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007 Commander

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About 007 Commander

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  1. I have searched this fourm, but to no avail I cannot find any really working solutions to edit missions that come with upgrades. Why would dev make it so hard to edit the default missions? well, anyway, any ideas or help would be awesome! thanks, 007
  2. Anyone know if this is true? Hopefully an editor with more gui functions. 007 (Edited by 007 Commander at 8:58 pm on Dec. 17, 2001)
  3. Well, im not sure if the NTFS thing is your problem. But for general advise, XP will only convert to NTFS if you tell it to. And for home PC gaming, you want to stay with FAT32. NTFS is great for security, but slightly slower for peformance. Stay with FAT32. 007
  4. 007 Commander

    I need some help please

    wow, thats nice layout.. i like the format of ur right and left boarders. You may want to rethink the font for the main banner. good job, 007
  5. 007 Commander

    I need some help please

    thats what i needed, thanks Red. Nice site by the way. 007
  6. 007 Commander

    I need some help please

    hey Red, thanks again and sorry to bother u with one more question... can u give me the scripting to start playing a certian peice of music after an event has triggerd, or someting dies? thanks again, 007
  7. 007 Commander

    I need some help please

    Thanks Red, i sure hope u didnt type all that just now. Red, the voice thing? does that work with music? i guess it would. thanks again, 007
  8. I just had my insurance settlement and replaced my computer. We had a home break in and my PC's were taken along with all my OPF editing information. Now i am trying to learn all this stuff again, so I needed a few questions to help me get back to basics. 1: Can some one help me with the example snytax for the description.ext file for respawning in multiplayer maps. 2: Is there a script to play a piece of music after an event occurs, or a unit is killed? And do i have to convert an mp3 to something else to make this happen? 3: How can I modify the briefing screen weapon section to include the new weapons in the loadout, simalar to the current mission editing tool, but the current one does not have the new 1.3 equipment. Thanks in advance for any advise to get me back up to speed. Back to the web now to start getting back all my tutorials. 007