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Everything posted by wenker

  1. wenker

    Alien Attacker Vessel v2.0 WIP

    Is this addon still alive or being moved to arma?
  2. Im editing my post because I had caps lock on............So now im going easy, War of the Worlds, and ID4 would be sweet.........
  3. i once again have moved to a new station and where i am located i do not have high speed internet, only thing i have is dial up and it disconnects constatnly( can never get on ofpec) so pelase bear with me. its a simple question i just need to know how to make an objective. and how to make it so the mission ends when all of the objectives are done.
  4. wenker

    Anyone get zombies to work?

    how smooth do you think a pc is gonna run with a 1000 zombies at once? im thinking your gonna need a big rig. someone please tell me im wrong to make me feel better. some people i talk to say you can run arma with 1 gb ram, and a 6800gt on meduim to high settings just fine. others say you need 2 gb ram and 768-1gb gpu to run it on medium. so how the hell will 1000 zombies work lol?
  5. wenker

    F/A-18E Super Hornet & More

    that is frigg'n awsome! im excited
  6. wenker

    F/A-18E Super Hornet & More

    i hope this one brings all the current tech, to ofp- hudson and pennywise didnt have after burners( the engine was way to fast for ofp, you fly at like 800kmh) i dont know, i just hope it has all the feature as ikar's f-14's. so far this looks like the best one for ofp yet.
  7. I am simply trying to get "empty" aircraft to spawn on the pcmidway carrier. I can find anything to help me. i have tried some commands but havent worked properly. if anyone can help please post.
  8. wenker


    Anyone want to post some screenshots of in side the cockpits on the air craft in ArmA?
  9. wenker


  10. wenker

    F/A-18E Super Hornet & More

    in deed drool! that cockpit is almost perfect! give you props for the hard work! just a few more textures to go! good job! - and a question. Are any of these hornets double seaters? like super hornets in the navy?
  11. wenker

    how to use no map

    what do i do to use the command of nomap? dont what to type and where. help please! thanks.
  12. what is the script/ cmd line that i use to make a unit spawn once i get to the trigger?
  13. wenker

    Alien Attacker Vessel v2.0 WIP

    is this addon still alive? or d.e.a.d?
  14. wenker


    I ahve been playing ofp since the beginning. but as i was looking through the controls today it says that my rudder is keymapped to the z-axis... what is the z-axis? I never even realized ofp had rudder support. is the ofp rudder support a real rudder? where you only go left or right, and you do not do a spin.. or dive? ALso does ofp support force feedback? I have breen playing ofp for so long and i never even thought of half of this stuff... thanks guys please post!!!!
  15. wenker


    wait the x52 is not force feed back?
  16. wenker


    Why dont you set the damage on the other units in the trigger to invinsible and when they exit it the trigger they go back to normal.
  17. wenker


    Is there any way to script a working radar inside the cockpit of a helo or aircraft? in stead of having that one on top of the screen?
  18. How do you make it so that when you start off a mission with your troops in a helo the helo isnt not hovering? Cause when istart the mission the helo is hovering and then goes..is there any way to make the helo start in motion? Another question.. When you go to unload from the helo..is there any way you can make it just drop you off in stead of taking 5 minutes to land?.. if you dont understand what im askingj ust post that you dont understand lol.. thanks guys and girls..
  19. wenker


    Any one out there in the community ever plan on making/ modeling a tripod from the new version of war of the worlds? That would be the ultimate sci-fi addon besdies the cd's..
  20. How do i end the mission in the editor?
  21. wenker


    dude i will do what i can.. as of right now the only thing i have is the model... No scripts, no textures, no animations, not even hit points or anything on the model...you can just fly right through it.. only thing i have scripted into it right now is a gun just to make sure that whati have right now will target planes,inf, and armor. But the good news is this pack will( if ever finished) noth original tripod model and the new version of the tripod, along with the martian flying mechine. Yes heat rays are planned to be worked on and so is everything else from the book and movies.. Its just really hard right now because we have 2 people working on this project. So honestly expect may be the alpha/beta versions in ofp and the final in aa. Thats all for now thanks for support!!
  22. wenker


    wILL aa BE ABLE TO support more units with out lagg? Like realistic epic scaled battles.. Army vs army instead of squad vs squad?
  23. wenker


    editing a pointless post....
  24. wenker


    This is the model with no animations, textures, or scripts. But as you can see this is the older version.. Not the one from the current film.. I could use some extra help with it!
  25. wenker


    I def. will get permission first! thanks... Ill post back when i got update.