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Posts posted by zootia

  1. I'm working on a map where you can practice bombing targets with the GBUs.

    So far I had a human do the job, but my clan mates are getting bored of just standing there holding the laser painter up.

    So, I plan to replace them with a AI recon guy. However, the question arises, How can you make AI laze targets and is it even possible? Should I use waypoints?

    Help me out fellow mapper!

  2. if i use the default graphics settings (the preset normal) on my old 7900 SLI system it runs like a dream, then on my 8800 system it stutters around and drops to 10FPS if you look at a bush

    you can turn shading detail to "very low", it seems to make the terrain at a distance look a bit, ya know... bad, but it stops bush lag, the if you turn terrain detail onto low that'll get rid of the grass, it should be "playable" but it won't look as pretty as it should

    Exactly!! my PC is totally normal. I'm prolly the biggest computer geek, majoring in Electrical and Computer Engineering - so I know my PC inside and out. I take care of it like it's my kid.

    I think this game has issues running on the 8800 architecture. Hopefully 1.06 fixes alot of this.

  3. I've been playing the game pretty good but I noticed people saying that they got triple digit fpses like 120.

    My ArmA fps seems to be capped at 60, because no matter how much I lower the options, or what I render, I can never get past 60.

    First I thought maybe that was a built in frame rate cap. But after reading posts with ppl getting more than that, Im starting to think, it's just me?

    I have



    2gigs ram

    Anybody know whats going on here? Is there a hidded vsync option that I need to disable?

    Come to think of it, with my rig I should be getting better FPS. However, I only get 25-40 average. 40 when Im in the middle of a field with nothing around me, 25 when Im in a city or a firefight. The other guy that said he had the same setup as me, except a 6700 instead of a 6600 said he got 90-100 fps @ 1280x1024. Im getting 30 on 1024x768 with no AA. sad_o.gif

    I dunno, is there something I'm missing here?
