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Everything posted by wolfsblut_

  1. wolfsblut_

    Anyone else using TrackIR in Arma

    Maybe its freaking sweet but you have one big handicap: Every time you are shooting you have to click the shooting-button AND the precision-button. Thats always a time-lag in relation to someone who just click the shooting-button. Maybe that this is in close-range-battle or in situations with quick-response-time a deathly handicap.
  2. wolfsblut_


    You named it "Features", i named it nothing less as a invitation for mentally retarded rambo-playing.
  3. wolfsblut_

    Advanced Combat Environment

    That would be nice, but give a civilian with his flip-flops, his t-shirt and his short hair-style an ak47 and Voila ... you have a terrorist.
  4. wolfsblut_

    Lost-World Returns

    If so, than the same must be applied to humans. Tit for tat.
  5. wolfsblut_

    AK-74(M-ish) Reskin

    Nice work.
  6. wolfsblut_

    Carabinieri screenshoots by PedagneMOD

    Nice work. Also the police-car and the officer. These things remember me at a parking-ticket i had get in italy for a couple of time/month.
  7. wolfsblut_

    Hardware and settings for ArmA

    Nvidia had confirmed officially that (some) 8800-cards have memory-bugs/-problems. http://www.gamestar.de/news....ia.html (17.07.2007)
  8. wolfsblut_

    My Afghanistan Town and mission!

    Hahaha, afghanistan-pics. Are you kidding us?
  9. wolfsblut_

    Anyone thought about knife addon?

    What do you mean with "crawl slowly"? Do you mean you have breaks during the crawling?
  10. wolfsblut_

    6thSense.eu Presents: WeaponPack

    Agree. Please give us some screenshots.
  11. wolfsblut_

    Some Modern Russian Boomsticks

    Actual is there an addon/mod to use these weapons (for example the VSS Vintorez atm ) in ArmA? Are there any missions out which use these weapons?
  12. wolfsblut_

    Put the damn binocs away!

    Disagree because with reason the binocular is packed in a bag and its not hanging round one's neck. In my opinion the arma-animation-time is okay or what do you think how long it takes to hang your rifle on the shoulder and unbox/pull out your binocular in real life?
  13. wolfsblut_

    Armed Assault videos

    And where is the Arma-bug in this vid?
  14. wolfsblut_

    Chammys Sound Mod

    Fantastic sound in a buggy game: the ai-soldier runs through walls/buildings at minute 5:38 like a fu**ing Terminator-2-Cyborg.
  15. wolfsblut_

    Armed Assault videos

    Download-rate with filefront: 75kb/s. download-time ca. 35 minutes.... waiting.
  16. wolfsblut_

    Snatched (SP)

    Havent played so much but i miss the teamswitch to get special weapons from my ai-teammates.
  17. wolfsblut_

    Chammys Sound Mod

    In real life someone who is shooting a weapon hear for a short time the shot with more than 180 dB(A) [soundlevel-peak]. (Sound-level-peak of silenced-weapon about 130 dB(A)). Of course you cant realise this dB's with a sound-card (max 90 dB(A)?) but you have to try to come near the real sound-heaviness. And thats missing in the mod. But i know if you do so probably the fantastic distance-sounds are also changed. But i dont know the details. Maybe there is a way to accommodate the two things or maybe not.
  18. wolfsblut_

    Chammys Sound Mod

  19. wolfsblut_

    Chammys Sound Mod

    Thanks. That would be nice.
  20. wolfsblut_

    Snatched (SP)

    Have just downloaded the mission from his homepage. The second DLlink works for me. Thank you for this mission, The-Architect. I will give it a try. It would be nice if you can put this mission also into www.armaholic.com.
  21. wolfsblut_

    Advanced Combat Environment

    Very very great. We all know what immense workload this is. So, thank you.
  22. wolfsblut_

    Health Bar

    When i was hit then normally i cant run or i cant shoot or i am dead. If i cant run then i know i was shot in the legs. if i cant shoot then i know i was shot in the arms. If i am dead then its useless to know where i was hit.
  23. Is there a comeback in his actual mod of the distance-sounds as we have heard it in the youtube-vid "Armed Assault fire fight 1" between the 0:13minute and 0:33minutte or is there no comeback in his actual mod?
  24. wolfsblut_

    Armed Assault videos

    Ah, a vid like "Doctor Zhivago" with much russian passion and emotions. So, keep on working this.