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About .defcon

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  1. Sounds great! Again, I really look forward to this set. I'm glad you're working on it. Edit: looks like mod approved my previous post with pictures in it. Hope it's a good reference.
  2. For the scaling issues I made this mock up to help with the scaling. Granted this is a civilian Block 2 Clone so the parts are not 100% from the block 2 kit but the sizing is a good reference. You can see the scaling issue with the rail pretty well here as well as the issue with the magazines position, size, and cant. Original photo if you want it for reference: http://www.flickr.com/photos/46381179@N04/8559316462/sizes/k/in/photostream/ Hope that helps!
  3. Looks great! You're making awesome progress. Constructive criticism/nit picking: 1. MBUS sights are not the "official" block 2 BUIS. It should be a Knight's Armament Micro front sight and 300m or 600m sight in the rear. The MBUS you have on there are also a little out of scale. 2. The CTR/MOE on there is also not "official". The LMT SOPMOD stock is what you see on most rifles, but I've seen pictures of plenty of guys who have swapped for other stocks; CTR/MOE being very common. 3. The Magazine appears to be a bit too large and it might be canted a little too much forward. It looks like it needs to be a little more vertical. 4. Vertical foregrips are becoming less and less common these days. It might be a little out of place for every guy to have one. Perhaps two models might be good? Or maybe A3's accessory system will allow us to mount them? Also it's scale seems to be little off, you might want to enlarge it. 5. The suppressor you have on there is pretty bad ass. However to be accurate Standard Block 2 suppressors seem be Knight's NT4. For accuracy's sake I think it would be good for the basic model to be as generic as possible. I've noticed in the past when multiple guys run around in Arma with highly customized rifle it seems to look weird, but I'm just a guy who notices stuff like that. Overall, I'm very excited about this. I hope I don't sound like an asshole, I'm just a dude who drools over Block 2 rifles and has a little bit of knowledge to share. Thanks for your hardwork!
  4. This looks great so far. I know it's early, but I think this could be the beginning of an excellent weapon pack. Here's a great reference thread for tons of block 2 clones and real rifles in use. http://www.ar15.com/forums/t_3_118/541606_M4A1_SOPMOD_Block_II_clone_picture_thread.html 3 absolutely necessary accessories will be the SU-230, SU-231, and LA-5 (though, the one in game might suffice!) The RIS II looks a little incomplete on the bottom part of the rail system. Sounds great though, I really look forward to it.
  5. .defcon

    Ups and downs with Bohemia

    I've been playing since the ofp demo days too. I was upset yesterday when I didn't get my copy, but I finally got it 8 hours later. Who cares about credits. We're getting an awesome game and you can't dispute that. I for one am happy. Don't get too caught up and just play.
  6. The Tonalese Scouts were actually an indigenous force formed by an ex-Rhodesian soldier. The Tonalese gov't supposedly maintains good relations with the United States gov't with US Special Operations forces working in country from time to time. Here's a snippet from the orginal Tonal mod's documentation
  7. .defcon

    Steal My server

    PM out!