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About ~Pantera~

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. ~Pantera~

    ArmA 2 Press Coverage

    It looks the same as ArmA just new models and terrain. Only slightly better lighting.
  2. ~Pantera~


    The hype is much better than the movie.
  3. ~Pantera~

    Ask a moderator about the forum and the rules

    W0lle whats with the brokeback pink glasses? Don't ask don't tell....
  4. ~Pantera~

    Call of Duty Modern Warfare...

    Heh there is so much auto aim for CoD4 on 360. It's so easy pwning them nubs. If only I had a keyboard and mouse for 360 I'd be unstoppable. I feel so limited by this fuckin controller.
  5. ~Pantera~

    Music Recommendations

    Weezer is definitely my favorite band. Check them out. Also Jimmy Eat World's latest album Chase This Light is great.
  6. ~Pantera~

    Call of Duty Modern Warfare...

    Uhm what the fuck were you expecting?
  7. ~Pantera~

    Call of Duty Modern Warfare...

    CoD4 doesn't support my processor. AMD Athlon 3000+ XP
  8. ~Pantera~

    The Ultimate War Simulation

    Is there a set release date?
  9. ~Pantera~

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    OFP2 is in PC Gamer magazine. Who wants to scan it?
  10. When will someone convert the single player campaigns to multiplayer cause I think that the new royal flush campaign would be great in online co-op mode. Because you operate in a small team.
  11. ~Pantera~

    Call of Duty Modern Warfare...

    A lot of you keep complaining that every CoD game has the same game play. Well that's what makes it unique. Call of Duty 2 wouldn't have BF2 gameplay. Just because it's a sequel doesn't mean a game has to have completely different gameplay. I mean come on the only difference between Operation Flashpoint and Armed Assault is better graphics and different scenery!! Why does no one complain about that? So stop hating! Just say it's not your tastes.
  12. ~Pantera~

    Call of Duty Modern Warfare...

    What keeps me playing any CoD game is the intense multiplayer. But you guys will just think I'm just a st00p!d cs k!dd!3 n00b cause this is the OFP/ArmA forums.
  13. ~Pantera~

    Pavlov's Dog (the Future of VBS/Arma?)

    Why do they have to go through the trouble of making this thing walk on four legs when a simple robotic tracked vehicle could do the same thing.
  14. ~Pantera~

    List of U.S. Army acronyms and expressions

    Trust me there are a fuck load more than this.
  15. BIS said they they made realistic moon phases or w/e and stars. So what if in the editor you set it to a date in which an eclipse is supposed to happen? Will you see it?