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Everything posted by -DEIMOS-

  1. -DEIMOS-

    Gun Flashlights

    Excuse my ignorance, but if vehicle classes can have lights attached.... could you not create an invisible (and very small) vehicle and script it to "attach" to a weapon ? Just a thought...
  2. -DEIMOS-

    Crash Landing

    I would name all the passengers, then have the blackout occur while the plane is going down.... that way you can setPos the passengers out of the plane while it crashes. I did something similar with a helo crash cut scene I made once for an intro. Had the helo flying along, and camcreated a couple of shells behind it and to the left, once the explosion happened I ran the tail rotor failure script and watched the helo spin towards some trees. Then I faded to black while the helo was still falling and setPos'd the passengers away, let the helo crash, deleted the crashed helo and replaced it with a crashed helo addon (always looks much better). Then setpos'd the passengers back around the helo and killed some Fade back in.... and BLAMMO !!!! One Helo crash that you narrowly survived.
  3. To give waypoints to a camcreated unit I've always used the following. Add a unit and give it all the waypoints etc you want, then in it's init you put... <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">group1 = group this; deletevehicle this Then when you camcreate the unit <unit1> you also use the code <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[unit1] join group1 When you delete the unit in the first section of code his waypoints remain... once you join the aircraft/pilot to that group it inherits all the waypoints. Hope that helps/works ??