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Everything posted by {USI}_Zombie

  1. {USI}_Zombie

    Evo~Blue V3.x

    just downloaded and tried 3.92 and have a couple questions a) savegame didn't seem to save the game because I can't find a way to resume it b) I selected the water patrol side mission, and was assigned the mission, but it didn't move me to a rhib, and there are none marked on the map. Are we supposed to find the friendly docks, or did something get overlooked? That was my favorite side mission in the 1st evo, as a low rank, easy to gain some points Thanks for all the work guys, I am sure I will enjoy this once I get it all figured out!
  2. {USI}_Zombie


    medic is a good idea, but please, by all that is holy, don't put that revive script in it.
  3. {USI}_Zombie

    A few problems from a new player

    another problem is the map Domination. There is a lot going on there and it can cause issues. Do you experience the same issues in the armory, or some other low demand mission?
  4. I look forward to seeing what you come up with. I really like the som and the secops missions. I am hoping that someday it will all work well after the leader dies, and will work on a dedi. Let me know if you need any help.
  5. missions.pbo /som /data /scripts /secops you will find the different missions in the secops sub-folder Hope this helps
  6. This is a screenshot from the war-3-front mission, can someone translate please? <click image to enlarge>
  7. I read somewhere that saved missions may not work after patching, so maybe that's it? Really wish we could help ya Baz
  8. I'm sure it's possible. Off the top of my head.. 1) de-pbo som module 2) make whatever som missions you want 3) re-pbo and it should work! Haven't tried it though
  9. is that from a custom mission or a stock one? I usually don't mess with SP missions. The rpt says it is happening in the sp_trialbyfire. If it is a custom, the author needs to fix it, if stock, I dunno? Buglist?
  10. what exactly is it you are wanting to do? Does this template not work? //Configure SOM module with custom settings. Must run during the first 2 seconds of a mission. private ["_pool", "_hq", "_callsigns", "_initialDelay", "_autoReinforce", "_secOpSpacing", "_randomActivation", "_secOpDistances", "_settings"]; //List of secops. //Default: ["ambush", "attack_location", "defend_location", "destroy", "escort", "patrol", "rescue", "search", "trap"] _pool = ["ambush", "attack_location", "destroy", "patrol", "rescue", "search"]; //Enable or disable HQ. //Default: true _hq = true; //Team text, team speech, H.Q. text, H.Q. speech. //Default: ["ALPHA", ["Alpha"], "H.Q.", ["HQ"]] _callsigns = ["ALPHA", ["Alpha"], "H.Q.", ["HQ"]]; //Delay in seconds before starting random SecOps selection. Only seems to affect the first secops. //Default: 30 _initialDelay = 120; //Should an automatic Reinforce be triggered when there are casualties? //Default is true. _autoReinforce = true; //??? Delay between sec ops? //Default: 30 _secOpSpacing = 45; //??? From 0 to 1. 0 means no secops starting. With 1 they do start. Some kind of chance variable? //Default: 0.7 _randomActivation = 0.7; //Min Max distance of sec ops. //Default: [300, 700] _secOpDistances = [500, 1000]; _settings = [_pool, _hq, _callsigns, _initialDelay, _autoReinforce, _secOpSpacing, _randomActivation, _secOpDistances]; //som1 is module name. som1 setVariable ["settings", _settings]; above template by blackalpha, slightly modified by me
  11. try this in your init.sqf BATTLEMAGE=[West,"HQ"];
  12. You could record your own voice prompts and play them when the chopper is in bound, but trust me, it can be a lot of work. Sorry, can't help with this one, never tried an RTS. There are some RTS-type missions out there, look for warfare Benny edition for example. Correct! The SOM module dynamically creates virtual artillery and the planes for the airstrike for you. Better to leave the code you posted in the above quote alone. If you want to change the call signs, edit this line instead: //Team text, team speech, H.Q. text, H.Q. speech. //Default: ["ALPHA", ["Alpha"], "H.Q.", ["HQ"]] Beware though, if you change the what is in the [ ] you will get an error in the voice. For example ["whatever you want", ["error"], "whatever you want", ["error"]] "whatever you want" will show in the radio texts but in my experience, if you change what I put as ["error"] will cause an error. Hope this helps you some! Remember, if you want to change the //Default: ["ALPHA", ["Alpha"], "H.Q.", ["HQ"]] just add the line _callsigns = ["whatever you want", ["Alpha"], "whatever you want", ["HQ"]]; after the //Default: etc line.
  13. {USI}_Zombie

    Cyrillic Message in game, translate please

    Thanks! I figured as much. and it still doesn't tell me HOW to use air support.
  14. {USI}_Zombie

    Too many Pub servers banning Vopsound!

