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About well

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  1. well

    New ArmA trailer

    hi there, your interview with Michael Jackson cracked up and for the new trailer, it is just about as good as it can get given so little materials.
  2. I am genuinely upbeat about your idea, but I am not as sure as you are. People always have different tastes, for example some like arcade racing game like Need For Speed Underground, while others prefer serious racing simulations. Even among the OFPers we have people who only play for the "addons", well, you just never know. Although the elite always know what to choose.
  3. In fact I'd like it if they could just leave the name of next generation game to "Game 2", you know, kind of prideful and arrogant that this is THE game.
  4. well

    Armed Assault Video E3 Presentation

    Don't the developers have a look at their own forums every now and then? I guess they should have some idea of what the players like, and of course they have their own ideas as to how to design the game.
  5. My answer to the question--- In the world of OFP, I feel I am a real soldier. In other FPS games, I know I am just another bloody gamer. There's nothing quite like OFP even it's been five years since its release.
  6. well

    ArmA E3 Trailer Music

    Personally I think it'd better if they had added some conversations and plots into the trailer, as well as some tight land combats, other than purely showcase the scenery and new features. It will add the more passion and excitement. Love OFP ever since the first time I played it in late 2001 And glad to find so many loyal fans here. WE ROCK!