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Everything posted by zonker3210

  1. zonker3210

    Using mods

    I'm very new to ArmA and I apologize in advance if this question has been answered elsewhere. I'm wondering about mods...if I install a mod, does that mean that I'm limited to playing in those servers which support that mod? Or can I enable/disable the mod at startup? If anyone wishes to share some helpful links/posts which discuss getting started with mods, I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks!
  2. zonker3210

    Using mods

    That's exactly the sort of info I was looking to find. Thank you!
  3. zonker3210

    Using mods

    I'm very new to ArmA and I apologize in advance if this question has been answered elsewhere. I'm wondering about mods...if I install a mod, does that mean that I'm limited to playing in those servers which support that mod? Or can I enable/disable the mod at startup? If anyone wishes to share some helpful links/posts which discuss getting started with mods, I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks!
  4. zonker3210

    US Demo Released

    i think it's enough if You ONCE start Process explorer and You get this message ... write complain to securom because WinInternals and SysInternals are now part of Microsoft Corp. i get problem more often as lot of new games use this version of Securom ... (hell even ALPHA test builds! I just downloaded the demo and get this same SecuROM message. A quick search on Google pulls up the following link... http://forum.sysinternals.com/forum_posts.asp?TID=5914 Basically the Filemon and Regmod drivers remain in memory even after you close the main applications themselves. The same is probably true of the Process Explorer driver. As long as you don't have one of the SysInternals apps set to load at startup, rebooting should work as the drivers will no longer be in memory.