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Everything posted by (CYBA)JakkedUptron

  1. (CYBA)JakkedUptron

    Plz bis why do ai soldiers still move faster

    Correct, if you start running diagonally you will run fast. While you are running fast, start to strafe left or right while still running forward. You will find a sweet spot where you will be running fast and going straight up the hill, but strafing or running sideways.
  2. (CYBA)JakkedUptron

    Good times had by all when playing ofp

    Please contribute to the following thread. It has some pretty good posts already, and I'm curious to see how many more players have had "Good Times" playing OFP. http://www.mgoforum.com/showthr....umber=1
  3. (CYBA)JakkedUptron

    Playing flashpoint over an ipx/spx network

    Yes, you can add the ipx protocal, and add novell client instead of the microsoft client. But now what do you put in the novell client for a nvoell server name? You don't, because you have no novell server on your network. So again, why are you adding a protocol on your card, when ipx is not being used on your network?
  4. (CYBA)JakkedUptron

    Playing flashpoint over an ipx/spx network

    I'd be curious to know how you setup an IPX network without a Novell server on it. Please elaborate.
  5. (CYBA)JakkedUptron

    Good times had by all when playing ofp

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (ACT SMILEY @ Mar. 03 2002,04:50)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I once saw a guy in an M1 take out an enemy in a Trabant in 1.3 multiplayer - it went flying and hit a Hind <span id='postcolor'> The car hit the Hind? Too cool..... In case you missed the posts in the other forum, I'll post one here. I was playing that mission where you are with 2 other teams. Each team has to plant charges and then radio you are ready. When you give the signal, they all blow there charges. It's by a mountain with a MG planted on high ground. After blowing the tanks I'm sniping all the baddies from the MG position on the mountain. The baddies are all running around like chickens with there heads cut off. Out of the corner of my eye I spot a jeep fliing over a small hill. When it hits the ground it bounced back up about 100ft in the air. Then another bounce....I begin cheering...."it's gonna hit the water...one more bounce...YES!!!!!". Then I hear a "glub glub argh..ughhh" from the 2 guys drowning in the ocean. I laughed so hard.....
  6. (CYBA)JakkedUptron

    Config.bin modifications

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Trigger Happy @ Mar. 02 2002,15:22)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">OFP license says (p.0.35 i "Field Manual"): YOU SHALL NOT: * ... * Reverse engineer, derive source code, modify, decompile, or create derivative work of the Program... ~~~~~ Hmmm, isn't this clear enough? Or maybe I'm just naive... As to my understanding it seems that providing a config.cpp file and/or MODs (without a special license from Codemasters) is in violation of the license. Regards, TH<span id='postcolor'> i gotta agree with that last post. It looks pretty clear that you aren't supposed to mess with the code. It's not yours. I also agree that messing with the code is simply making an open door for all the cheaters. My sincere appreciation goes out to all those who have effectively ruined this game.
  7. (CYBA)JakkedUptron

    Zonealarm & win2k

    I don't see how you can stand to play ANY online game with Zonealarm running. It adds too much latency. Hope you find an answer. Sorry for my .02
  8. (CYBA)JakkedUptron

    Slowdown on good system

    Yes, I do know. 128M and Winxp is not enough. Investigate yourself and report back your findings. Run performance monitor and view free memory and swapfile in use. Before you start up OFP you should have at least some of that 128M free, and swapfile in use should be Zero. But after running the game for awhile your free memory will drop to 28k or so, and the swafile in use will grow from 0 to . Let us know what you find.
  9. (CYBA)JakkedUptron

    Unable to Connect to Multiplayer Games

    Delete your user profile and try again. This time, DON'T fill out that one section in the OFP configuration. You know, the one where it has your clan URL, and all that junk. Every time I filled in my URL, I couldn't connect to ANY mulitplayer game, it would crash. So go to your OFP directory and delete /ofp/users/jakkeup folder or whatever your folder is. Yes, yes, I know, you will lose your saved games and you will have to start single player campaigns all over again. So what, they are fun anyway. But this time, stay out of that clan URL configuration screen.
  10. (CYBA)JakkedUptron

