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About wedge123

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    Lance Corporal

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  1. wedge123

    Random tasks\objectives

    Hey Jshock do you still have the example mission from the first page of this thread?? The link no longer works Thanks
  2. So i tried this and please correct me if i have done it incorrectly... Alt-p for named selections Property name = LodNoShadow Value = 1 I have tried this in LOD 1 and shadow volume 0,000 and still have the texture issue. Maybe i have misinterpreted your instructions. ---- I have since Added All relevent LODs LOD 1.000 Shad 0.000 Geo View Fire and still have texture issue.Any ideas?? Thanks
  3. At the moment i was literally just trying to get the model ingame just to see wether my textures looked decent against the bis textures. Maybe you guys could give some feedback :) .... i know its only a basic model but feedback is always welcome, And being a telephone engineer i can assure you it looks consistent with the real thing :D SO anyway... i dont have any other LODs setup as yet, so hopefully that will be the issue resolved. I will work on the other LODs over the next day or two, fingers crossed. Thanks Again Wedge
  4. Hey guys, i have been through and corrected my errors and thanks to Jackals comment i double checked my OB setting it was showing the correct path but i reset anyway and seemed to clear my error. Thanks again. http://i.imgur.com/yYwjdmH.jpg While im here would anyone be able to explain the weird effect on my textures when object is facing the sun? Bearing in mind i only have a basic unwrap and no other materials as yet. http://i.imgur.com/kXfJz4m.jpg Thanks again Wedge
  5. Yes i did. I just tried yet again. i made a basic box. Imported to OB. Checked texture path by pushing E and also checked mass renaming and all point to P:\atest\telecoms.paa new file system as follows P:\atest including atest.paa telecoms.paa config.cpp I thought i couldnt get any more simple than that. Source folder in PBOproject is P:\atest Crunched it and same error. atest.p3d scanning... p3d: P:\temp\atest\atest.p3d missing \p:\atest\telecoms.paa Tearing my hair out!! :wacko:
  6. So i have been trying again this morning for the last 2 hours, and still no joy??! I rebuilt the file folders to check i had everything in place. Its this part i just cant get my head around... @TWA\TWA_Objects\TWA_Telecom\texHeaders.bin 1 File(s) copied 1 file(s) copied. 1 file(s) copied. 1 file(s) copied. 1 file(s) copied. 1 file(s) copied. 1 file(s) copied. 1 file(s) copied. 1 file(s) copied. 1 file(s) copied. 1 file(s) copied. MakePbo: Building entries:... config.bin Telecoms.paa texHeaders.bin TWA_pcp.p3d scanning... p3d: P:\temp\@TWA\TWA_Objects\TWA_Telecom\TWA_pcp.p3d missing \p:\@twa\twa_objects\twa_telecom\data\telecoms.paa Its still telling me that this file is missing but its not, its there. My process is as follows 3DS Max Exported as fbx - Imported to OB - Check file path to textures in OB - Save as p3d to @TWA\TWA_objects\TWA_Telecom\TWA_pcp.p3d I can see its doing something with the temp folder but im just not getting it. I tried it with a simpler file system too using just P\:pcp\pcp.p3d and this still didnt work.It Cant find the texture file. I know this is probably the most basic and simple solution however i am struggling to find it. I have followed all the tutorials i can to the T! I would be most grateful for some assistance. Thanks again in advance Wedge
  7. Hi Guys, I have a backlog of models i have been working on for some time, most of which are ready to bring into arma. I thought i would start with a small one as its been a long time since doing it. So i have brought the model in with no problems however my uv texture is not working. Here is the log from PBOproject.... and my texture is in p:\twa_civilian\data\telecoms.paa Could someone please help me out as ive been trying for a couple of days now and do not want to give up before ive even started....not in my nature :D rapify x64UnicodeVersion 1.75, Dll 5.24 "config.cpp" scanning cfgPatches...ok (altered) No Error(s) Output is to config.bin TWA_civilian\data\Telecoms.paa 1 File(s) copied TWA_civilian\texHeaders.bin 1 File(s) copied 1 file(s) copied. 1 file(s) copied. 1 file(s) copied. 1 file(s) copied. 1 file(s) copied. 1 file(s) copied. 1 file(s) copied. 1 file(s) copied. 1 file(s) copied. 1 file(s) copied. MakePbo: Building entries:... config.bin Telecoms.paa texHeaders.bin TWA_pcp.p3d scanning... p3d: p:\temp\TWA_civilian\TWA_pcp.p3d missing \p:\twa_civilian\data\telecoms.paa I greatly appreciate your help and hope i can produce some nice items for the community, Thanks Wedge
  8. Hi chaps, its been a while for me (Arma1 Isla Barbuda) SInce i made terrain and a bit has changed as well as becoming a little rusty :-). I have followed the Atlas tutorial as well as CAPTNCAPS tutorials on pootube. I believe i have followed them to a T and yet when i fire up my terrain in bulldozer its tiny. I am trying to make a small island to get myself going again but want it too be fairly detailed so wanted a cell size of around 4 as i believe this is now acceptable. Is this info below still current and correct? Also another query... i used to control water height and max terrain height using a PBL file. Can this still be done or is it soley reliant upon the height map for water height reference? Many thanks
