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Posts posted by zootia

  1. Oh no! why did you make it so complicated?

    I just want the tracers and now I have to install all this other stuff.

    SIX_Misc?? CRCD?? huh.gif


    Now I need MISC for the tracers?

    With the MISC in the addon folder, the game wont run. Says I need some setting.hpp or something.

    I dont know why you combined all this stuff. Bad move IMO. It over complicates things.

  2. Oh no! why did you make it so complicated?

    I just want the tracers and now I have to install all this other stuff.

    SIX_Misc?? CRCD?? huh.gif


    Now I need MISC for the tracers?

    With the MISC in the addon folder, the game wont run. Says I need some setting.hpp or something.

    I dont know why you combined all this stuff. Bad move IMO. It over complicates things.

  3. I investigated further with the mod not working on evolution. Its not a server thing. The first time I boot up my game and join any server, it does not work 100% of the time. If I disconnect and rejoin the same server, it works 100%. I asked some friends to do the same experiment and they all confirm. First load - no go, second load - go.

    Seems like the mod does not load until the second time the map loads. Hope this helps

  4. I tested this on evolution with 2 other clan members. We tried 3 servers - all running Evo 1.5a

    first server (Tactical gamer) - fail. No tracers

    second server (Fraghaus) - fail. No tracers

    third server (radishville) - Success. tracers

    What's the basis? I don't understand

    They were all running the same version of the map. Maybe a server side setting?

  5. I figured out why I wasnt getting tracers in AH6s and other air vehicles.

    When I spawn myself as a AH6 or a Cobra in the mission editor, the tracers don't work.

    However, If I spawn as an infantryman and get in a empty AH6 or Cobra, it works.

    This is really odd, because all the other vehicles, i can spawn as them and use the tracers fine from the get go.

  6. Waiting is not so easy when your game crashes every 2 hours. Especially in evolution when you're flying high value vehicles like the harrier or the cobra, crashes can be very infuriating and costly.

    Seriously, I don't know what big "issue" these guys are addressing with the patch, but what can that be more important than the memory error that so many 8800 users are getting?

    If you're going to take your jolly good time with the patch, sipping cocktails, at least release a hotfix with the new texture option thing that automatically detects VRAM, so we can be free of the crashing until the full patch comes out.

    I couldn't give less of a damn about bullet holes in vehicles and working VOIP at the moment. I just want my game to STOP CRASHING!

    please sort out your priorities!
