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Everything posted by {KSK.2/Z}Riegelmann

  1. {KSK.2/Z}Riegelmann

    Player looking for Squad/Clan

    Hi Kristian, Our Unit, Kommando Spezialkräfte {KSK} is a tactical realism unit based on the German Special Forces. We are an English-speaking group and we do not have any affiliation with the German-only ksk.de. We are based in North America but have a European squad who are all Scandinavians. There is a one-time training we do that is just to make sure our recruits know how to play the game. www.hoogin.com/ksk
  2. {KSK.2/Z}Riegelmann

    ArmA Squad Directory

    {Kommando Spezialkräfte 2.Zug} {KSK.2/Z} International www.hoogin.com/ksk germanlionman@hotmail.com Doing Custom Co-Operative campaigns, Inter-Unit activities, public play. Status: ACTIVE
  3. {KSK.2/Z}Riegelmann

    Hardcore newbie looking for squad in U.S.

    If you'd like a realistic unit to take part in, check out www.hoogin.com/ksk
  4. {KSK.2/Z}Riegelmann

    KSK--2nd Zug

    Hallo Kameraden... We are an ArmA (Combat Operations/Armed Assault) unit that embodies accurate and realistic portrayal of the German Special Forces, or KSK. We portray this unit's Second Zug, or platoon. This Platoon is the Airborne-Insertion/Field Operations group of the KSK. We are currently based in North America, but accept members from anywhere in the world. Above all, we value realism, because we feel that only by doing this can we fully respect and understand the soldiers and citizens we portray. Actual tactics, uniforms, weapons, and ranks are used. Even many battlefield commands are spoken in German (we include a chart explaining all meanings, all are also very simple). This means that we will also be following this modification: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Bundeswehr_Mod ENGLISH IS OUR SPOKEN AND WRITTEN LANGUAGE, YOU DO NOT NEED A KNOWLEDGE OF GERMAN TO JOIN THIS UNIT. We are also a non-political unit, which means our personal opinions about world/national politics do not impress upon the way we conduct our play or our leadership. Our forum is here: http://www.hoogin.com/ksk/