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Everything posted by whydoyouwanttoknow

  1. whydoyouwanttoknow

    Need a total newbie guide to editing

    Both would be nice. I know how to set up waypoints, get people to patrol and stuff like that, but how to get them to do more juicy stuff which seems it needs triggers, etc is beyond me at the moment. Gave it a try a while ago when I first bought the game but found all the guides too advanced for me.
  2. Not one of these fake newbie guides which claim they're for newbies but then make the assumption that you've been the lead programmer for a large PC game developer since the early 1980s, but one that is actually for those of us who don't understand how to do more than place a tank on one side, place a tank on the other and then choose one to gun and shoot the other with
  3. whydoyouwanttoknow


    I think it'd be cool to get a mission or a campaign or whatever like John Birmingham's Axis of Time trilogy. Who wouldn't want to take on an M1 Abrams or a T72 with a King Tiger with the "proper" armour and gun ratings and see what happens?
  4. Something that explains how to do the nitty gritty stuff like scripting, game logics, whatever, but in a way someone who has never done it before would understand? The tutes seem to be either too basic, as in only placing units, or too difficult and you have to know everything already to follow.
  5. Only seen it happen in multiplayer so far. Most times it's a vehicle and when I look towards it large spikes stick out in all directions and it seems to get worse until the game crashes. Looking away helps for a while until the spikes seem to take over the entire universe and crash the game.
  6. whydoyouwanttoknow

    Vehicles or people look like sea urchins

    Yeah, the picture in that link is what mine looks like. I did however download newer nvidia drivers yesterday (mine were ancient) and it didn't help at all.
  7. whydoyouwanttoknow

    Helicopters spin around in circles

    They seem to work fine in the multiplayer part of the game, but I'm stuck in the single player part of the game because the helicopter I'm flying just spins in circles.
  8. whydoyouwanttoknow

    Helicopters spin around in circles

    No, it was happening right from take off. Even before I'd taken off actually. As I was powering up the chopper started to spin counter clockwise. I could sort of keep it straight in flight by applying right pedal but trying to land kept killing me. And it was only that mission. Every other time I've flown a chopper it's been fine.
  9. whydoyouwanttoknow

    Vehicles or people look like sea urchins

    into your shortcut. If your card is holding at 50 degrees, it isn't a heating problem. More likely, you are running out of RAM and the game is doing weird things before crashing (seems to only happen since the last patch for me). Lowering your texture detail and/or adding maxmem should fix it in that case. How much RAM do you have? 2GB
  10. whydoyouwanttoknow

    Helicopters spin around in circles

    What's FADE? It only seemed to be on this one mission. Any other time choppers have been fine. Even flew one afterwards in the armoury with no problems.
  11. whydoyouwanttoknow

    Vehicles or people look like sea urchins

    It cools down within a minute anyway so that doesnt say anything. Pull of your case, put a big fan in front of it and see if it happens again. (You wouldnt be the first one to have overheating problems with just ArmA) Card seems to be holding at 50C while in game.
  12. whydoyouwanttoknow

    Vehicles or people look like sea urchins

    Just to be sure I just checked the temp. 45C and I only just got out of a game a couple of minutes ago.
  13. whydoyouwanttoknow

    Vehicles or people look like sea urchins

    Got a GF7600GT 256MB PCIE It only happens in this game. Happened right off a cold boot and a few minutes into the game.
  14. whydoyouwanttoknow

    Helicopters spin around in circles

    Well I just managed to with a number of retries to complete the mission. With the chopper wanting to spin out of control at all times I managed to shoot a few T72s and was ordered back to base to land. Landing was impossible. Even going into auto hover would have the chopper flying all over the sky going sideways, backwards, etc but not hovering. If I got near the landing site it would cut away from the chopper saying I'd done the mission but then the chopper would crash and I'd have to do it again. I eventually just ejected and walked back to base.
  15. whydoyouwanttoknow

    Helicopters spin around in circles

    Why wouldn't it? It'd be pretty silly to make me have to do a mission to continue with a broken chopper
  16. whydoyouwanttoknow

    Helicopters spin around in circles

    Yes because I was flying a helicopter only a few minutes earlier in MP and apart from getting shot down it was flying straight.