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About -BEWARE-Spaz

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  1. -BEWARE-Spaz

    Demo Dedicated Server

    This is mine and it works fine except for CTI mode. Create a shortcut to ArmADemo.exe and edit the Target line to read something like this. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> "C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA Demo\ArmADemo.exe" -server -config=server.cfg Thx!!! I got it working @ last WOOT!
  2. -BEWARE-Spaz

    Demo Dedicated Server

    Yeah has someone got a working config? Because overhere still no map is loaded
  3. -BEWARE-Spaz

    Demo dedicated

    Yeah a date would be nice..
  4. -BEWARE-Spaz

    Demo Dedicated Server

  5. -BEWARE-Spaz

    Demo Dedicated Server

    True The only thing that we can blame BI is that they didn't test the -server command on the demo release. There where some rumours that the dedicated server .exe would release yesterday, but nothing is released yet. I don't now if the guys of BI are working today and yesterday (I guess not ), if not I think we will have to wait until after xmas before we can play on some normal fast connection speed gameservers Â
  6. -BEWARE-Spaz

    Demo Dedicated Server

    Euhhh, the demo dedicated server was also released a day after the demo was released (To the public). The thing is that everbody is hosting there server on a 1Mbit line and that is crappy
  7. -BEWARE-Spaz

    Dedicated Servers

    I guess you want to rent or join an US demo server. The problem is that the dedicated server commandline is not working with the demo yet.. So hosting providers or people with high speed connections can't host servers yet. I think you have wait for a couple of more days, then BI will release the dedicated server .exe file and the people with servers in datacenters etc can host @ last demo servers (I am waiting too.. got two servers ready hosted in Amsterdam Redbus to kick some ass )