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Everything posted by whopper_with_cheese

  1. I realise Nvidia logo is bandied about with this game, but has anyone tested this with an ATI card at all ? Getting a lot of things looking cutoff at the main menu, things floating in the air, many textures being black. Try and start a mission, the carrier doesnt seem rendered properly. I can see the insides of the model. In upper part of the screen the carrier is almost invisible. ATI 6950, drivers updated as of 5 mins ago (Same issue before and after) ta
  2. its in the temp folder where you told gamersgate downloader to download BAF to. gets renamed to something else if you didn't install immediately. just look for the 300mb file and rename it to baf.exe, and run it. you did download BAF ?
  3. whopper_with_cheese

    Any improvements with windows 7?

    xp32 was best for me, out of xp32/vista64/win7x64 build7600 - with same spec as you. have u overclocked cpu at all?
  4. whopper_with_cheese

    Very angry at constant CTDs

    yeh doesnt look too promising...so aint got my hopes up about OF2, but should fill int the time until im prepared to have a virgin clean installation of XP to run ARMA2 again...arma2 makes me cry everytime i get this CTD...will take more notice if its arma2.exe or the directx exe crashing ...i think its the former.
  5. whopper_with_cheese

    Very angry at constant CTDs

    cant help, but frustrated myself that patch 1.04 has introduced CTDs everytime in multiplayer (domination) for me...only 15 or 20 mins into the game. pre 1.04, i could play both single and multiplayer for 6-7 hours and never saw a single CTD haven't installed any other software since Arma2 went on, so its a little frustrating trying to guess what part of my PC that ARMA2 now objects to will go on the shelf until i've tried OpFpoint2 and can be bothered re-installing clean XP again. which O.S are u using ? got another O.S to try ? asking you makes me realise i havent tried 1.04 in my vista or win7 partitions yet...thanks for your help ! :)
  6. whopper_with_cheese

    TrackIR and Arma2 - problems

    check what trackir profile is assigned to your ARMA2 game exe. is that profile using the Track Clip Pro or the (default) head mounted reflector ? i.e. you might be testing with one profile in the trackir software setup, but another profile is kicking in when the game starts.
  7. whopper_with_cheese

    How do i skip missions

    search for ENDMISSION
  8. whopper_with_cheese

    Badlands.....Bohemian Rhapsody

    have u actually pressed the SWITCH COMMAND MENU button, in order to see the Nato symbols (down the bottom left) ?
  9. whopper_with_cheese

    Badlands.....Bohemian Rhapsody

    do the NATO symbols appear in 1st person view (not map view) ? i.e: at the start of my badlands game, i had (ignoring razor) 2 sections of infantry + 2x inf who hopped in the MG uaz, and these appeared as 3 NATO symbols when in commanding mode. the APC crewmen never appeared as my team members (faces in bottom left), or in commanding mode ( NATO symbols in bottom left)...i.e. couldnt be controlled. they just delivered the APC and jumped out and stood next to it. Is your auto save set to just before the townsfolk vs. APC conversations ? i.e. can u load it again and see if the crew jump out at Point Orange? I dont think you'll get any trucks coming until you build your base, the latter of which might not be possible if the 2 crew want to stay inside the bmp. (please tell me if that's not correct...)
  10. whopper_with_cheese

    Badlands.....Bohemian Rhapsody

    the unlock/lock is probably to stop friendly AI taking it somewhere else. did you actually get inside the hq bmp in the end or not ? if so, were u in the drivers seat ? when it arrived for me, the 2 crew exited - allowing me free rein to drive it anywhere i wanted. as for the rebels, are you using commanding mode to try and order them around ? i.e. the icons change at the bottom of the screen to the blue mil symbols ?
  11. whopper_with_cheese

    Nation flag on arm

    hi, yeh i typed post number 4 after sending u typed messages in game but before i realised u were on t/s. (i was crawling around in front of your line of sight after u revived me, but u were trying to play the game properly and kept crawling to one side so u could see past me to find enemy....also the custom faces arent quite as dark/obvious in game as they appear in the raw jpg) anyway, this is the link where i grabbed a few pix from : http://www.armedassault.eu/Armed-Assault/822-ArmA-Faces-by-Charles-Wipman.html just save the one u want to the correct location (My Documents/ArmA Other Profiles/USERNAME directory) and rename it to face.jpg, then choose CUSTOM face in Arma2 where u select character profile face/voice etc done! wasnt too hard to combine a couple of the jpgs, if u like the hands on one jpg, but want the face from another
  12. whopper_with_cheese

    Nation flag on arm

    yes, google WIP faces thanks for reviving me on WBG just now...u werent chatting in game :) tried to show ya the face i just learnt how to do this morning
  13. whopper_with_cheese

    Nation flag on arm

    probably like this... or http://www.tacticalgamer.com/armed-assault-technical-support-faqs/92338-custom-faces-armed-assault.html only saw 1 person running around arma2 with flag on face and hand. looked a bit tacky/silly i thought. some decent camoflauge patterns on the other hand...
  14. whopper_with_cheese

    Current setup. 20-24 FPS Is that right?

    can you get that cpu running faster, before buying anything else ? i had 2x 9800gtx before, and they were fine for arma2...the cpu speed dictated performance.
  15. whopper_with_cheese

