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Everything posted by 160th(SOAR)LoNeWoLF

  1. 160th(SOAR)LoNeWoLF

    Slowing down

    Hey beno member me? anyways you probably dont have enuf RAM, mien does that too if i try to do too many things at once on it....
  2. 160th(SOAR)LoNeWoLF

    Official ofp stuntman thread

    nice......Anyway to post a pic i've taken except from website? (like from comp itself)
  3. 160th(SOAR)LoNeWoLF

    Official ofp stuntman thread

    Whoever wanted airbus the link is here http://ofp-zone.gamesurf.tiscali.de/download.php?dl=true&id=5 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">If only we had fireworks. <span id='postcolor'> You do. Â Use heavy grenadiers and equip them with flares, or shoot/throw the flares urself, all u hafta do is aim at sky...
  4. 160th(SOAR)LoNeWoLF

    How about some russian attack planes...

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"> i love that chopper (since i played MGS2) we need one !<span id='postcolor'> Ditto. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">ME to i also want the KASATKA its got damn kewl bout time we get a russian chopper that isnt 20 years old.<span id='postcolor'> Lol yea i think the east choppers are awwwfffullllyy outdated.
  5. 160th(SOAR)LoNeWoLF

    Dofire, dotarget

    Why not make the AA guy have a wp as Destroy and set to teh MI-17 and then synchronize the Destroy with the WP that makes the MI-17 come to destroy stuff?
  6. 160th(SOAR)LoNeWoLF

    How to let stachel charges explode?

    you could just name a satchel charge somethign like Bomb. The you would put: "Bomb Action ["TOUCHOFF"]"
  7. 160th(SOAR)LoNeWoLF

    What’s going on with these lights

    it's np  O yea, Watcher: The lights are called StreetLamp. Thery are under Empty, Objects(They near the bottom, since its nearly alphabetical order)
  8. 160th(SOAR)LoNeWoLF


    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">use: "this setcaptive true" This makes sure that the Russians won't shoot you. You could make officers shoot you by making a trigger that when you enter a certain area, near an officer for example, that it is changed to unitname setcaptive false then everyone shoots you and you are fooked.<span id='postcolor'> Exactly.
  9. 160th(SOAR)LoNeWoLF

    What’s going on with these lights

    sure.....ill email it ASAP
  10. 160th(SOAR)LoNeWoLF

    How about some russian attack planes...

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">What we really need is russian choppers, like the KA_60 Kasatka Killer Whale or the Ka-27 <span id='postcolor'> AHA! Some1 agrees with me! I want the Kasatka!!!!! planes r awfully boring nowadays, since every1 wants to make 900mph-impossible-to-fly-monstrosites that every1 complains about(Like the F-117)
  11. 160th(SOAR)LoNeWoLF

    Need and at field gun

    Ya kno, it doesnt really matter what the wpn looks like, if it can punch holes through tanks its perfectly fine  http://www.dkm-mod.mkdi.net/weapon.html but neways.....DMK has some very nice AT Stuff... -M220 TOW Missile Launcher -AT7 Anti Tank Missile Launcher
  12. 160th(SOAR)LoNeWoLF

    A cropduster perhaps?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I dont know if that is posible maybe a trigger or something? Remember its a Cropduster not a terroist happy joy cemical droping plane hehe <span id='postcolor'> Awww I had my hopes high....
  13. 160th(SOAR)LoNeWoLF

    What’s going on with these lights

    Make the trigger so that its radius encircles the streetlights you want on.  What i meant by the condition line is the scroll box about halfway down the menu of the trigger; u slect fromt eh box Anybody, and in the option menu next to it(Which has Present, Not Present) select present. Hope this helps and post again if it doesnt  Watcher: It should be under 'Empty', then 'Civilian' or 'Objects' i forget
  14. 160th(SOAR)LoNeWoLF

    A cropduster perhaps?

    If it can spray biological weapons: Anthrax(Bacterium Inhalation), Plauge(Bacterium Pneumonic/Septic), Tularemia(Bacterium Pneumonic/Septic), Q Fever(Rickettsia), Smallpox(Virus), Botulinum(Toxin), Ricin(Toxin) and chemical weapons: Tabun(Nerve Agent), Sarin(Nerve Agent), VX(Nerve Agent), Mustard(Blister Agent), Hydrogen Cyanide(Blood Agent), and Phosgene(Choking Agent) its O.K. in my terms  BTW - If any1 needs specs on these nasty things just PM me........
  15. 160th(SOAR)LoNeWoLF

    New mh6 addon

    mmmmmmm...............new heli pack? me want me want! Â I lvoe all the helis bein made by ballistics right now...keep up the good work Â
  16. 160th(SOAR)LoNeWoLF