    Is this caused by 1.42

    When you boot up, can you tell if your motherboard sees the device. I know on mine it shows that a multimedia device is using irq10. So if you are booting, look closely and find out. If for some reason it "used to" show up, but now it's not, try moving the card to a different pci slot.
  11. (CYBA)JakkedUptron

    Freezing and agp stuff

    He is talking about his ide controller. Look in your controlpanel/system/hardware devices/ for ide controllers. What does it show? A standard ide controller or what you ACTUALLY have. I don't know what your hardware is, so go to the website of your manufacturer and they should have a decent driver for your ide controller. Look at it like this. Would you rather use the standard SVGA driver(from Microblows) for your shiney new GeForce4 or would you rather use the one from nvidia?
  12. (CYBA)JakkedUptron

    Ded servers

    You don't need to "put" your server in Gamespy, it is going to show up there if you like it or not. It's also gonna show up in "all seeing eye" if you like it or not. The problem with gamespy and running a server is that if you are "starting the server" by using Gamespy or not. Why even bother with Gamespy? Just start your dedicated server by making a shortcut on your desktop and be done with it. From that point on, clients connect, play, admin, quit, and your server just keeps running 24/7. To admin the server, your clanmates, or whoever you give the admin password to, will join the server, and login admin. There can only be one admin at a time. If you don't want a person to be the admin, then don't give them the password for it. But if you want to use gamespy then go ahead. Start up gamespy, sit and wait for your "room" to fill up, then start the game, play, quit, and do it all over again. So have fun sitting there 24/7 in gamespy. I'd much rather double clik one shortcut and forget about it, but you do as you see best.
  13. (CYBA)JakkedUptron

    Help! cant patch

    Aldega, that is great info. It looks like the article is saying that if you have ever installed ANY CD program, it most likely messed with your ASPI layer files. So even uninstalling the proggie will still leave you with messed up files. It also looks like Adaptec may be able to fix your problem with your patch upgrade, so I'd try it if I was having trouble. Again, Thx Aldega, I didn't know that. PS: Here, I'll make it even easy for ya. http://www.adaptec.com/worldwi...._Upkeep or here if you have win98, nt4, win2k, xp or winme http://www.adaptec.com/worldwi....PI-4.70
  14. (CYBA)JakkedUptron

    Ded servers

    First off, DON'T use Gamespy. Get the All seeing eye if you want to find servers to play on. It will list all the servers, show if it's dedicted or listen, if game in progress, or waiting, etc. Let the clients join by using all seeing eye. So start your dedicated server, set the admin password, and you are done with it. Let the "newbs" play on the Gamespy stuff and sit and wait for an admin to show up, so he can start the server. Your server will be up and running for all the people(vet's) with "other" tools to find servers. The first person to login as admin has control of the server. You can only have ONE admin logged in at a time.
  15. (CYBA)JakkedUptron

    Performance problem

    Are you saying a GEforce3 and a 1.2GHz Anthlon is not enough? I highly doubt that since I'm using a Geforce2MX and Dual celeron 550's.
  16. (CYBA)JakkedUptron

    Screen freezes every 3 seconds

    Instead of telling me I'm wrong, why don;'t you at least try out my suggestion. You have asked for help and just maybe the answer lies in YOU. If you wish to fix the problem, then at least give it a shot. What's it gonna hurt to start of perf monitor and report back your findings? Like I said, you will have 32k memory free and your swap file WILL BE IN USE. Of course, you can verify I'm wrong or you can just guess. You make the choice.
  17. (CYBA)JakkedUptron

    Performance problem

    Run performance monitor and tell us how much free memory you have before and after running OFP. Also, swap file in use before and after. I know Win2k is a memory hog, dunno about XP, so maybe you can tell us after you do as I suggested.
  18. (CYBA)JakkedUptron

