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Everything posted by wedge123

  1. So like I said I'm not really doing trees, mainly because any skills I have are more in architecture than soft foliage etc Everyone wants trees.....I want trees... And bushes and hedge rows and.....all of the above in autumn and winter :) We need to enlist the help of someone who's done it before and if the wanted to collaborate that would be cool. We'll this is something I am trying to do as of now. The thing is it takes anywhere from 5-10 times longer to model a building with an interior. It is my preference to do this but it could hinder the quantity of buildings released..... However that said if it was generally agreed on this thread that non interactive buildings are of no interest then I would take that into full consideration and keep the non enter able buildings to a serious minimum. So let me know what u guys think ..... Hazard stuff is a nice idea = added to list of ideas Wedge
  2. ok so i have sort of started on a couple of things... Like i said in the beginning i didnt want this to be an object specific request thread as that is not the intention and i would have put it in the 02 forum.I am trying to do something else.... So today i thought to myself, when previously building terrains, i always wanted a bigger variety of sidewalks for the towns i make so not every town looks the same. And thats the kind of thing i mean. Nice big pack of varied sidewalks for terrain builders to use not tied down to a specific theme. So are there any suggestions from anyone for anything that they would like more variation?? Wether it be walls, fences, houses or even accessary type items for the finer detailing ANYTHING EXCEPT VEGETATION :mad:;):D Wedge
  3. Yeah, ruins always come in handy and in generally a doddle to make. Added to the list of doom ;)
  4. wedge123

    Isla Duala for Arma 3 (WIP)

    Nice to see you back around mate, I am also back for some more action ;-)
  5. Yeah ....just takes a few years :-)
  6. well i think vegetation is something everybody wants and unfortunatly its one of the hardest things to do well. This was more about hard objects rather than soft foliage. Heres some questions for anyone who has a say :-) -Have we seen enough middle eastern/afghani maps to last 5 lifetimes?? (i dont want to spend 2 months making adobe houses if everyone goes..."uh..another middle east terrain" -How high is a winter island/terrain on everybodys agenda?? (i know its quite high on mine :- look at what i was woking on for Arma lol HERE and that was just foliage reskins and unit reskins. wow that was a long time ago) -Another favourite mod of mine was the farmland mod..anyone remember it?? well i had made some really nice terrain using that but never actually released them. Personally i would love to see something of that nature again. It included farmhouses,walls, working windmills, grain silos etc.... Does this interest the terrain community?? - and heres a few crazy things i have written down Cartel Mod [table=width: 400" ;border="1] [tr]Cartel Mod [td]Drug Lord mansion[/td] [td]Drug making facilities[/td] [td]marajuana/poppy plant/[/td] [td]Field placement for either of the above[/td] [td]swimming pool[/td] [td]Slum buildings for workers[/td] [td]Stacks 'o' cash and piles 'o' coke lol[/td] [td]just need some help with the rottweiler ;-)[/td] [/tr] [/table] Countryside [table=width: 400" border="1] [tr] [td]Farm buildings[/td] [td]windmills etc[/td] [td]selection of walls and fences[/td] [td]hay buildings,bales etc[/td] [td]garden centre(long greenhouses)[/td] [td]Golf course! (yes you heard me :-)[/td] [td]selection of Village buildings[/td] [td][/td] [/tr] [/table] Other crazy stuff [table=width: 400" border="1] [tr]other crazy stuff [td]Japanese[/td] [td]Airport[/td] [td]Shopping mall[/td] [td]Football stadium...more like local not wembly ;-)[/td] [td]Raceway[/td] [td]oil rig (which i think would be frickin awesome)[/td] [td][/td] [td][/td] [/tr] [/table] So what theme is Arma3 craving. Even if its the same as what we have just more variety? I just wanted to decide on what I was going to do And to make sure I let people have a say. Also if I do this in stages I have to prioritise. Wedge
  7. Bush Thanks for the feedback. It's all still in design and height map stage anyways at the moment. I also have a number of my own creations I want for the terrain which are already started (as morbid as it sounds, a high res grave yard pack ;-)) so I have a lot to do with that including a list of objects and photos/textures to create. So the real question I suppose is...how far CAN I get? Judging from your above post I should be able to...... - create height map as per usual and import into vis3 - create sat map as per usual and import as per usual - add ground textures as per usual - create config for clutter etc - binarize?? As normal?? - and get it into A3 And are these processes exactly the same as A2 or are we already talking workarounds for any of these processes.? After this we are talking Vis4 I assume. I have time but not in abundance, when I learn a program I am am pretty quick (I created Barbuda in less than 8 weeks from start to finish) but having said that I don't want to get frustrated and pee'd off and burn myself out trying to make stuff work that is not necessarily designed to work in that way. I love the way this community pulls together to get these workarounds and what is achieved is truly remarkable, however that said I am in agreement that I would rather wait for tools to ease the process. Besides, if you are saying all of the above is possible as we stand then I still have a lot to be getting on with :-) On a side note... Is there a collection of decent ground textures or existing bis ones with all the associated files readily available?. I believe when I created Barbuda I used the 4 rhamadi textures that bis released as at the time i didn't have the time to learn anything about the process of making my own. Or are they easy enough to make, of course I don't mean the textures them selves but the relevant files that accompany them. Thanks wedge
  8. Ok .... So hypothetically speaking, let's say I was an old school terrain maker from OFP and Arma1 author of an island called Barbuda who has barely touched the tools since, would you A) encourage me re engage in terrain editing using the workarounds that are currently in place? And B) tell me that I could create an island for Arma3 in from start to finish inc objects, roads, clutter etc? Also would you actually recommend any of the fore mentioned tree generators. Also on a side note( as I was most disturbed by the comment) I placed every single object on Barbuda by hand and would do so again by choice as I am sick in the head and am a control freak ;) Wedge
  9. Hi, For some reason when i pack my addon it seems to just dissapear. I have it targeted to my @mod folder\addons and it seems to pack fine. However when BinPbo shows ready i check my folder and there is nothing there. Any ideas?? Many thanks Wedge
  10. wedge123