    NVidia Graphics card and Arma 2

    dual/quad core is irrelevant...just overclock what you got as much as you can. e8600 dual core at 4ghz produced same results i get from i7 920 @ 4ghz....i.e. good (at stock speeds both were playable but a bit jerky)
  16. whopper_with_cheese

    Australia island in Arma2

    are we going to have kangaroos replace the rabbits that run around the place ? then we could have real aussie army missions like: 'who can cull the most kangaroos at Majura firing range?'
  17. whopper_with_cheese

    Star Wars Stormtrooper

    i wanna be running around as princess leia, with the skimpy gold/bronze jabba the hut outfit..just an idea to boost the number of 'rebel' characters to play as
  18. whopper_with_cheese

    How closely do you think ArmA simulates real combat?

    its a game, nothing like real life soldiering. cant give 'actions on' orders to AI before a contact/mission...so you're micro managing them in the heat of the battle. i.e. action on civvy found, action on enemy spotted, action on contact, action on lost etc. Would be nice if there were simple commands to manage fire teams in heat of the battle, i.e. for advancing and covering each other.... basic infantry minor tactics stuff AI has no concept of obstacle crossings (i.e. road/fences)...they dont stop and check for enemy ambush, cover each other and then move across the one by one. communications are always effective...i would dearly love to see signals being implemented properly. i.e. VHF affected by range, terrain etc (Stop and setup a proper antennae in a tree if need be). Hummers or other vehicles nearby can extend the signal range... When contacts have been made, u cant regroup and issue a plan to the AI...again u have to micromanage them for every waypoint u want them to take...u cant bring the map up, show which team memebers where they need to get to/cover and HOW they are going to get there (i.e. might need several waypoints to avoid being seen whilst moving into flanking position). Obviously most of these issues are alleviated by playing online, IF everyone is using voice and is "on the same page" regarding tactics.
  19. whopper_with_cheese

    Bug : Ctd multiple copies

    so was there actually an error message after the 1st 'CTD' ? or it just threw u back to desktop / black screened (possibly due to vid card issue/overclocked too much...i had that occur and several instance of game running)
  20. whopper_with_cheese

    Pathfinding is terrible

    my personal favourite is the friendly AI running over friendlies (including myself), even when those on foot were stationary / standing up in the middle of a big wide field...leaving me reaching for that load key and reminding me again that i'm playing a computer game. who cares if they can get from one side of the map to the other, the point is HOW they do it.
  21. whopper_with_cheese

    Arma 2 running better on MDSN win7 x86 RTM?

    whats wrong about his question ? he was very specific about the RTM/x86 version. i'd like to hear about peoples experiences with this version (RTM/x86) too, compared to xp32...since thats what windows 7 will actually be like..not the RC or earlier versions. I cant get win7 RTM/x64 to beat xp32 in arma2 yet, but still trying.
  22. cleared out 1st two bases. asked to help the vishnoye village. decided to setup my base first so i could get some AT support. had the repair/fuel/ammo truck, all with drivers removed...so they dont move off somewhere else or use up all their fuel idling whilst at base. went and saved vishnoye. come back, and all my trucks (Except salvage) are gone. the real estate agent said this was a good part of town !?!? the drivers are still in my base EDIT: let me guess, they were salvaged by my own base????????????????? EDIT2: FFS, as i typed the last edit - the salvage truck salvaged my undamaged but empty BRDM2s...so my original post is answered but boy - could this game get anoy more annoying? jesus t1tty f*ckin chr1st ---------- Post added at 05:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:59 PM ---------- oh well, i guess if vehicles are disposable a la bf2, then theres no need to use refuel trucks etc. given we earn money in this game quicker than a bangkok hooker, it seems rather easy to play this mission like starcraft/command and conquer...take over the towns by sending in disposable cdf units, wait until they die, 'buy' some more of them..repeat. No need to go near the fight yourself. if only i could send razor team in on suicide mission, and get away with it...:o
  23. whopper_with_cheese

    Badlands: No ending

    yes...it's porked, use ENDMISSION cheat
  24. whopper_with_cheese

    Arma: The Concept

    I've been thinking kinda along these lines in a dream like world for some time...but taken 1 step further: All these companies get together to produce one big a** combat environment. BIS focuses on the infantry/ground combat...improve immersion / spatial awareness with things such as hand signals, comms with proper signals (using correct templates for voice tx/have a signaller class/ radio trucks etc to extend range across the battlefield etc, the latter of which becomes priority for specops). Make tanks a little more sim like to start up/use. Give proper 'action on...' orders to your subordinates. Facility to draw on the map (like a 'mud model') to communicate DETAILED attack plan to your subordinates. EagelDynamics/DCS with black shark/a10 etc provide the aerial interface. This will rid the game of knobheads who just jump in the 1st air vehicle they see, push the throttle to full and they're in the air shooting at anything that moves. Not any more...they have to sit and do their checklists which might take 10mins to get into the air. Ubisoft (or whoever) provides Subs/Destroyers (a la Silent Hunter) as the naval combat/support snap-in (ok Uboats might be a little out of date...) Sure it'd never happen, lots of companies getting together and agreeing on what the common framework their sim units will abide by to interact in the common battlespace. Not to mention the financials of it all! But it warms my heart to think that someday, just maybe, there could be a mega combat sim where all the vehicles are played like a sim...not grand theft auto.
  25. whopper_with_cheese

    Windows 7 really does fix everything

    which windows 7 32bit ultimate? there have been many builds