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Everything posted by wolfsblut_

  1. wolfsblut_

    Armed Assault videos

    Hhhmm.. to mix up some tiger-tanks with nazi-advertisement (goebbels speach) can be cool or not but i hope you dont overegg the pudding ;)
  2. wolfsblut_

    Armed Assault videos

    This is worse than a sewing circle. It's annoying.
  3. wolfsblut_

    ArmA photography - Questions&Comments

    Oh mrcash2009, these pictures of Nicholas Bells Razani (alpha) map are so pretty intense :). Congratulation.
  4. wolfsblut_

    Believability in the missions

    This is exactly the perfect gameplaying-scenario and what would me threatened to death: to spend more money on BIS.
  5. wolfsblut_

    Nevada Terrain 0.1

    I saw the vid. Man, .. no words for ... . This is so awesome. BIS should close and send all his money to you (-:
  6. wolfsblut_

    Ragdoll, should Arma2 have it?

    What about OFP2? You realy think CM is so dumb to implement NO ragdoll and NO body-hitpoints to the upcoming OFP2? Man, dream on ...
  7. wolfsblut_

    Armed Assault videos

    My judgement: 0/5
  8. A locust infestation, an earthquake, a hurricane ... I am dying to know whats his next idea for an adjournment.
  9. wolfsblut_

    GC 2008 Press Coverage

    Thats right: the taller the grass the more cover its offering the better. IMO the grass-problem in ArmA (AI sees through the grass) is one of the important problems that must be fixed in ArmA-II. But many play ArmA in third-person-mode "and perhaps here things will be different" (things will be different, gta iv =>
  10. wolfsblut_

    XAM 1.5

    Holy f*cking sh*t. This is awesome... F-16-Flyby:
  11. wolfsblut_

    New ArmA II Pictures!

    I disagree with the helicopterformation-stuff. I think you go too far.
  12. wolfsblut_

    GC 2008 Press Coverage

    C'mon man, can you present a game if there is one damn host-guy (who had not the foggiest idea of arma and not a foggiest idea of a moderation) always trying to keep you down? I think at the beginning and the middle part the BIS-guy did it pretty well. But at the end he failed.
  13. wolfsblut_

    GC 2008 Press Coverage

    My heartfelt sympathy with the BIS-guy who had the not so easy task to present a game in the presence of this bad games-tv-moderation ...
  14. Hey, nice pics. That sh*t is alright, man. Your pics are pretty good for ofp-2-standards :-) , huh. by the by, just for me, Arma-II-respect has to be earned with gameplay-quality not with screenshots :)
  15. wolfsblut_

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    These guys look very simple minded. But maybe this is be-owed to the identification with the target-audience of the ofp2.
  16. wolfsblut_

    BATTLE OF ORTEGO by Mr-Murray [SP]

    I am at the very beginning of the mission but i have a questions: - because i want to integrate the airstrike-possibilty in my tactics i want to know when will i get hands on the airstrike-possiblity? Is this random or at a certain stage of the mission? Maybe after i destroyed the shilkas?
  17. wolfsblut_

    Ka50 Blackshark

    This is also a classic:
  18. wolfsblut_

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    If the 32-player-limitation goes with realistic ragdoll and precisely accurate bulletholes will be ok/welcome.
  19. wolfsblut_

    Movie: The true battle of Chernobyl

    I was also worrying about gorbatchovs inappropriate cheerful face when he told the reporter the sad details of the chernobyl-crisis. I also think the most of the interviewtee acted more as an selfish, heroic actor instead as a factual documentarist.
  20. wolfsblut_

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    To sum his posts on the Codemasters-Forum and his photo (i saw one just a few days ago and his overweight was not a beneficial effect on him) up: the only good thing about him was his nickname.
  21. wolfsblut_

    ArmA Patch v1.14 Final Released!

    you have to use the "-mod=" parameter. So ... nosplash -mod=@ECS;@General... (i am on a visit here)
  22. wolfsblut_

    The state of ArmA?

    For me the state of ArmA is that i have quit ArmA for some time ago for several reasons. The big 4 reasons are: 1.) fairplay in PvP is hardly possible because of the wall-hack-possibilities in ArmA (leaning to walls and in zoom-mode you can look through walls; in prone-situation and if you near a wall and if you zoom-in and if you use a pistol you can look through walls, rocks, floors and tree-trunks). 2.) server-bans on 3 public  and  realistic-playing servers, which i would be interested. 3.) not very interested in shooting robotic AI 4.) recently have not found enough public online-servers which dont play the run&gun&die-missions. Goodbye all http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dIqajtIkTQ Now i am interested in the realistic shooter ground-branch http://www.blackfootstudios.com/forums....orum=13
  23. wolfsblut_

    Arma FDF Sound Pack v1.3

    For me one of the most exciting things in the FDF-mod are the very very veRY VERY VERYY good footstep-sounds. And i dislike - very much the night-hill-storm-sound (way too stormy, a way too shortlooping and a way too overdone. A WIND-sound in a 1 min loop i would prefer). Not spectacular but more reality is this wind-sound. http://freesound.iua.upf.edu/samplesViewSingle.php?id=17553 Press the black-triangle-button to hear the soundfile. (free sample) - the nightsound. Way too much mosquito-sound in a too short loop, turn this thing down or give the loop more time [1 minute or so] and at the same time the soundvolume should become MORE variable in this 1 minute. - the dead-body-flies-sound (too less variety in the volume, the loop is too short).
  24. wolfsblut_

    Poor mission scripting

    In the QG-mission with the mercenaries you get this: You cant command the leader-Team-AI but you have to babysitting him not to die when he stumbles through the mission. And of course you have to watch yourself not to die. I tried this on 100%-Enemy-and-100%-Friendly-AI-skill and the result was that i canceled the campaign after 5 minutes. I was very lucky that i got QG for free and didnt waste money.
  25. wolfsblut_

    Schmalfelden, Germany Map

    Great pictures nicholas. If anyone come to Schmalfelden please make some live-photos and share the shots with the ArmA-community here. So we can compare ArmA-schmalfelden-shots with real-live-shots.