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Everything posted by x7treme2001

  1. x7treme2001

    Error message

    I uploaded the .PBO file to my server, the maps comes up when you choose it at the Mission screen, but when you actually go from the Assingment screen to the actually mission, i get this error : bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles.Ammobox_7" The thing is i only have 4 actually Ammoboxs, And i have 4 of each kind of vehicle on the map. Any help would be great.
  2. x7treme2001

    Vehicle Respawn

    Do i add this init with Karrillions script? or do i just use this one? *edit* ok well, i took out karrillions Script, and put yours in, and it doesn't work.
  3. x7treme2001

    Vehicle Respawn

    I am using this script, and i got it to work, but it only works if there if a AI starts out in it. then you gotta kill the AIs inside the vehicles to use them. then i got a bunch of AIs running around and its very annoying. I tried everything, turned of AI, start the map, vehicles wont respawn. idk what to do. any help would be great.
  4. x7treme2001

    Vehicle Respawn Template

    I am using Karillions script for Vehicle Respawn, the vrs.sqf one. And I can get the respawn to work only if there are AI's in the vehicle...I dont want them in the vehicle. Any thoughts on how i can fix this?
  5. x7treme2001

    Vehicle Respawn Template

    I am using Karillions script for Vehicle Respawn, the vrs.sqf one. And I can get the respawn to work only if there are AI's in the vehicle...I dont want them in the vehicle. Any thoughts on how i can fix this?