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Everything posted by !RaVeN!

  1. !RaVeN!

    Bug in fog

    If you set the viewdistance & fog high the viewdistance sort of over rides the fog, having fog is sort of a effect that can be used to make a mission more tense, or a rainy fell. Can give a higher fps too.
  2. !RaVeN!


    Plz, make it faster, i want to playint now!!!
  3. !RaVeN!

    Artillery Script

    Nice, these scripts are very fun to play with.
  4. !RaVeN!

    Take weapon

    By a script or an order by u?
  5. !RaVeN!

    Wizard Template

    U should not have to use a template to make a mission
  6. !RaVeN!

    can you start me on addons

    Yep, theres not bit of c++ in it at all
  7. !RaVeN!

    can you answer this plz

    You could try giving them a order to stand up, but i am not shore if snipers have to go prone to shoot.
  8. !RaVeN!

    it it possible

    #update Unitname setDir number(1to360); Unitname setPos [x, y, z]; ~.01; ? Playername == Unitname : goto "End"; goto "update" #End End I wrote it of the top of my head so its not tested, so the bit when you get in might not work with choppers. Anyway you should get the basics out of it....
  9. !RaVeN!

    it it possible

    If you used a script to loop the postion of the chopper, and then when you got in it the the script exits the loop allowing you to fly off.
  10. !RaVeN!

    it it possible

    And it would probaly start bouncing around.