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Everything posted by (T)r@cer

  1. (T)r@cer

    Release date?

    Bah.... been running to 6 shops in 2 different cities. The only thing they said was: "We dont get it today, but probably next week.... Argh.... stupid shops in Holland... " I thought it would be released today.
  2. There are lots of modelers and coders in the ofp-community, but there are not enough skinners. I already heard from a lot of mod teams that they are in need of some skinners, same as us. We are looking for 2 skinners to join the team. It would be very nice if they have experience with Oxygen, but its not a requirement. ( although people with Oxygen are being accepted before non-Oxygen people ) The 2 new skinners job will be to skin our new models. ( your gonna love them ). Requirements: Lots of experience in Photoshop or a other similar program. Needs to know how to create new textures. Needs to know how to skin models. If you are interested to work in the Tales of War team then post a reply or email me at: tdijkema@hotmail.com Thanks
  3. (T)r@cer

    New helicopter in resistance

    I dont think they are gonna release a MH-6. There are already 2 different MH-6's being made... 1 by Capt Moore and 1 by us. So if they were making a MH-6 then they would probably send us a email that they are also making one, so we dont release a MH-6 when BIS already released one.
  4. (T)r@cer

    Desert storm new beta!

    Models are ok, but the textures needs some work.
  5. (T)r@cer

    Little bird pack ready

    Version 1.60 is a mp-beta patch with the upcoming netcode.
  6. (T)r@cer

    Little bird pack ready

    Lol... another Littlebird pack.... Looks nice though.... keep up the good work. If any of you were wondering when the TOW Littlebirds will be released then its probably within 2 or 3 weeks.
  7. (T)r@cer


    Ahh.... didnt know there was a thread about Kace his model.... anyway... check http://talesofwar.ofpmatch.com for more information.
  8. (T)r@cer

    Developers, please help with texturing!

    Same goes for our mod, we have some models imported into Oxygen, but when we try to apply the textures on the models there not coming up, we did exactly the same as in the M16 tutorial ( we think so ), but it doesnt seems to work for us. I have no idea what we are doing wrong. So can someone give us a step-by-step list how applying textures on models works? Thanks
  9. (T)r@cer

    Background texture...

    Everytime I want to open a .gif background texture I get a error saying that its not possible to convert .gif to .pac. I dont want to convert the background, I just want to open it. I did exactly the same as in the m16 tutorial, but it is not working for me, any ideas? Thanks.
  10. (T)r@cer

    Background texture...

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">One called m16_FM.gif It´s 512x256 and suggested by BIS to use. How about someone who is able to load that texture, post their options setup for O2? <span id='postcolor'> I had the same thing first, I could not load the textures, but then I realised I had Oxygen installed in a wrong directery. Try to install O2light in: C:\ProgramFile\Oxygen and the O2 viewer in: C:\O2viewer. You will see that all the options are working this time together with loading the background textures.
  11. (T)r@cer

    The empire strikes back..

    Star Wars mod sounds great. I'll be glad to help to create a few "Star Wars" missions once all the addons are ready.
  12. (T)r@cer

    How many polygons....

    What is the max count of polygons that a new model can have in OFP? Im a bit confused here, someone told me the blackhawk of the full game has 20000 while someone else told me 1500, personally I think the 1500 would be right, but Im not sure. So can anyone answer this question? Thanks.
  13. (T)r@cer

    How many polygons....

  14. Guess who are making Littlebirds and MH60's too. Screenshots on the website.
  15. (T)r@cer

    Tales of war

    Were still at a geocities website. ( www.geocities.com/talesofwar ), but we are moving to a faster server next week. Our first priority is to get the AH 6 and the MH 6 Littlebird into the game. Screenshot of the MH 6 Littlebird: http://www.geocities.com/talesofwar/Mh6Littlebird.jpg Screenshot of the AH 6 Littlebird: http://www.geocities.com/talesofwar/AH6-1.jpg We are also working on a IMI UZI. At the moment we are working to get these models in the game, more screenshots coming soon. If the links to the screenshots are not working then try to past the link into your browser, its geoshities, remember.
  16. (T)r@cer

    Crash when trying to load texture

    Anaconda, I have the same, the texture from the tutorial keeps giving me a error too. They told me that the background texture needs to be in a certain format, but the one in the tutorial seems to be ok, I dont know why that m16 background texture keeps crashing.
  17. (T)r@cer

    My first model :)

    ROFL, thats a fun addon.
  18. (T)r@cer

    My first model :)

    That goes fast. You got the tools only for a few hours. Nice house.
  19. Our team ( Tales of War ) will first release the IMI UZI and the AH/MH 6 Littlebirds. I am looking forward to see how they look like in the game.
  20. (T)r@cer

    Resistance campaign?

    The coop campaign is really fun, I played it a few hours once, and it is really good in my opinion.
  21. (T)r@cer

    Tales of war

    Hi, If you all are wondering what happened to the Tales of War website, then I could give you this answer: Some of you might know the website is hacked and all the files are deleted. At the moment we are not sure if it was a hacker or somone of our team who has deleted the website. The same person also changed the password of the control panel and the login password for the ftp program. This means we cant update the website. Our hosting company is trying to find out who did this and could hopefully help us with giving the website back to us. But at the moment we can only wait. As soon as we have the website and the password back, we will put the website back online as fast as we can. (T)r@cer Project leader of the Tales of War mod.
  22. (T)r@cer

    Whats this?

    Today I spotted over at http://www.ofp.jolt.co.uk some pictures of Oxygen. They came from a cd from a year ago before Operation Flashpoint was released. I looked at the pictures and what did I see? It was in English. This means that Oxygen was in English all the time and that whats BI saying about translating the tool from the Tsjechian language to English was not right. It was in English all the time! And today I see that Oxygen will only be released to mods who will show them their websites and screenshots. What about the people who are just making models and are not with a mod team? I personally wants to pay for Oxygen, so if this whole thing is a money problem then count me in for buying Oxygen. I am working on a mod, but its secret now so I wont tell anything about it at the moment. So does this means that we have to show BI our work first and if they like it we may get Oxygen?