map, Black Hawk Down(If you want pics i'll try to post em...) but I am in serious need of black ppl with rags and ak-47's/rocks bcuz Tossers dont cut it, and well, they r white lol any help is appreciated -WoLF BTW - the LSD looks f*ckin awesome!!!! nice work jafergon(sp?)
  16. 160th(SOAR)LoNeWoLF

    Breaking news

    mmmmmmm *drool* sumtin to blow up when i put on the carrier.............cant wait
  17. 160th(SOAR)LoNeWoLF

    Breaking news

    mmmmmmm *drool* sumtin to blow up when i put on the carrier.............cant wait
  18. 160th(SOAR)LoNeWoLF

    In need of somalians!

    hehe good point but it was a historical event at least i didnt call em s******* or sand n****** lol
  19. 160th(SOAR)LoNeWoLF

    Usefull vehlices

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Red Oct said: yea instead of cars, maybe somebody should start making 18 wheelers  than make a interstate highway... and a truck stop  <span id='postcolor'> LoL dunno if I "quoted" right but now we gettin sumwhere!
  20. 160th(SOAR)LoNeWoLF

    New ingame ship screenshots

    mmmmmmmmmmmm sooo nice great work jafergon..... Can't wait for release