    BI has nothing to do with it. VOP is a community made mod. VOIP on the other hand works on every server I've ever been to. There are 3 solutions to VOP not being allowed: a) server admins need to get their brain around the keys b) don't enable VOP then you can play most anywhere or c) buy your own server then you can enable anything you want, as long as you don't mind griefers, cheaters and assorted other lower life forms. That's why most servers won't allow addons
  15. {USI}_Zombie

    synchronizeObjectsAdd help

    Thanks, will give it a try...another undocumented function, the biki doesn't mention BIS_ARTY_F_initvehicle at all edit: that was the ticket MH6 thanks a million!
  16. {USI}_Zombie

    synchronizeObjectsAdd help

    thats what keep happening to me, or not happening, no arty target action...sigh. For now I will change my syntax to the other way around though. Thanks
  17. {USI}_Zombie

    war-3 front help

    Has anyone figured out how to use the call air support option in this mission? I type 0-0-9, then get a Cyrillic hint message. Then I notice a blank in my action menu, when selected it brings up the teleport interface. Sometimes 2 A-10's are spawned, usually it says I haven't accepted the call. How in the !@#$ do I accept the call and what in the world does that mean anyway? When the A10's DO spawn they are nowhere near the front lines and they usually just fly back to the airport and circle
  18. {USI}_Zombie

    Map Loading into the editor

    you either start your own map from scratch, or if you want to edit an already done map, you have to de-pbo it and put it in your mydocuments/arma2other profiles/playername/(single player or multiplayer) folder
  19. I personally don't get the lightening error, but I don't get some of the effects either. Fog, rain etc works just fine, snow and sandstorms don't do anything?
  20. a large real world airport/airstation. A realistically sized airport/military air station would be bigger than Utes. It should have all the features of a real air station: barracks, hangers, chow hall, maintenance facilities, administration buildings, mwr facilities like bowling alley, exchange, golf course, softball fields etc. I work aboard Naval Air Station Oceana in Virginia Beach, VA and often think what a wonderful Arma2 map it would be.
  21. {USI}_Zombie


    currently playing and the arty won't fire? We enter the coordinates and press fire and nothing happens?
  22. {USI}_Zombie