    Ka-60 kasatka

    I'm sure I'm not the only oen who would like to see more Eastern helicopters so I found a very useful helicopter that could be made with the proper amount of skill/techinque... KA-60 KASATKA (KILLER WHALE) - SPECIFICATION Weight Maximum internal payload 2,000kg Maximum external payload, Ka-62 utility version 2,500kg Maximum external payload, Ka-60 transport version 2,750kg Take-off weight 6,000kg Engines Type 2 x RD-600V turboshaft engines Engine take-off rating 969kW Engine length 1,250mm Engine width 620mm Engine dry weight 220kg Performance Overall length with rotors turning 15.60m Length fuselage 13.47m Height to top of rotor head 3.80m Main rotor blades 4 Diameter of main rotor 13.50m Diameter of tail rotor 1.40m Cruise speed 275km/h Maximum level speed 300km/h Maximum altitude 5,150m Hover ceiling in ground effect 2,900m Hover ceiling out of ground effect 2,100m Range 625km Range with auxiliary fuel tanks 1,050km Cabin Dimensions Cabin length excluding flight deck 3.40m Cabin width 1.78m Cabin height 1.30m For Those of you that don't know what the Kasatka is, it's the helicopter in MGS2 that dropped off those terrorists in the beginning and the one Snake/Atacon were in during most of the Big Shell Op Kasatka Specs/Pics Ka-60 Interior Pics Scroll Down a Little More Ka-60 Specs Sidenot - Will the OFP engine allow a turbofan for the rear rotor?
  17. 160th(SOAR)LoNeWoLF

    New mh6 addon

    I'm holding out for Ballistics......TJP make the best addons I've ever seen
  18. 160th(SOAR)LoNeWoLF

    New mh6 addon

    I'm holding out for Ballistics......TJP make the best addons I've ever seen
  19. 160th(SOAR)LoNeWoLF

    Ka-60 kasatka

    Sniper: Well.....yes.
  20. 160th(SOAR)LoNeWoLF

    Ka-60 kasatka

    mmmm still ugly I WANT A DAMN KA-60!!! I
  21. 160th(SOAR)LoNeWoLF

    Ka-60 kasatka

    Any1? LoL?
  22. 160th(SOAR)LoNeWoLF

    What’s going on with these lights

    mmk heres watcha do (I used it to fix my streetlight problems, except i wanted to turn em off so the cities in Winter Keg's werent so damn bright at 23:50 at night lol [see my post"Annoying Streetlights"]) 1. In the editor u click "Show IDs" 2. Zoom in decently close to one of the either "not on the map streetlights (Which was my case) or the one u placed. 3. Â Note the number - It will be something like 16889 or some very high number - this is the object ID 4. Â (For this example we'll say the ID is 16889) In the activation Line for the street light, put object16889 switchlight "ON" [if invis go to next steps.] 5. Â If you zoom in, u will see many numbers around on the ground but no object marking them on the map. Â These objects could be bushes, trees, or streetlights. Â Use preview to get a good idea of where the offending streetlight is, and record every number in the vicinity(object16890, object16728, object16900) 6. Â (For this example we'll use object16728) Now, place a trigger around the numbers in which one of them is the street light. Â Set Condition to Anybody, "Present" and in the Init line put in each one of the recorded numbers until you single out which one is the streetlight. Â So you'd try object16728 switchlight "ON", object16890 switchlight "ON", and object16900 switchlight "ON". Â After a few tests (3) you should be able to deduce which one is the streetlight and be able to keep it on. Hope This Helps. Â If you need any further help just post a msg saying more explanation or just PM me. Â N.S.D.Q.
  23. 160th(SOAR)LoNeWoLF

    How does setpos work?

    Could any1 explain to me how I could use setpos instead of copying and pasting setpos commands? Its just the way the script is worded just completely confuses me Examples - Jeep Action ["Light Off"] - is is self explanatory. (LSD Code to put heli on the deck) - this setpos[(getpos this select 0),(getpos this select 1),7] - LoL but wtf does this all mean?
  24. 160th(SOAR)LoNeWoLF

    Annoying streetlights

    well damn. Its a base and there are liek 10 buildings around the 2 streetlights. BTW the House-Old FactoryE is sooooo kool, (get Keg's Res Editor Addon and u'll see wat i mean) but it is also equipped with this huge ass light. Is there a way to turn buildings off without blowing it to hell? ( i manually placed it)
  25. 160th(SOAR)LoNeWoLF

    Annoying streetlights

    I'm makin a night map using Winter Kog. where the spec. forces on the island are sent in via helicopters or KLR500's to an enemy missile depot to kill everything   But since its night i use sounds/fires to set the scene for surprise, but these damn annoying streetlights turn on and the place is as bright as day! they dont show up on the map, maybe they do but im not looking, but they just completely ruin it.  Is there a script i can use to stop them from turning on, a way to delete them from map, or if it means asking kegetys, editing the map to delete them?  (Does WRPEdit show Streetlamps?) They turn on at 16:50, but I want the time of day either 17:30 or higher