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About 160th(SOAR)LoNeWoLF

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  1. 160th(SOAR)LoNeWoLF

    Army under fire for "sniper" video game...

  2. 160th(SOAR)LoNeWoLF

    Help with satchels

    i'll try that and post again if it doesnt work, TY
  3. 160th(SOAR)LoNeWoLF

    Army under fire for "sniper" video game...

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Jinef @ Nov. 03 2002,14:24)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">"Someone mentioned Patriotism.......after 9/11 every house in the god-damn-world had flags ouitside. Â Nothing is wrong with that, but shouldnt we of had flags anyways?" not really, true we don't have a country to be patriotic about. But there's something more patriotic in having subtle pride instead of overt flags all over the place. i went to New York in the summer to see some relatives and although New York is going to have more flags obviously, i still felt that it was overdoing it. on a twenty minute trip i counted over 400 flags! btw there is 2 known Welsh flags in New york. One on a shop somewhere near central station and one on my closest relative's house. Go Wales!<span id='postcolor'> I agree with you on that and i don't mean we should have 5000000 flags in 2 city blocks, but what i mean was that all of a sudden every1 came out with "GOD BLESS AMERICA" and "JESUS LOVES AMERICA" and flags and "THESE COLORS DONT RUN" stickers on every place you went, but before 9/11 no1 had such thing except for the very religous ppl(The same ones that put "I'd rather be praying" on there lisence plate or have 10 different fish things on there rear window/door) SO it was like o, lets all be patriotic now since 2700 ppl died.....lol BTW - Its not videogames that kill ppl, its parents that dont let there kids play videogames that kills ppl!!!!!!!!!!
  4. 160th(SOAR)LoNeWoLF

    Are you a hunter?

    I KNOW! Lets try painting: This allowdammage "False" on every animal in the world. hehehehe I think hunting for sport is bs, and i personally love the game Deer Avenger(it's funny as hell) but if you are starving and have no food, it's kill or be killed/maimed/abused/eaten/torn up/gored/mangled/*replace with syn. for killed* BTW - Bullfighting is shit. First they wrap a rope around the bull's cock(To piss him off, i know i'd be mad if someone did that to me...). Then they send out the picadors first just to hack the shit outta the poor bull, then another wave of ppl to just beat down the bull. Finally the Matador comes out and he's left with a half-dead bull to trick into running through curtains(wow he's so good, he can get a half-dead animal to run through a red curtain! and then the bull usually dies. How pathetic, what a horrible way to show human "superiority" over everything below it in the food chain. And don't even get me started on the article on Bessy the Cow...... Apparently Bessy was loaded into a slaughter truck, on her horrible journey to the butcher. One of her legs were broken due to cramped spaces in pens. The truck drivers found this out when they arrived to the butcher and the cow would not get out. They tied ropes to both of its front legs, leading the the back of the truck. Then they promptly hit the gas and broke the other leg of the cow in an attempt to drag it. When the Animal Abuse officers showed up 2 hours later, they had found the cow dead, having dragged itself 20 ft to the nearest shade using only its back legs. Yea, there's human compassion and sympathy for animals....
  5. 160th(SOAR)LoNeWoLF

    Help with satchels

    I place an object called BOMB Satchel Charge(Found under Empty, Ammo) and name it Satchel1. Â Then I Â place a trigger with "Activation" as Radio Alpha, Repeatedly. Â In The "On Activation" line i put: Satchel1 Action[TOUCHOFF"]. Â But for some weird reason it doesnt go off! I've tried: bomb = "PipeBomb" camCreate [x,y,z] round1 = "Shell120" camCreate[x,y,z] boom= "bomb" createvehicle [x,y,z] and a few others(all with the X,Y,Z coords put in of course...) but none of them work! ANy help is appreciated. BTW - Credit to =BFP=Cheetah for first one, LauryThorn for second, and Surchey for third....Not that they made it up but they are the ones that posted the scripts in an earlier topic
  6. 160th(SOAR)LoNeWoLF

    Army under fire for "sniper" video game...

