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Posts posted by zootia

  1. I just hope it comes out soon so I wont get these damn CTDs that say "memory cannot be read 2048x2048 80000e8000" every 2 hours.

    I would be doing a mission and BOOM crash. I would be flying a cobra and BOOM crash. I get out of a vehicle and BOOM crash.


  2. I was playing evolution today and found a nifty feature on the Cobra. It was called "Weapon Camera" and it allowed me to view my hellfires home in on my targets. After using it with great pleasure for about and hour, I got shot down.

    So, I fixed the chopper, got it back in the sky, and alas? I couldn't see the option for weapon cam anymore!

    I stood outside the cobra, scrolled my mouse wheel, and got no such option - even though that was what i did earlier to enable weapon cam.

    Anybody know how to get weapon cam again?

  3. I had to uninstall because many of the weapons what should have had tracers didn't. Also, the tracers look like magic fire balls or something. I know ArmA's stock tracers suck, but these tracers were even weirder.

    I'm gonna wait until the mod matures more. Lots of room for improvement.

  4. heh, I hate it when people say "Use the search button! Or, read the other topics first!" Even when they obviously know the answer.

    Waste of time for the replier and the TS.

    So if you can/don't want to answer the TS's question, DONT POST instead of adding pompous comments.

  5. Without the respawn, SLA players will only have one chance to attack, and kill the entire convoy. (Which is almost impossible)

    It would also be boring for both sides to only have one bit of combat in the whole map.

    With respawns, however, there's a constant threat and US forces have to maintain a constant state of suspicious alertness at all times, while the SLA guys could respawn and attack from a different town when the failed.

  6. This is a new game mode I made, convoy escort.

    US players must escort convoy to the destination, and SLA must destroy the convoy. The convoy consists of 8 vehicles (2 Humvees, 4 Strykers, 2 M1A1s) The route the convoy takes is marked with dots on the map. IF at least 1 vehicle makes it through, US wins. SLA wins when ALL convoy vehicles are destroyed. *Make sure to kill the vehicle when it takes damage and the crew bails out. Its still considered 'alive' without the crew*

    Respawn locations can be selected when you die, and delay is set to 20 seconds. (thanks to dr eyeball for the help!wink_o.gif

    I played with a few of my clan buddies and here are some tips.

    SLA players should set up ambushes AHEAD of the convoy. US players should divde in to 2 teams, a scouting team to spot out IEDs and VBIEDs and a convoy pampering team. Don't spawn camp.

    Heres a DL link

    Download Archangel.pbo

    Please give me some feedback!

  7. I did a search on this, but didn't really find anything helpful.

    I need to set a trigger for End #1 on a crowded location. So I cant just say when bluefor is present, because it will end the mission right away.

    The mission is a convoy escort mission, so I want the trigger to go off when a specific unit hits it. (in this case units c1 or c2 or c3 or c4)

    Anyone of the units can hit the trigger to activate it, because the mission requires you to get at least one vehicle through.

    What should I write in the condition box?

  8. I definitely agree that AA in 1.07 is TOO over done.

    I was attacking a group of tanks with the GAU-8 on my a10. I took out 1 tank and disabled another and pulled out of my dive. There were 2 more tanks remaining, and I thought I would bank around and make another run. So I pulled on my stick to regain altitude and pressed the decimal key to check out the damage I had done. I saw 2 tanks smoldering and then I noticed a sudden plume of smoke rising from one of the undamaged tanks. I was like 'Ha, are you serious? You're gonna try to hit me with your main cannon when I'm 250 meters above ground? lololol!'

    I saw the round coming up and then... Kabang!

    I Took a direct hit to one of my engines, and the A10 started spinning like a goddamned top before blowing up shortly after.

    Damn AI tank gunners got some mad skillz!

  9. there's chain link fences around the bar gate. I didnt put the gate in, it was just there by default and so are the fences.

    I tried blowing the gates and the fences with satchels, but the tard tank driver still just stops and twiddles his thumbs once he gets to the gate wreckage.

    This is darn irritating. Why cant the take just plow thru the chainlink fence if he thinks the gates blocking the road??

  10. I am working on a map where a convoy has to travel along a road. However, there's a bar gate in the middle of the road. (You know, the long stick with a stop sign that goes up and down)

    Even though the things open, my convoy just comes to a dead halt in front of it. I think it regards it as a solid obstacle blocking the road.

    Convoy is set to careless and speed is set to limited.

    And ideas?