    Aww...it's not the cities that bother me...it's the !@#@#@$%$#$%$#$$# jets! YAYYYY!!! Always wanted this option.... What about HALO? I have a working squad "click on the map" HALO demo if you like, as well as an arty timer? Plus, here is a briefing I did for you, needs some polish though: /* * Mikey's Briefing Template v0.02 * change the name to briefing.sqf to use in your mission...added by {USI}_Zombie/{USI} Studios * * Notes: * - Use the tsk prefix for any tasks you add. This way you know what the varname is for by just looking at it, and * aids you in preventing using duplicate variable names. * * * Required briefing commands: * - Create Note: player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["*The Note Title*", "*The Note Message*"]]; * - Create Task: tskExample = player createSimpleTask ["*The Task Title*"]; * - Set Task Description: tskExample setSimpleTaskDescription ["*Task Message*", "*Task Title*", "*Task HUD Title*"]; * * Optional briefing commands: * - Set Task Destination: tskExample setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "mkrObj1"); // use an existing marker! * - Set the Current Task: player setCurrentTask tskExample; * * Formatting: * - To add a newline: <br/> * - To add a marker link: <marker name='mkrObj1'>Attack this area!!!</marker> * - To add an image: <img image='somePic.jpg'/> * - custom width/height: <img image='somePic.jpg' width='200' height='200'/> * * Commands to use in-game: * - Set Task State: tskExample setTaskState "SUCCEEDED"; // states: "SUCCEEDED" "FAILED" "CANCELED" "CREATED" * - Get Task State: taskState tskExample; * - Get Task Description: taskDescription tskExample; // returns the *task title* as a string * - Show Task Hint: [tskExample] call mk_fTaskHint; // make sure tskExample and the mk_fTaskHint function exist * * * Authors: Jinef & mikey */ // since we're working with the player object here, make sure it exists waitUntil { !isNull player }; // all hip now ;-) waitUntil { player == player }; switch (side player) do { case WEST: // BLUFOR briefing goes here { player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Ranks", "<br/>Private - 0 points (the unarmed technics, civil cars)<br/>Private first class - 10 points<br/>Corporal - 30 points (armoured vehicles will open)<br/>Sergeant - 60 points (ability to recruit squadmates)<br/>Second Lieutenant - 100 points<br/>First Lieutenant - 150 points ability to use artillery<br/>Captain - 200 points (AV-8B2 and AV-8B will open)<br/>Major - 300 points<br/>Lieutenant Colonel - 400 points<br/>Colonel - 500 points (F-35 will open)<br/>"]]; player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Rank Benefits", "<br/>With each rank you gain access to different weapons and vehicles<br/>As your rank changes your uniform also changes so your rank will be apparant to others<br/>the type of recruits you get also changes with your rank"]]; player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Enemy forces", "<br/>There are enemy squads and armor defending each city.<br/>there are also enemy aircraft and divisions of scouts patrolling the area<br/>The city will be captured when there are less than 5 enemies present.<br/>Any surviving enemies will retreat to the next city on this front."]]; player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Fronts", "<br/>There are 3 axis of attacks. You can take them simultaneously or separately. Northern front, the central front and the southern front.<br/>On all directions you will encounter persistent resistance of the opponent.<br/>After a city is captured on one of fronts the following city on this front is activated.<br/>Each city can consist of two or even three zones which need to be cleared.<br/>It is important to move in the directions where there are airports,<br/>When you capture an airport you get aircraft and aircraft service points."]]; player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["After Capture","<br/>Once you capture a city a medical tent will be created.<br/>You can teleport back to the main base from the med tent or from the main to the med tent.<br/>You can also be healed there and also vehicles will spawn for you to use"]]; player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Vehicles","<br/>Vehicles will be available at the main base<br/>When a vehicle is destroyed it will be marked on the map<br/>The following vehicles will need to be repaired in order to be reused TUSK, M1A1, Avenger, AAV, MTVR Rep, MTVR Refuel, MTVR ammo,HMMWV Ambulance.<br/>To repair these vehicles, drive near them with a repair truck and select the repair action. They will be repawned,refueled, repaired and rearmed."]]; player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Air Transport","<br/>You can airlift wheeled vehicles with the MH-60<br/>Hover near it and select the option to attach it."]]; player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Weapons","<br/>There is an ammocrate at the main base. The weapons available are based on your rank.<br/>You may also call for a weapon crate in the field by typing 0-0-4. Pay attention, a box will be parachuted in your vicinity."]]; player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Artillery","<br/>Once you attain the rank of Lieutenant you will be able to use the artillery.<br/>Go to the arty posistion in the base and select artillery.<br/>Enter the GPS coordinates for the target. Example the target is at 033110. You would enter longetude 03300 and widthtude 11000 then select fire.<br/>You can also fine adjust the fire by changing the last 2 zeros to a number."]]; player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Credits","<br/>We express huge gratitude to commands "Patriot", "Arma-Tushino" and "Berkut" for the help in carrying out Testings. And as many thanks "Bohemia Interactive" for creation "Arma 2" also we wish good luck in the subsequent Works. Map created by Slon and Qwert"]]; player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Air Support", "<br/>An undocumented feature at this time.<br/>Once you have sufficient rank type 0-0-9 and then I don't know what to do to make it work."]]; }; case EAST: // REDFOR briefing goes here { }; case RESISTANCE: // RESISTANCE/INDEPENDENT briefing goes here { }; case CIVILIAN: // CIVILIAN briefing goes here { }; }; // run this file again when respawning (only setup the killed EH once though) if ( isNil {player getVariable "mk_briefingEH"} ) then { player addEventHandler ["killed", { [] spawn { waitUntil { alive player }; // waitUntil player has respawned execVM "briefing.sqf"; // make sure this path is correct }; }]; player setVariable ["mk_briefingEH", true]; };
  23. {USI}_Zombie


    any chance of getting shell flight time for artillery? Either a count down, a display of flight time we can use to count down ourselves, or the "shot over" and "splash" dialogs from the arty module?
  24. {USI}_Zombie

    This game has got it's hooks in me.....

    so glad you are enjoying it Force10. I too spend more time in the editor than the game itself. I have been playing with the editor and making missions scripts since OFP in 2003, and still learn something every day about a script. Keep up with the learning and welcome to the community!
  25. I've never used Norrin's script, won't get in to why right now :p , but resynching the som module after any respawn doesn't seem to work. I haven't noticed any solutions for this. Also the modules, sadly, seem to be broken on dedicated servers but work fine on local hosted/lan games. Hope you find an answer....