  9. sorry been off for a couple of days. Tried all the options suggested and it is still telling me its expecting an object? For instance Error Group = Type Group, expected object Im seriously pulling hair out here. :confused:
  10. EDIT!!! was about to say something stupid. Will try that now thanks Jshock How easy would it to implement a "remaining enemy #" counter?? ---------- Post added at 14:50 ---------- Previous post was at 14:10 ---------- ok so i tried that out and am getting while { {alive _x} count units #_bravo1 > 0 } do Error units; type array expected objects,group _bravo1 has been created as a group earlier in the script _bravo1 = [getMarkerPos "test2", WEST, (configFile >> "CfgGroups" >> "West" >> "BLU_F" >> "Infantry" >> "BUS_InfTeam")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; So now im confused as i thought was now classed as a group. How do i classify _bravo1 as an ingame object?? this maybe where my problems are coming from, not properly understanding how to make things in the script appear as a named object in the game?
  11. cant seem to get that to work Just to explain a little further so im not beating around the bush.... I have 3 enemy squads _grp2a _grp2b _grp2c and also on friendly squad _Bravo so what i really need is a script snippet that says.... wait until _grp2a & _grp2b & _grp2c are dead ["task1", "Succeeded"] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState; else If Bravo is dead ["task1", "Failed"] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState; I really have tried to do this myself and wouldnt waste your time on here but as im still learning and dont get alot of time in the week to do it i really do need some help. Also would anyone know if i am using this waituntil {player distance Blah < 2}; will this screw up in MP if i only want it to fire once for the player group in the server??? ie if player one goes it will fire and player 2 will fire it again. Many thanks once again Wedge
  12. More ridiculous questions coming up im afraid. Having more trouble with !alive This time with groups All i want to do is complete a mission when all 3 enemy squads are dead. Simple huh.....well not for me!! haha i have _grp2a = []; _grp2b = []; _grp2c = []; _enemyGrps = ["_grp2a","_grp2b","_grp2c"]; I can make it work with 1 squad using .... waituntil {{alive _x} count units _grp2a < 1}; However cannot seem to nail it for 3 squads. Is there a way to do it with an array?? or using && ?? THanks Wedge
  13. Ok sounds good I will try that later .... Funny how I only noticed the player bit when I posted up here!! DUH Also while I'm asking stupid questions, what's the main difference/reason for using spawn as apposed to call fnc Thanks
  14. I currently have it setup like this sleep 1; [ player, // Units "task1", // Unique task id [ "An enemy tank has been spotted moving into <marker name = marker1> This Town </marker>.Find and eliminate this Armoured threat", // Description "Eliminate Enemy Armour", // Actual title "Eliminate Armour" // GUI title (waypoint marker text) ], (getmarkerpos _selakano), // Task position true // Set as current task?? ] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate; ["task1", "Assigned"] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState; sleep 3; waitUntil {!alive (_tank select 0)}; ["task1", "Succeeded"] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState; sleep 3; So this worked perfectly for whoever was running the server but would not start the tasks for any other player so tried this.... sleep 1; [ player, // Units "task1", // Unique task id [ "An enemy tank has been spotted moving into <marker name = marker1> This Town </marker>.Find and eliminate this Armoured threat", // Description "Eliminate Enemy Armour", // Actual title "Eliminate Armour" // GUI title (waypoint marker text) ], (getmarkerpos _selakano), // Task position true // Set as current task ] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate; [["task1", "created"],"BIS_fnc_taskSetState", true, true] call BIS_fnc_MP; sleep 2; ["task1", "Assigned"] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState; [["task1", "Assigned"],"BIS_fnc_taskSetState", true, true] call BIS_fnc_MP; But still no joy.... Can you shed any light? Edit.... Is it anything to do with the fact ive used Player as the unit???
  15. Slightly different question..... Does anyone have any up to date info regarding the BIS_fnc_MP function and using it with the BIS_fnc_TaskCreate function? What i mean by this is does it work? The mission i have been working on as the subject of this thread all came to a crashing halt when hosted with other players. I have found info on here but just wondered if someone can clarify that it works before i waste untold hours trying to get t work :-) . Thanks