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Everything posted by <COPPERHEAD) =>

  1. <COPPERHEAD) =>

    Basic vehicle respawn

    It doesn't work. Â I made a vehicle and did not name it, put [this] exec respawn.sqs in the init field, made a file called respawn.sqs and put your code into it, and when I start the level it says on the top left of the screen '_weapons = weapons |#|_vehicle': Â error unknown operator _vehicle EDIT: Oh, it does work. But how do I keep it from putting that annoying text up there?
  2. I tried making a trigger on repeat that says condition: Â getdammage vehicle == 1 on activation: Â vehicle setdammage 0 It works, except for vehicles with ammo. Â If I take all the ammo away from vehicles such as helicoptors and tanks, it works. Â But how do I make it work when they DO have ammo? Oh yeah, and even though it works, the vehicles still look damaged.
  3. <COPPERHEAD) =>

    New missions?

    Single player is to multiplayer as a Yugo is to a Jaguar. It is a LOT more difficult, but also a LOT more realistic, and you just can't beat playing with characters who actually have intelligence.
  4. <COPPERHEAD) =>

    Weapon changes

    1. Put in the initialization field removeallweapons this; this addmagazine "m21"; this addweapon "m21" And put in "this addmagazine "m21"" once for each magazine you want. 2. Not sure. 3. Put a few fence sections together by hand, and then just copy that and paste it. 4. a. I don't think so. b. What names are you referring to? You mean like "echo 1" and stuff, or the name that you use for triggers and scripts?
  5. <COPPERHEAD) =>

    Several questions

    I just tested this, and it works. Â Let's say you want the camera to follow the car until it gets to a certain waypoint, and that waypoint sets a variable to true. Â This will make the camera follow a car. ;These five lines create the camera and move it to the car. cam = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0] Â Â Â Â Â Â cam cameraeffect ["internal", "back"] cam camsettarget getpos jeep1 cam camsetrelpos [10, 10, 2] cam camcommit 0 ;For some reason, you need this here. ~.01 ;This loops until the variable is true. #1 cam camsettarget getpos jeep1 cam camsetrelpos [20, 0, 3] cam camcommit 0 ~.01 ? (!variable) : goto "1" This script will instantanously move the camera to a new position and a new target with each loop, but since it loops every .01 seconds, it will appear smooth. Try changing it to .1, and it'll be really jerky. To put text at the bottom of the screen, here's the code: titletext ["Put your text here", "plain down", 2] The "plain down" means it's plain text, at the bottom of the screen. Â The 2 means it will fade in in two seconds. Â To get rid of the text, just put in titletext [" ", "plain down", 0]
  6. <COPPERHEAD) =>


    WHen I try it, it keeps saying that it can't load the picture when I click on it in the single levels.
  7. <COPPERHEAD) =>

    Is there a command to count magazines?

    I tried me ammo "hk" < 5 and that worked - the trigger was activated when I had less than 5 bullets in my magazine. Â But I tried me ammo "pipebomb" < 3 and it activated immediately. Â I also tried < 2 and < 1 and < 0, and the same thing happened. I'm guessing that the problem is that a satchel charge doesn't have magazines, it's a weapon by itself. Â Also, the satchel charges aren't normal weapons (can't switch to it with the spacebar). Â Those are the only things I can think of that would explain why it doesn't work.
  8. I want the game to detect when I lay satchel charges. Â The only way I know of to do that is to count how many satchel charges I have and when I have one less, the trigger is activated. Â But I can only find a "ammo" command, which counts how many bullets, etc. are left. Â Satchel charges can't be counted that way. *edit* Oops, that word in the title should be "count". I'm sure you guessed that, but I'm a perfectionist.
  9. <COPPERHEAD) =>

    Just a simple question

    No, you don't need a marker, although that would work. Â Just say: markername setpos [x, y, z] You can get an x y z coordinate table here: http://www.ofpeditingcenter.com/tutorials/gridtocoords.htm
  10. <COPPERHEAD) =>

    Changing weapons.

    Woohoo! I was wondering how to do that too! I changes the player's weapons in one level, but when I did that I had to reload at the beginning of the level. Now I don't have to!
  11. Put "true" in the conditions field.
  12. When the player sees a shilka, I want the first objective to be set to "done", so I made a trigger with "me knowsabout shilka3 > 1" in the conditions field and ' "0" objstatus "done" ' in the activation field. Â A simple thing like that doesn't work. Â Occasionally the objective shows as being completed, but usually, even if I'm right next to the shilka, or the shilka is driving around right next to me, it doesn't show as completed! Â It's so simple, and I can't imagine what I could be doing wrong.
  13. <COPPERHEAD) =>

    A simple "knowsabout" command doesn't work!

    Hmm, intresting. I found out that if I point right at him and right click, he'll die.
  14. <COPPERHEAD) =>

    A simple "knowsabout" command doesn't work!

    Doesn't work. Â I tried it again just now. Â I made a guy start right next to me, and I put in a trigger "me knowsabout him > 0" "him setdammage 1". Â He still didn't die. But if I shoot him, then he gets 100% damage.
  15. <COPPERHEAD) =>

    Editing tutorial

    It's the person with the highest rank. I think that if all of them have the same rank, the leader will be the first one you put down.
  16. <COPPERHEAD) =>

    Editing tutorial

    Double click the leader of the group, and in the initialization field write "group1 = group this" Group1 would be the name of the group.
  17. <COPPERHEAD) =>

    Team deathmatch scripting?

    Why can't you just use the wizard and copy your level onto it? You could use the "merge" button, or just highlight all your items and push ctrl-C, go to the TDM template and push ctrl-V.
  18. I'm making a movie, and in the script I give a black op binoculars with blackop addweapon "binocular" Which works OK, but when I try to get him to use it with blackop selectweapon "binocular" he might use it immediately, or it might take him 15 seconds to finally use it. And I need him to use it at the same time every time.
  19. <COPPERHEAD) =>

    Stupid ai and their binoculars!

    Nope, same thing - half a second and he puts it back.
  20. <COPPERHEAD) =>

    Stupid ai and their binoculars!

    Nope . . . when I try the "lyingtobinoclying" command, all he does is take out his binos, look through them for (not kidding) a half a second, and then he puts them back. I even put a ~5 on the next line and it didn't work.
  21. friendly1 knowsabout enemy1 > 2 or friendly1 knowsabout enemy2 > 2 That should work. Â Just use "or". Â That way, if any of them are true, the whole condition will be true.
  22. What is this I'm hearing about a "laser guided bomb"? Â I've never seen that in the game. Have I just missed it, or is it some special addon?
  23. <COPPERHEAD) =>

    What is the command...

    As far as I know, you can't specify a speed. I think there's only "limited", "normal" and "full". I could be wrong, though (and I hope I am, because I've wanted to specify speed too)
  24. <COPPERHEAD) =>

    More specific statistics

    more specific statistics more spefific stastistics more spectifis stasisics *whew*
  25. <COPPERHEAD) =>

    Problems with camera scripting

    Another question: Â Here is an example of some code that does not work. Everything works except for the cameraeffect change near the end. How do I change the cameraeffect? With the code below, the game just shuts down. him move getpos a cam = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0] cam cameraeffect ["internal", "back"] cam camsettarget a cam camsetrelpos [0, 0, 0] cam camsettarget him cam camcommit 0 titlecut [" ","black in", 4] #1 ~1 ? (him distance a > 5) : goto "1" cam camsetrelpos [5,2,2] cam camcommit 0 cam cameraeffect ["follow_near", "back"] him move getpos b