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Everything posted by 19Yzerman19

  1. When you download the drivers off Logitech.com, notice there's a second download underneath the driver that is a registry fix for the wheel. It allows the wheel to work in games better like in MoH and Jedi Outcast. You may want to try it to.
  2. 19Yzerman19

    Red hammer problem, please help!

    I had this same problem, crashing after the cutscene. I just held down my accend button during the whole cutscene and finally kept from crashing. You may be better off having as much altitude as possible before setting off the cutscene.
  3. 19Yzerman19

    Radio commands

    I totally agree, I have been killed many times because of having to wait for incomming messages to finish before my fire command is sent. I also hate when I taret a vehicle and before I can click to fire one of my boys decides to tell me about the tank I just told him to target.
  4. 19Yzerman19

    New nvidia drivers out!

    www.nvidia.com 28.something
  5. 19Yzerman19

    1.20 & kolzice

    The kozlice is used by the resistance. You have to go to the mission editor and create a mission with the resistance and arm them with it.
  6. 19Yzerman19

    3d failure

    Not sure, but I don't think the Geforce 2 MX supports Hardware T&L so you may want to check your settings and make sure it is disabled.
  7. 19Yzerman19

    1.46 medic problem...

    Simple Senerio. Soldier on your team is injured so you send him to the medic on your team to be healed. While he is being healed he is shot and killed but Medic will not stop trying to heal him. You can order the medic to move but he won't, he just tries to ressurect the dead body. You can tell him to reload, go get ammo, etc. and he will but then goes right back to healing the dead body. While he's obessed with the dead body he will not heal anyone else. Doesn't happen that often, but I was shot in the leg and couldn't stand, and my medic was busy with the stiff so I had to crawl for 1500 meters to the extraction. Not fun.