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Posts posted by westy-SWAF-

  1. first time try following checkfile array

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">






































































    And be sure you get some of them.

    But be careful with the merged messages cause they also come if you dont have HW T&L activated!

    These Advanced files must be wrong.. becuase everyone who connects gets the error message or checkfile error

  2. Thx waterman and sicilian to give us your filechecker, but u know like me that it is useless when cheater change the name of the file.

    So you caught the noob cheater, not all. Anyway, if someone from BIS read this topic, he can maybe do something better than us.

    Hey BIS, as the pope is in Lourdes can you do a miracle for us ?


    And that is WRONG. We don't check for filenames but for loaded configs. If you check for g36a\config.bin you will do a check on the g36a the player uses, regardless of path and filename.

    I really like people like that do not even care to inform themselves about what can be done but just go off telling everyone how "impossible" this is. And when presented the solution they don't even care look at it but just repeat their stupid denials.

    Read my post: i already detected those supercheater users. Even though they just randomly generated file pathes, hacked exes, etc. It IS possible.

    Although you can see that watermans checkfile lacks the essential checks and it will therefor not detect most cheats...

    So when are you going to put together a good filechecker Benu?