    .......Someone mentioned Patriotism.......after 9/11 every house in the god-damn-world had flags ouitside. Nothing is wrong with that, but shouldnt we of had flags anyways? I mean it shouldnt take 2,700-something people to die to make us realize that its good to be patriotic. Same with FPS's........Just because one little f*cked up guy wanted to kill 10 ppl with a sniper rifle doesnt mean he played Silent Scope(Thats the most unrealistic Sniper game BTW). What it does mean is hes one f*cked up guy that likes to kill ppl, and thus get busted after his spree. Come on America. 1,000,000,000,000 gamers cant be wrong, dont balme the .000009% of them that go haywire on videogames...... AMEN. lol
  7. 160th(SOAR)LoNeWoLF

    Present day marine addon?

    Get the TOW Marines by Frandsen http://flashpoint.gamezone.cz/_hosted....-HG.zip - 1.75/1.85 http://flashpoint.gamezone.cz/_hosted/awol/Files/TOWmarinepack.zip - 1.46
  8. 160th(SOAR)LoNeWoLF

    K9 units

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Frisbee @ Nov. 02 2002,17:48)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Mohaa had dogs too.<span id='postcolor'> O god yes. Those dogs were just about the meanest things the Germans could throw at us! Every bite took off like 1/4 of your health, they were damn fast and silent. On the first snow level where Jack lets you into the complex(Scuttling the U-427), my first try, i was standing behind a building, and suddenly i start losing health. I'm like wtf, lookin around and don't hear any gunshots. Look down and theres a giganticly tiny German Shepard gnawing on my leg like its a bone. Hehehehhee then i put a few slugs into its head....
  9. 160th(SOAR)LoNeWoLF

    K9 units

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">hell no.. I would love to be a dog.. imagin running arround as a wolf say for instance. chasing rabits.. doing wolf like things.. eating people... yeah thats fun ^_^<span id='postcolor'> Definetly. Plus u could replace "ENEMY: 3 O'CLOCK" with "BARK, BARK BARK BARK!" but still show up as ENEMY: 3 O'CLOCK on the text box
  10. 160th(SOAR)LoNeWoLF

    Battle for everon 2.0

    I'm a Soldier. The truck casts a profile on the early morning light, leaving nothing but tire tracks to mark its presence. Â Le Moule is in sight the Captain Steele confirms. Â Everyone tenses up, knowing how the fortifications at Le Moule are like a rats nest, impenetrable. Â Troop 22 exploded out of the truck, my squad, Troop 19 follows closely behind. Â AK fire erupts and a soldier goes down. Â Charlie McKenny drew his M16A2 and pumped lead into the Ruskie's head, which made the Russian's head bleed like a broken fountain. Â 3-Round Bursts echoed across the walls of the crumbly buildings. Â I drew my pistol and crouched behind a pile of rubble. Â Troop 13 came into view, along with them was.....
  11. 160th(SOAR)LoNeWoLF

    Official ofp stuntman thread

    ditto. pretending to be stuntmen is kool!
  12. 160th(SOAR)LoNeWoLF

    Official ofp stuntman thread

    EDC How did you get non-manual/Artificial Idiot placed Satchels to explode? I couldnt figure out wat i did wrong Named Satchel BOMB in Trigger I selected Anybody Present, then in Init line i put BOMB Action["TOUCHOFF"] So that when a jeep driven by AI drove over the radius of trigger BOOM! But it didnt work! Help? BTW - Fubar or Denoir how did u sloww down time.....i think it was somethign like acs -.01 but I don't really remember...
  13. 160th(SOAR)LoNeWoLF

    The new littlebirds

    it states on the BAS wesbite there is a problem with the 1.46 Little Birds and that they are working to fix the problem
  14. 160th(SOAR)LoNeWoLF

    Winter nogojev addon v1.0

    *sniff sniff* Â beautiful. Â just beautiful. Â great job....i love it and i havent even tested it yet.....
  15. 160th(SOAR)LoNeWoLF

    Bas littlebirds released!

    yum......more quality addons, none of that shitty rushed junk we see so much of today(*Cough*F-117*Cough*)