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Everything posted by {9thinf}Ghost-IMW-Dev

  1. {9thinf}Ghost-IMW-Dev

    Iraq Modern Warfair COOP Mod

    Here is some new content for you all WIP This an Iraq Iran map static Stop sgins ingame Random iraqi sgin More screenshots coming soon..!
  2. {9thinf}Ghost-IMW-Dev

    Adding custom face skins

    I mean in a custom addon it self  it's for Iraqi rupublican guard units so we can add a muslum face texture to that addon {Edit} http://img207.imageshack.us/img207....MG]
  3. {9thinf}Ghost-IMW-Dev

    Adding custom face skins

    I Would like to know how to add a custom faceskin to a custom soldier addon so that only that addon uses the new custom face skins..! Iraq Modern Warfare Mod
  4. {9thinf}Ghost-IMW-Dev

    Desert HMMWV-pack

    Hey you should join up with our mod team its an Iraq Modern Warfare mod for Arma I have a few devs that are doing some awsome stuff so PM me let me know what you think =) www.IMWmod.com P.S. Our dev team has a 200 gig FTP set up for them
  5. {9thinf}Ghost-IMW-Dev

    Iraq Modern Warfair COOP Mod

    okay i was just making sure i don't want to step on anyones toes =)
  6. {9thinf}Ghost-IMW-Dev

    Iraq Modern Warfair COOP Mod

    if you look on the post djfrogstar i said the truck was not our content
  7. {9thinf}Ghost-IMW-Dev

    Iraq Modern Warfair COOP Mod

    Hey everyone here is some content from mailman              Iraq Police Units [imghttp://img262.imageshack.us/img262/978/532arma2020070402200016yn8.jpg[/img] [imghttp://img262.imageshack.us/img262/216/532arma2020070402201219ev9.jpg[/img] The truck isnot our cotent We will have a ploice truck and Car
  8. {9thinf}Ghost-IMW-Dev

    Iraq Modern Warfair COOP Mod

    I would like to Welcome the newest member of the IMW team Mailman as a Texture / Arabic artist. His skill will be an awsome edition to our project Welcome Aboard..!
  9. {9thinf}Ghost-IMW-Dev

    Iraq Modern Warfair COOP Mod

    okay guys our Dev FTP is up and running it has 200 gigs of space if you are looking to join the team PM me or let one of our staff members know..! IMW Staff Ghost Rebl man Swat-guy Goon Grimm Thanks IMW staff member Ghost
  10. {9thinf}Ghost-IMW-Dev

    Iraq Modern Warfair COOP Mod

    What do you mean?
  11. {9thinf}Ghost-IMW-Dev

    Iraq Modern Warfair COOP Mod

    Website is up for the most part no content on it yet feel free to register on our forums..! Â www.IMWMOD.com
  12. {9thinf}Ghost-IMW-Dev

    Iraq Modern Warfair COOP Mod

    The new iraq army soldiers have both green and desert camo helments And we still have not put in new iraq face skins more content soon ...!
  13. {9thinf}Ghost-IMW-Dev

    Iraq Modern Warfair COOP Mod

    Guys we got a ton of new content coming soon..! Alot of re skins of M1A1 M113 5ton US hummers Blackhawk Iraqi national guard New desert marine skins for US soldiers Iraq republican guard soldiers BDRM with iraq banners T72 with iraq banners UAZ with iraq banners COOMING SOON..!!
  14. {9thinf}Ghost-IMW-Dev

    Desert HMMWV-pack

    They look awsome this is the first of thousands of addons that will rule Arma and the mods we put out! awsome work keep it up
  15. {9thinf}Ghost-IMW-Dev

    Vilas' addons

    love the Card on the Hat
  16. {9thinf}Ghost-IMW-Dev

    Iraq Modern Warfair COOP Mod

    Here is some work in progress on our Toyota Heillux converted by Rebl man <img src="http://img409.imageshack.us/img409....MG] http://img249.imageshack.us/img249....ot;> More to come..!
  17. {9thinf}Ghost-IMW-Dev

    Iraq Modern Warfair COOP Mod

    I would like to Welcome the newest member of the IMW team Rebl man as a Mdeler / Texture / Arabic artist. His skill should be an awsome edition to our project
  18. {9thinf}Ghost-IMW-Dev

    Iraq Modern Warfair COOP Mod

    I think that Chirs is right or there would be no point in ever buying a model everyone would have to make them all lol.... Man do i sound lazzy hahahah i have 3d s max 9 and i am working on little stuff it's been a while last version i worked with was 3d s max 5 in collage ill get better as i dive into it
  19. {9thinf}Ghost-IMW-Dev

    Iraq Modern Warfair COOP Mod

    really hmmm lol i didnot know that is that because it's a Bis program?
  20. {9thinf}Ghost-IMW-Dev

    Iraq Modern Warfair COOP Mod

    Yes that goes for work done in "Oxygen" but it depends on the amount of work being done. Does that answer you?
  21. {9thinf}Ghost-IMW-Dev

    Iraq Modern Warfair COOP Mod

    all the models that will be made will have a lower polie count than that lol And as for what you said MehMan i plan on doing alot of work because i love this type of gameplay and i know alot of people do too. I am working on getting our first custom map made and getting some static buildings on it. As for that model is what i want going in this mod all the vehicles i want to look as close to how they look in reallife as they can. This mod will happen not for me or to get my name out but so we can make this game the best game ever all ofp was missing was  being able to join in the middle of gameplay I still play it from time to time... And as of now i need a person who knows how to skin in Arma ... Please PM me or Xfire me thanks xfire is gtgeneral P.S. if you have some work to show and i think your really got what it takes i will pay for some work that needs to be done... keep in mind i'm not rich
  22. {9thinf}Ghost-IMW-Dev

    Iraq Modern Warfair COOP Mod

    hehehe good looking out guys
  23. {9thinf}Ghost-IMW-Dev

    Iraq Modern Warfair COOP Mod

    Ahhh ya sorry still setting up ideas but yes there will be a few different forces such as USMC/ US Army / US National guard Insurgents / Iraq republican guard / Iraqi national guard / Iraq police / UK army / civilians The Mod takes off at the beginning if the Iraq conflict There will be a few custom maps more ideas in the works The game modes MFCTI Evolution Deathmatch Coop Evolution Supply lines Coop and a few we are working on  there will be all custom vehicles such as tanks and APCs Insurgent trucks UK trucks and tanks Forums are up http://www.freepowerboards.com/imw I will get into more detail when we have more content
  24. {9thinf}Ghost-IMW-Dev

    Iraq Modern Warfair COOP Mod

    sorry i was posting it on each post but then put it in my profile =P
  25. {9thinf}Ghost-IMW-Dev

    Iraq Modern Warfair COOP Mod

    Any feedback is welcome your ideas wants let us know what you think about our ideas and share yours with us          Thanks Ghost