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About +Sokar

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. +Sokar

    An Najaf map beta release

    is there anyway I could get a hold of this Najaf map? I have looked high and low, with no success. Sorry if it has been advertised, I just can't seem to find it. If someone would like to link me in kindness, pm me and I can provide my e-mail.
  2. Thanks a bunch load Miles, and Zuku for all your help!
  3. It was already released....
  4. Where can I get the Lebanon map? its the only problem I am finding with this awesome mod, please help
  5. +Sokar

    Upcoming lost brother addons

    Anxiously waiting for Addon Pack#3
  6. +Sokar

    School shooting "phenomenom"

    InqWipe, I feel sorry for the victims families, I feel sorry for those who lost their friends, due to this idiot. this guy was a fuckin nutcase, throughout all of his school years he was very weird. if you can honestly justify his killing then... I don';t think many people would feel sorry for you if you were one of those 33. I surely wouldn't feel remorse one bit. Kids in School can be cruel, That is quite obvious.. but they aren't the only reasons he wanted to kill. He simply hated certain people. But that didnt give him a right to kill anybody. I was picked on for a few years when i was much younger, and i had ppl that i hated. Even though i have all acess to many firearms of different kinds in my house, i would have never even thought of taking one anyplace and taking another human life. The kid was wacked. That is all there is to it. As for the victim's, I'm sorry for them, and my condolences are with each and every one of their loved ones.
  7. +Sokar

    School shooting "phenomenom"

    I wouldn't want to be the one to go around to all of the houses in our country, confiscating our firearms. The outcome would make VT look like nothing, trust me. Those of us that are hunters and enjoy our right to deer hunt, small game hunt, and target shoot, won't take it very lightly. Don't ever think a gun ban will stop killing. Do you really think people are going to just give up all their weapons freely and NOT hide any? if you think that, you're just completely retarded. i know for a fact I wouldn't just freely give up all of mine, Why? what if someone were to rob my place/ I want protection nearby, I don't rely on law enforcement that much, and I sure as hell will be damned if somebody is going to harm my family, they will get a bullet first. if you don't think I'm close to correct, ask any redneck (rednecks are also the ones who formed America and kicked the brits out)
  8. +Sokar

    School shooting "phenomenom"

    "The reason why police carry guns is exactly because criminals may carry guns. Otherwise cops wouldn't need guns either." Don't be so one-sided all about "Guns being the problem". If cops don't carry guns, people are going to have MANY options no matter what, to get a hold of anything and use it as a weapon. Remember the knife? That thing with a blade and handle? That can be fairly deadly, in some cases worse then a gun. Remember the car? Remember the ball bat? Ban all things that can be used as weapons if you ppl wanna be so hard on guns. Guns aren't the only thing that kill people. If somebody wants to take another human life, it doesn't matter what they use, they will do it no matter what they have.
  9. +Sokar

    School shooting "phenomenom"

    william1, nice one-sided way to justify that. however, i know many people who have the ability of getting a weapon in their own home, even when they have been ultimately pissed off, they still never even JOKED about doing anything so insane. Guns arent the only things that can harm people. Fists can kill a person, especially brass knuckles. Knives are a deadly weapon as well. Don't go around preaching that it's all a guns fault. Anybody can kill anybody at any given time at any given place, it doesn't much matter what you have as a weapon. I have full acesss to over 15 different weapons in my own home, (all properly bought and legal, i have my firearms license/purchasers permit). I've been extremely pissed off many times at things, but have i ever even THOUGHT of committing something so insane like killing someone? Hell no. In my personal opinion, no human life is worth it. I am sure MANY people out there feel the same way, even those that own firearms.
  10. +Sokar

    ACU Problems...?

    You're right, it does add alot of convenience. And it does take useless time up, However, in some ways it takes away responsibilities. And if you think our (US) Army trains as hard as it ever has... talk to a veteran from any time period before the Gulf War, please.. please, just do it.
  11. +Sokar

    School shooting "phenomenom"

    I understand Ironsight's opinion here. You should be able to trust schoolmates, Also.. if the school teachers and all are doing their jobs, they could prevent such things from happening, much like this incident, it COULD have been preventged if they took the steps they should have. Don't we learn anything from Columbine? they advertise it on the tv enough, Godamn One thing about Ironsights idea. if somebody were to get the opportunity and try to kill others, atleast somebody else could be armed and stop him in self defense. That is one way to look at it. But once again, something like this could be prevented if teachers actually did their jobs to the fullest, and realised the reality of these situations.
  12. +Sokar

    ACU Problems...?

    It all lacks discipline of having that responsibility. Our Army doesnt even train as hard anymore.
  13. +Sokar

    School shooting "phenomenom"

    Everytime there's a gun-related killing in America, People jump outta their pants and get off on screaming... "Ban Guns! Civilians shouldn't have guns!" I should start screaming, "Ban Alcohol!" Shit, I've lost 4 friends due to an Alcohol related car crash, and many more in High School were killed by it. You never hear about rednecks that enjoy hunting, committing these killings. It is always a student or a gang member that has depression or drugs involved that commit these acts. In my opinion, the people in the school that say they "saw the signs" should be suspended for not taking anything serious. "Counseling?" come on, a kid that wants to kill is not going to listen. If they actually did something about this incident, 33 innocent lives might just be alive today. Unfortunatly we can't change the past, but things like this can be prevented in the future. Who ever stated that it wasn't handled correctly, im in 100% agreement with you.
  14. +Sokar

    ACU Problems...?

    It basically took the disciplinary responsibilities like, "Ironing, and cleaning" away from our soldiers, by supplying this uniform. It seems as though our soldiers don't want to shine their boots to look fancy or have to iron their uniforms to sharpen the creases.
  15. +Sokar

    School shooting "phenomenom"

    30 Round Maginzes and Fully Automatic in the USA, are illegal. As for the idea of "ban all guns" "people shouldnt have guns". Why don't you just demand all freedoms in our Country to be simply taken away? You do know there are people out here in the world that enjoy a traditional sport called "Hunting" ? Now I know there are Anti-Hunters out there and blah. I am a Hunter. My family is full of Hunters. We enjoy Deer Hunting during the legal months of the year that we are allowed. I've been brought up around firearms of many sorts all of my life and not one of us have ever even thought about any retarded things like this guy did at VT. Not everyone who owns a firearm "wants to kill somebody". The firearms don't have minds of their own. They don't just go off for no reason. There IS somebody pulling the trigger. If all guns should be banned, then so should Alcohol, which causes many drunk driving accidents around the world. My point is, just because some people commit crimes, that doesn't mean the "Right to Bear Arms" should be taken away.