    skype group

    Hi Shezan Added you, awaiting response :)
  11. Hi Guys I managed to copy and paste some of my runway. Unfortunatly i cannot now select or delete some of the tiles no matter what i do.:mad: Can anyone help with a quick solution. Thanks Wedge
  12. wedge123

    Cannot delete runway tiles??

    Yeah...well thats the only real answer ...i was trying to avoid it but i think there are no other choices :( . I will do it tonight and let you know the outcome. Wedge
  13. wedge123

    Cannot delete runway tiles??

    nope....didnt work either. Here they are in all their glory.... http://cfarma2.com/wedge/Screen/badrunwaytile.jpg
  14. wedge123

    Cannot delete runway tiles??

    Well its a runway tile Specifically roads_e\runway\runway_main_ep1 . I copied and pasted it without realising and is now non selectable or deletable.I have tried restarting all parts of the programs relating to it and have even tried deleting everything from the island as well as the object template for the whole island aswell. started it up looked in buldozer and there they were...empty island with 3 random runway peices in there. I really am stuck now. on a side note...this has happened before but with roads.i found that i could still drag over and delete the invisible road and that would be it. This however is not working for me now.
  15. Hi Guys I managed to copy and paste some of my runway. Unfortunatly i cannot now select or delete some of the tiles no matter what i do. Can anyone help with a quick solution. Thanks Wedge
  16. Win 7 Ultimate. Tried reinstalling a couple of times.... Im not too worried as everything else seems in order. Thanks for your help anyway Gnat
  17. the only place it creates to is desktop? Wierd
  18. Beton - that got it..thanks...still got the black texture prob though :(
  19. Hi Guys I have searched everywhere for this and cant find an answer to my problem which is annoying because im sure its common or a simple fix.Sorry if its a repost etc... Alot of the OA objects are flashing black in buldozer and wont show the textures properly. I thought maybe it was to do with the shaders but i followed the instructions and i believe i have set it up correctly. I have decided to start a new island based on my Barbuda island (some may remember from Arma). I have spent such a long time away from this its taken me a week to just set everything up correctly. And now this.....:confused: Thanks for your help. any answers are appreciated Wedge
  20. wedge123

    OA Objects In Buldozer?

    hehe how bout that for timing :) ---------- Post added at 09:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:15 PM ---------- OK Installed new tools.....for a start buldozer wont load up on my current map. it only works if i delete everything on my island then load buldozer and then add objects. i tried a few objects from structures_e and the black flashing texture problem is still there. This sucks.... @icebrkr been waiting for you on MSN but not been on so il grab you when u do.cheers
  21. Doh indeed.... And now after installing it mu bulozer wont start at all....no errors just stops responding
  22. wedge123

    OA Objects In Buldozer?

    Ok Ice Cheers mate..... @Darkhorse If i get it sorted il post the solution here Wedge
  23. wedge123

    OA Objects In Buldozer?

    Well My CA folder is as normal as i can remember it For instance alot of my problems are with structures_e So i have CA - structures_e - HouseA It appears to only be OA objects that are problematic The textures are there..underneath but keep flashing black making it extrememly difficult to match things up.
  24. wedge123

    maps under construction:

    Icebrkr I would be very interested in helping you...You saw my citys in Barbuda so you know what my style is. Let me know Wedge
  25. wedge123

    OA Objects In Buldozer?

    DO you mean the P CA folder??