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Everything posted by zinco

  1. zinco

    2 dedicated server questions...

    does the ded server use the flashpoint config or is that for the client preferences?
  2. zinco

    Resistance ded server

    Radish did u ever find a solution?
  3. zinco

    Resistance ded server

    same thing happens with 1.92
  4. zinco

    Resistance ded server

    hmmmmm bump need a fix
  5. zinco

    Gamespy -mod folder

    yeah don't use game spy. use ofp watch
  6. zinco

    Cannot create 3d device

    I am not going to list my specs after that. first time i had the prob and it wouldn't go away i installed direct x 9.0. next time i just rebooted and i worked. i think it will come back though. when it does i will follow up.
  7. zinco

    Cannot create 3d device

    Anyone ever get this error? It is a new one on me. Other games work fine so it seems my card is fine. Cannot Create 3D Device: Adapter 0 (Nvidia Geforce4 Ti4600) Full Screen Resolution 1024 x 768, Format x8r8g8b8/d24s8, refresh, 0 hz Error E_Out of Memory OFP is not recognizing the card it seems. or something.
  8. zinco

    Ofp civilians (us) vs vbs army (them)

    One of our squad members works on vbs. I don't believe bis is involved any more. I'll ask him to ask his captain if we could play a match of 1.92 ofp. i don't think we could play vbs as it has not been released to public and it is not totally compatible with ofp.
  9. zinco

    Can ip addresses be banned from ofp servers?

    This is true. Don't know what else to say. Its all we have.
  10. zinco

    Has ofp gotten you into trouble?

    What no divorces??? cmon i'll bet a couple have come close. i'll bet more than a couple have been threatened. all my past wives would have threatened me by now if i was married still.
  11. zinco

    Can ip addresses be banned from ofp servers?

    Ok according to Zap you just type one line in a dos prompt. route add xxx.xxx.x.x mask -p The xxx.xxx.x.x is the ip in question. The -p will cause it to load in the route directory and always block that ip. You can also block blocks of ip's by using: mask the .0 will cause it to block all ip's starting with the first three sets of numbers. mask will block all ip's starting with the the first two sets of numbers. What we need now is a program to log ip's that are associated with player id's. Marik is the man for that.
  12. zinco

    Lag and desync, why?

    Its the shilkas, vulcans, and the smoke, grenades. they will blast fps on the best of servers.
  13. zinco

    Addon servers

    So if i want to have it so a client has to connect with only the regular addons and one mod folder with specific addons can i do that? Â and will the client have to use the ofpwatch client for this to be possible? Oh and yes excellent work certa. if you guys sort out the packages i will follow suit. i don't want to zip em all and change em so i will let you guys come up with a standard.
  14. zinco

    Need multiplayer addon maps

    sry bd but i have been thru this before with tac and i have to respect his intellectual property.
  15. I have made some training missions for our clan 1-8th marines. I might release them if people were interested. I will have to get them declassified though.
  16. zinco

    Mission editors required : advanced ofp

    I have made some training missions for our clan 1-8th marines. I might release them if people were interested. I will have to get them declassified though.
  17. zinco

    Ammo crate bug

    The only comments i have heard is that the map maker put to much ammo in a crate or that it was a 1.46 map and had to much ammo for resistance as resistance has a limit. Or that someone in the game loaded a jeep with to much ammo and that triggers it. I do not know for sure what causes it that is jsut what i have heard. i think they said it was fixed in 1.92.
  18. zinco


    Not sure what u mean exactly but most of us use a program called teamspeak. http://www.teamspeak.org/
  19. zinco

    Alt+tab and i crash

    I used to have this prob all the time back in the geforce two days. I always seemed to me that the card had trouble changing resolutions. with my geforce 4 mx i have no trouble, occasionally it will crash ofp.
  20. zinco

    1.92beta helps against cheating

    Polish/Czech Finland Russian I have US UK FD GE The language code is on the CD case in one of the corners. Not sure how many versions there are total.
  21. zinco

    Can ip addresses be banned from ofp servers?

    I will do that as soon as i check with our network expert on a couple things.
  22. zinco

    Can ip addresses be banned from ofp servers?

    marshal pm me with your yahoo or aim address. there is a simple file u can run on your server that will do what u are asking.
  23. zinco

    1.92beta helps against cheating

    I just tested O.pbo with my clean addon connect shortcut. I got a message. I did an md5 check on my file and the server file while i was connected and they checked the same.
  24. zinco

    1.92beta helps against cheating

    Terox: and if check files is used in league play there is also the problem of - squad x is playing squad y on squad x's server how does squad y know that all the right files are being checked on server x.
  25. zinco

    1.92beta helps against cheating

    It would still be nice to know terox what the values are for all the different versions so that if a server side md5 system is used we would know if something is different. If flags.pbo alters other files it would be nice to know that. It would be really nice to know how in the hell having addons present that do not alter files and are not even being used can cause false file checks. Maybe the memory mapping fix with solve this. I still need french and polish values. terox u think brother bob would be willing to check his for me.