    Screen freezes every 3 seconds

    Win2k with 256 Meg running OFP is not enough. I ran Win2k with 320M and when playing OFP my performance monitor would show that I ran out of free memory and swapfile in use would grow. So I maxed out my memory(768M) and now I have "free memory" left over EVEN when playing OFP. This is the FIRST game that I would actually run outa memory. So, start up your performance monitor, and see what "free memory" and "swapfile in use" is at. Nor start up OFP and play for a bit. Now quit and look at performance monitor. Does is show that your swapfile in use grew? If so, then that means you are using your hard drive for memory. That's why your game goes so slow. I bet if you looked, while you are playing, your hard drive light flashes while you play the game. Now that I have 768M, my hard drive flashes while I load up the game, but seldom, if ever, does it flash after I get moving. Yes accassionally the game will need a file and go get it. But it isn't being used as system memory.
  19. (CYBA)JakkedUptron

    Do I need some more Ram

    Upgrade? to what? He has a 1.1. GHz machine, that is plenty fast. Anyway, Win98 with 64 meg is good for notepad, but for OFP, you will need alot more. I agree, 256 minimum.
  20. (CYBA)JakkedUptron

    Performance issues

    I do know v-synch should be disabled.
  21. (CYBA)JakkedUptron

    BAD Performance, but why ???

    I see Puggy hasn't come back to his thread lately, but for anyone else this might help. What OS was he using? If it's Win2k or ughhh XP, then 385Meg isn't enough. Most likely he was hitting his swapfile. I run win2k and 385meg was not enough for OFP. It's the very first game/app that i've had that consumed it all and hit my swap file. So now with 768M I have plenty left and the performance is great.
  22. (CYBA)JakkedUptron

    BIS' Recommendation for SoundCard

    EAX on, even with headphones, sounds different. I'm not saying is sounds better, because I feel EAX sucks as far as positional audio. Aureal A3D was not even in the same class as Live. A3D was so far better that I can't understand why anyone purchased anything else. I could pin-point player position in Half-Life just with audio alone. With EAX all I get are some funny sounds like I'm in an emtpy room(echo), or underwater(muffled), and each time the sound changes it's a drastic change. So bottom line, yes, headphones work with EAX. But is EAX any good? Absolutely not. It sounds so fake with the abrupt changes, etc., that it actaully reminds you that this is a game, instead of making it like you are part of what you are seeing. PS: I want a new card also. As long as it's not a Creative card. I just wish I knew what to get.
  23. (CYBA)JakkedUptron

    Sound in WinXP

    Creative cards AREN'T nice and the proof is in the number of updated drivers. They are buggy as hell, and they REFUSE to update them. Forget about running an SMP machine with a Live card. It crashes every day. Forget about waiting for an update from Creative, because it will NEVER happen. Just watch how many updated drivers come out for WINXP now that Creative has released those drivers. It WON'T happen. I used to have an AUREAL A3D card, and it rocked. The drivers where updated regularly, bugs where fixed... I just wish I new what would be the best soundcard to run in an SMP machine. I'd buy it in a minute. Oh yea, and EAX just plain suxs. It isn't even in the same ballpark as A3D. With A3D postional audio I could pinpoint the location of a person running in the game HL-DM. Then blast em with the TAU gun right thru the wall/floor/ceiling with pinpoint accuracy. Of course, I was called a cheater for it though.
  24. (CYBA)JakkedUptron

    Sound in WinXP

    Creative=sucks They would NEVER have updated the Live drivers for Win2k if it wasn't for WinXP coming out. I don't know why they even bothered to make that Live Update systray proggie either. It NEVER had an update. I removed that from my riegistry since it was a TOTAL waste. Creative bites!!!! Sorry, had to vent and I feel your pain. Good luck getting it fixed.
  25. (CYBA)JakkedUptron

    Possessed Head?

    Unplug your Joystick. It's fighting your mouse.