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Everything posted by kuIoodporny

  1. kuIoodporny

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    There are some soundtracks, these I know: - "Armageddon" - which repeats twice  - "Crimson Tide" - "The Gladiator" (is it called that?) I don't know any other because .ogg's weren't descripted. My reworked FFUR 2006 2.0 music selection will be included in incoming patch, hopefully with some little changes. I wanted to include "The Rock" soundtrack in place of one "Armageddon".
  2. kuIoodporny

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    Hmmm... just one and - I hope - last question about incoming patch from me. Will Apache engine/rotor sound be louder when you're in cockpit? Currently it's very silent, so I have to increase master volume when engines are down and I try to make autorotational landing. Am I correct if Hind's Yak-B bullets aren't fired directly from the barrel?
  3. kuIoodporny

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    Modify the config by yourself... am I correct if there will be a "FOV Readme" with 2.5? I like wide FOV, but middle position is needed too, especially in opened areas. I wonder if there was a switch between middle and wide position, not key holding it's probably OFP limitation (?)
  4. kuIoodporny

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    Hmmm... maybe because FFUR was first full mod I've downloaded... OK, not a problem at all.
  5. kuIoodporny

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    Well, "sound system" - generally I think about some irritating issues with volume - mainly lowering when switching between 3rd and 1st person views, it truly happens! In SP game you can simply press ESC twice to get rid of too silent vehicle sounds, but in MP games it's impossible. Due to this I don't switch perspective either in MP and SP games. Anyway, I'm waiting for the patch
  6. kuIoodporny

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    What about sound system? It worked badly in 2.0, even volume sliders in options menu were messed up   are You going to do anything with this? And why Su-39 uses GAU-8 burst and not built into config TMD NR30  that'll add some difference to assault jets.
  7. kuIoodporny

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    Armored ~ Armed. Funny Well, I've noticed on GC ArmA trailer that their Mi-17/8 looks worse than Hip from OWP/NO (included in FFUR)
  8. kuIoodporny

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    Including new features, scripts, menu actions and other little things are indeed, somehow exciting and make feel the game much different, but please keep in mind that these 'things' are in almost all of the cases, the major source of the lag in-game, our main objective is since a couple of months, to keep the game the smoother possible, though. The cargo positions on Apache aren't scripted, they use the default "get in back" function from FP. I've made Thunderbird a watered down version of our AH-64A and AH-64D to simplify it and reduce it's guzzling of system resources, so don't look for complex features from it in FFUR. If you want those features, you can just install version 1.33 of the aircraft. Of course, TB might add some features when he implements it.  Good to read   I remember FFURCTI games where firing your rockets and hellfires at enemy base caused 5 minutes long constant lag... Well, I'm thinking now about 'harmless' aircraft explode script (high delayed loop and only few debris parts) so it could be used in MP missions without lags. Â
  9. kuIoodporny

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    Yup interesting...
  10. kuIoodporny

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    Hmmm... found two exciting issues (or reminded them, if anybody spotted them before) 1. In MP missions CH-47 Chinook respawns buried into ground to rotors... in the fact, missionmakers would have to replace it with Blackhawk (which is sometimes too small). What's incorrect with it? 2. F-16 pilot's point of view... it's innatural and makes this jet very hard to handle. Probably you'll have to raise POV up. What is interesting, in OFPL Air Pack's F-16 (rkt model too) the pilot's POV is correct. edt. Just found another thing - do Apache choppers by Franze have emergency rescuing places like Mi-28? If yes, why it wasn't implemented in 2.0
  11. kuIoodporny

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    Ask somebody with fast, non-firewalled net & CD Recorder to burn it on CD-R.
  12. kuIoodporny

    MODs for Original Campaigns

    I had some problems with FFUR 2006 2.0 & some cutscenes in Cold War Crisis - for example outro from mission with A-10 Swine, broken by some camera scripts. Also this mod's original music is quite inaccurate (I made new music selection for 2.5 patch). But, overall, the fun is great
  13. kuIoodporny

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    [OT] As far as I remember, BMP-1 from BIS has had reversed MG bullet trajectory - it looked so... erm... [/OT] OK guys, just wanna know if FFUR Mi-17 is really Mi-17 one, not Mi-8 MTV... Your Mi-24 is certainly V version.
  14. kuIoodporny

