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About 1st.Sig

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. 1st.Sig

    Polish GROM operators

    Great work, looking forward to testing them. Still waiting on pass from PM...
  2. 1st.Sig

    Just noticed this..

    Congrats Earl they sure did absorb one of them =) Earl wasn't on the BAS team I know that DM, It was nice that BIS AU acually gave the guy a great job doing something he loves. Although I'm pretty suprised they haven't started picking up BAS members (Or have they unoffically) "Cues: Mission Impossible Theme"
  3. 1st.Sig

    Just noticed this..

    Congrats Earl they sure did absorb one of them =)
  4. 1st.Sig

    Congratulations earl !

    LOL You trip me out A.L
  5. 1st.Sig

    Us presidential election 2004

    Kerry is a smuck, and that's pretty much sums it up.. I supported Bush Jr. from day 1 and will continue to stand behind him at the voting poll.
  6. 1st.Sig

    Lets talk usmc

    The topic title is a bit misleading, "Lets talk USMC" doesn't translate to "The USMC MOD". It was a simple mistake and again I apologize Semper Fi Sig [uSMC] USMC-Warriors
  7. 1st.Sig

    Lets talk usmc

    Thank you, and I apologize
  8. 1st.Sig

    Lets talk usmc

    USMC M4a1 http://www.concept404.com/images/02_USMCM4A1.jpg USMC M40a1 http://www.concept404.com/images/02_USMCM40A1.jpg I use these for my personal use, might go public
  9. 1st.Sig

    Nightstalker mod sfod a units

    Frandsen is doing a outstanding job full props to him. Looking forward to returning after my relocation. Also I have a few faces I will upload tommorow on the forums that look quite good. Maybe you can quick peek and give me some input.
  10. 1st.Sig

    Bas pavehawks

    Throw in my ass kissing... BAS, you guys do an outfreakingstanding job, probably one of the main reasons I keep playing OFP.. Keep hacking away at it.. Semper Fi USMC-Warriors.com
  11. 1st.Sig

    Nightstalker mod sfod a units

    Yeah I know, the boot textures suck... What I was shooting for was the military issue jungle boots, but the way the texture wrapped around the heel made it look very odd. I stopped development for a few months to take care of some real life issues, but will get back to them eventually with the help of the team. This was my first attempt at an addon and more of a learning experince for me. Frandsen is doing an outstanding job on redoing them. (Also the SF patch was for show) These's units in o2 look completely different, more detailed.. but once you get them in-game they take on a new POV . It was quite a dissapointment as i really worked quite hard on this unit and being my first took alot of time creating and learning. I should be back at nightstalker soon as I finish up my renovations. Few o2 Screenies (Pre-Alpha Originals) http://www.concept404.com/specialforces/images/lrg_18c.jpg http://www.concept404.com/specialforces/images/lrg_18a.jpg http://www.concept404.com/specialforces/images/lrg_180A.jpg (Back to cutting tile....gd..wetsaw....)
  12. 1st.Sig

    Cannot load object

    After creating my addon, i tried to load it into the editor and go to preview then the error comes up "cannot load object \404SF\404_SF_Soldier" which was where i specified my p3d file in the config.cpp. After messing around and figuring out what I did wrong i got rid of the error. Now i recieve No Error and it crashes back to my desktop, what would cause this? I'm not sure if it's the CPP file or the model. Any insight would be greatful, weapons are still in the works so i have them using the standard BIS m16. below I have attached the CPP: #define TEast 0 #define TWest 1 #define TGuerrila 2 #define TCivilian 3 #define TSideUnknown 4 #define TEnemy 5 #define TFriendly 6 #define TLogic 7 #define true 1 #define false 0 #define private 0 #define protected 1 #define public 2 #define WeaponNoSlot 0// dummy weapons #define WeaponSlotPrimary 1// primary weapons #define WeaponSlotSecondary 16// secondary weapons #define WeaponSlotItem 256// items #define WeaponSlotBinocular 4096// binocular #define WeaponHardMounted 65536 #define CanSeeRadar 1 #define CanSeeRye 2 #define CanSeeOptics 4 #define CanSeeEar 8 #define CanSeeCompass 16 #define CanSeeRadarC CanSeeRadar+CanSeeCompass #define CanSeeAll 31 class CfgPatches {     class 404_SF_Soldier   {     units[] = {404_SF_Soldier};     weapons[] = {};     requiredVersion = 1.46;   }; }; class CfgModels { class Default { sections[]={}; sectionsInherit=""; }; class Head: Default { sections[]={"osobnost","brejle"}; }; class Man: Default { sections[]={"head injury","body injury","l arm injury","r arm injury","p arm injury","l leg injury","r leg injury","p leg injury","medic","hlava","krk","zasleh"}; sectionsInherit="Head"; }; class 404_SF_Soldier: Man { }; class CfgVehicles {     class All{};     class AllVehicles: All{};     class Land: AllVehicles{};     class Man:Land{};     class Soldier:Man{};     class SoldierWB: Soldier{};     class 404_SF_Soldier: SoldierWB     {         displayName=404_SF_Soldier;         nightVision=1;         canHideBodies=1;         armor=4;         armorStructural=3.000000;         armorHead=0.800000;         armorBody=2.000000;         armorHands=0.500000;         armorLegs=0.650000;         weapons[]={"M16","Throw","put"};         magazines[]={"M16","M16","M16","M16","M16","Han dGrenade","HandGrenade","HandGrenade"};         model="\404SF\404_SF_Soldier";     }; };
  13. 1st.Sig

    Noob question i kno, but plz help me here!!!

    Where's the "ANY" key?.....lmao
  14. 1st.Sig

    Boonie model?

    i've seen many addons with it and tried to DePBO them to get the p3d model so i can use the boonie hat but none of the p3d's will load.. my guess is it's been binazared or what not. For instance STT Rangers from way back unable to load the p3d. The demo models load fine... so i'm still searching... thanks for the info though...anymore suggestions.....
  15. 1st.Sig

    Boonie model?

    I just recently got back into OFP.. main developing, my question is where do i find the boonie hat? I know it was not intoduced in the original ofp game so it's not in the demo files. Is there a way to get a hold of them? Or do i have to model one again? Thanks in advance