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About ymama

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  1. ymama

    Bug #62005 and more

    As it isn't possible to LAV-25 (HQ) to kill when the player shoots (Dragon, Metis, Atack, Vikhr - those all guided missiles, including from helicopters and planes operated by the player) The problem that a Lock-point is in that above model. it is very important problem for the Warfare mode. http://s1.ipicture.ru/uploads/20121202/Kw3UMk34.jpg (197 kB) http://s1.ipicture.ru/uploads/20121202/V1g54XVR.jpg (135 kB) - it isn't correct
  2. ymama

    Bug #62005 and more

    Kju Updated 1 day ago Status changed from to Assigned Kju Updated 1 day ago Parameter Reproduced by another DH user changed from No to Yes it is nice!
  3. ymama

    Bug #62005 and more

    camera guided missiles is certainly well, but there is one but... For example in the Warfara mode, such possibilities use for search of enemy base :) 2-3 rockets + 2-3 minutes = all bases of the opponent on the map, without risk to die.
  4. ymama

    Bug #62005 and more

    I thought that in general cleaned possibility to shoot on air targets... ---------- Post added at 08:54 ---------- Previous post was at 08:51 ---------- I simply don't understand... everything shoots at ArmA as TAB-Click, and Vikhr isn't present... But if you really introduce system of manual control - that it cool.
  5. I am sorry for machine translation, very much I hope that all of you will understand. I want to discuss shutdown of capture of an air target by the Whirlwind. https://dev-heaven.net/issues/62005 in the current Vikhr version it is capable to kill planes - it is bad & it is bad to clean capture of an air target completely. we solved this problem on another. more plausibly: /* ************************************************** **************************************** * Module: Common_HandleIncomingMissile.sqf * Version: [1.0] 30.09.2012 * Author: Prodavec * Project: IncomingMissile EH * Comments: Handles "Vikhr" trajectory for Air units ************************************************** **************************************** */ // ==================================== // | DEFINITIONS | // ==================================== #define __SPEEDLIMIT 250 // ==================================== // | MAIN | // ==================================== private [ "_msg", "_targetVehicle", "_attackingVehicle", "_missileType", "_missile", "_magnitude", "_vectorDir", "_vectorUp", "_irLock", "_hit", "_distance", "_limit" ]; _targetVehicle = _this select 0; _missileType = _this select 1; _attackingVehicle = _this select 2; _missile = nearestObject [_attackingVehicle, _missileType]; /* _msg = format ["_targetVehicle: %1 | _missileType: %2 | _missile: %3 | _attackingVehicle: %4", _targetVehicle, _missileType, _missile, _attackingVehicle]; hintSilent _msg; player groupChat _msg; */ if (isNull _missile) exitWith {}; if ((_missileType == "M_Vikhr_AT") && (_targetVehicle isKindOf "Air")) then { /* _msg = "AntiVikhr"; hintSilent _msg; player groupChat _msg; */ /* _missileVelocityPrevious = velocity _missile; _Ax = _missileVelocityPrevious select 0; _Az = _missileVelocityPrevious select 1; _Ay = _missileVelocityPrevious select 2; _magnitudeA = sqrt (_Ax^2 + _Az^2 + _Ay^2); // Classic, precious but slower than shitty way _magnitudeA = [0, 0, 0] distance _missileVelocityPrevious; // Shitty but fastest way to get vector magnitude // http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?140660-Vector-magnitude */ _vectorDir = vectorDir _missile; _vectorUp = vectorUp _missile; while {!isNull _missile} do { /* _ammoVelocity = velocity _missile; _Bx = _missileVelocity select 0; _Bz = _missileVelocity select 1; _By = _missileVelocity select 2; _absB = sqrt (_Bx^2 + _Bz^2 + _By^2); */ _magnitude = [0, 0, 0] distance (velocity _missile); // See description above if ((abs (speed _targetVehicle)) > __SPEEDLIMIT) then { _missile setVectorDirAndUp [_vectorDir, _vectorUp]; _missile setVelocity [(_vectorDir select 0) * _magnitude, (_vectorDir select 1) * _magnitude, (_vectorDir select 2) * _magnitude]; } else { _vectorDir = vectorDir _missile; _vectorUp = vectorUp _missile; }; sleep 0.05; }; those. Vikhr isn't capable to kill the purpose at which speed more than 250 I will try to make video in the evening as it works __________________________________________________ ____________________ One more bug with the LAV25_HQ model. (CO 1.62) The point of capture is strongly displaced above model therefore rockets don't get to it almost. LAV25_HQ is attacked by ~10 metis:
  6. the community of players arma2.ru asks to comment on this video... so it was planned? =) To laugh or cry :confused: ---------- Post added at 18:50 ---------- Previous post was at 18:47 ----------