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    Got GREAT idea (try not laughing now - I cannot ) - attention: Adding Unflip Vehicle script to KLR 250 Â Here's the code from MFCTI: UnflipVehicle.sqs <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_vehicle = _this Select 0 _vehicle SetPos (GetPos _vehicle) What about that? Isn't it annoying when bike falls to the side and you cannot pull it up? Â edit: <10 kph speed condition of course
  15. kuIoodporny

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    oh, of course, no disagreement there - essentially it then just becomes a prettier model. Exactly. Worth reminding... Â
  16. kuIoodporny

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    Well, Franze Apache is pretty well done and very detailed but it's one of the few addons that need all of its scripts to work propely in game, especially because of its complex weapons system. Haven't mentioned it but it has been taken out. Thanks for the kind words and no worries about the FOV, it would be changed as well. Regards Thunderbird84 So light-scripted version of Franze's Apache became dream... Will you include both configs with and without wide FOV? Or documentation with some instructions "how to" for noobies? I'm working on Battlefield 1985 to make it FFUR compatible
  17. kuIoodporny

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    Hmmm. Tarik have you tested Franze's Apache without MFD and another lagging scripts? I remember that when 3 or 4 AH-64s appeared in FFURCTI, I've got massive lag... 10 minutes of walking around the enemy base, shooting everything on the sight, without any effect. Anyway I remember that MPIV Apache added nothing to game, except MPIV shelter and weapons :/ Franze's is quite better.
  18. kuIoodporny

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    Yup i call it "dead can dance" Â Â hmmm have you done anything with it? OK not a problem, everyone who really needs those effects can enable them back easily. That's a pity about Franze's AH-64 the heli REALLY ROCKS...perfect model, great vHUD and MFDs!!!! It just ROCKS! ( [whispers] put it back, TB[/whispers] ) I'll certainly put this lovely bird back for myself when the patch is out. And the most important. There's one thing I spotted that really could cause a noticeable lag- it's MLOD models. Why don't you have them ODOL'ed? I fully agree & 'd do the same
  19. kuIoodporny

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    This is one of the major sources of lag, especially during missions that simultaneously use various vehicles and aircrafts, the lag is maily caused by the 'Script' than by the debris, though. Thanks for the nice words. Regards Thunderbird84 So maybe no debris but one explosion and deletevehicle _plane   it was one of the reasons for which I've downloaded FFUR 2.0 edit: misunderstanded - "maily" OK no problem then. News published at OFP.pl, screens are uploading
  20. kuIoodporny

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    Yeah man, translating now You're great, TB! Hmmm... jet crashes were fine. Is there any way to make them exploding & dissappearing without lag  these wrecks rolling down the hill in original OFP are wearing me out.
  21. kuIoodporny

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    Exactly. That would be OK! Again bored of life and stupid ideas come to my poor head, like the last with Ukrainians
  22. kuIoodporny

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    What about adding Ukrainian soldiers to FFUR (in "almost" the same way as USA ACU camouflaged soldiers)?
  23. <span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>OFP Music Replacement 1.0 by zGuba</span> Inspired by irritating music replacement in FFUR 2006 2.0 Most of tracks come from FFUR's Music.pbo file; I have changed their order and now they are really "substituting" original Cold War Crisis musics. Several tracks were removed, equal number of new added... here you have the result. It should run on OFP 1.46 - even if not, try UnPBO & MakePBO Installation - unpack directly to your OFP folder and add to '-mod=' string '@Music'. for example -mod=fdf;@Music .zip archive size 65,5 MB Download here: New mirror by Imutep - thank you so much! Try playing Cold War Crisis campaign with my music pack and write your opinion! Â
  24. kuIoodporny

    OFP Music Replacement 1.0

    You can replace it yourself with anything you want. UnPBO my music file. In original OFP there was Seventh compare playing missions that use Seventh tracks with and without my addon. Â I have 10 GB HDD and I have only SoaD... gimme some advices! There are two more rock tracks, Brothers in Arms by Dire Straits & Junior Painkiller by Depeche Mode. All legal.