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Everything posted by warezflogga

  1. warezflogga

    Upgrade 1.45 stuffed my mission!

    Does anyone know if v1.46 has addressed the issues?
  2. warezflogga

    Upgrade 1.45 stuffed my mission!

    Hi all, My big mission is almost ready after months of work. One of my crowning achievements is the opening where a chopper follows you and you narrowly miss a bombardment of explosions that run along the ground towards you. Since I’ve updated to v1.45 I have replaced my explosions (usually displaying a fire explosion followed by smoke and debris) with a sort of soft fart (that shows a tuft of yellow OR a smudge of smoke) for 1 second.? I'm pissed off as it’s taken me until now to get it all running right. Just to have it stuffed up by an official release. Has anyone found the same problem and or found a way to fix it? Thanks all, Warezflogga
  3. warezflogga

    Upgrade 1.45 stuffed my mission!

    The good thing is that now you can shoot yourself in the foot and die from it. (try it) Although I reserve the right to shoot myself in the foot if i wish (and am glad that BIS have indulged me my god given right to do so), I'll stick with the smooth running of v1.42. And on future updates.....thanks anyway, but I'm right. Oh yeah............LOL Warezflogga PS. yes he does suck (B.Gates)
  4. warezflogga

    Removing 'addaction' buttons.

    Could you possibly elaborate on the CREATE UNIT command? I'm clearly inept in this department. If you can explain it in lamen, I'd be very grateful. Thanks for your replay all the same. Warezflogga.
  5. Hello All, Here's a toughy. In the Init line of a trigger you can say...... aP AddAction ["",".sqs"] to bring up a menu bar button named "" that will execute the .sqs file when activated. My question is, can you set an init line (activated by a trigger) that will remove this button from the menu bar and by that, the accessability of the script?
  6. warezflogga

    Removing 'addaction' buttons.

    Could you possibly elaborate on the CREATE UNIT command? I'm clearly inept in this department. If you can explain it in lamen, I'd be very grateful. Thanks for your replay all the same. Warezflogga.
  7. warezflogga

    Removing 'addaction' buttons.

    We'll i'll be stuffed. Never knew you could link them together. My hat off to you.
  8. warezflogga

    Removing 'addaction' buttons.

    Thank you both. This will make all the difference to my mission. If you want to see who is quicker on the trigger, I offer these questions. On your marks....... Q1: Is it possible to set a trigger so that only the player can activate it? And if so, how? Q2: If i create a unit and set its condition as FALSE it will vanish from the game. Is there a dialog that can be typed somewhere that will set the unit as TRUE halfway through the mission? Thus making the unit appear when you wish. As always, any clues would be appreciated.
  9. Hello all. This is my first post. I've gone nuts on my mission. It's taken me 8 months. It starts on one end of Kolgujev and takes you to the opposite end. I fancy myself as a cinema buff and have added cool musical scores from Hollywood War,Action,Sci-Fi films all the way through to great atmospheric effect. I have had to split the mission into two files because it was actually to big to save as a single mission pbo. My question is....How do I trigger my Outro to kick in when the mission is complete? After all the skills i've learned along the way (thanked largely to the large volume of skilled help out there), I can't manage this seemingly simple procedure. I would really appreciate some advice. I'm currently recording the voice samples for the 18+ characters in the game using myself and some mates. If anyone knows of any tricks to make voices seem more realistic (like radio crackle, etc) I'd love to hear from you too. Thanks Everyone. P.S As my mission is so large (well over 25mg) I won't post it. I'll add a link so that people can undertake the large download if the wish. Is this a plan or is there a better way? Keep up the good work everyone. Â
  10. warezflogga

    Incorporating outro's

    That was quick. I understand what you're saying. I'll have to alter it somwhat. Thanks.
  11. warezflogga

    Incorporating outro's

    Ahhh! Me again. I wrote a cool LOOSE outro tonight. The problem is that when the loose trigger is activated (not alive "whoever"), it simply ends. I get treated to 'try again' or 'continue' (which takes me back to the menu screen). Have I done something wrong? I am using the exact same principles that have given me success with my WIN outro. Confused. I must say that I am now fond of my loose outro and would like very much to keep it. Any further help would be fantastic. Warezflogga
  12. warezflogga

    Incorporating outro's

    Guys. I tested your theory last night and it worked a treat. Thanks again. DestroyerX, thanks for the link. I'll give it a go tonight. I think i'm at long last, ready to roll. Keep an eye out for 'Day Of Reckoning' in the next few weeks (If you or anyone is interested). Thanks Chaps, Warezflogga
  13. warezflogga

    Incorporating outro's

    Thanks Guys for your speedy replies. As this was my first ever post in any forum. I find myself suitably impressed. Who'd have thought the answer was as simple as that (not me). I'll give it a go. Intruder, I have all the sound and intro's (and outro's) in the one mission file (all music and sound in their appropriate folders). I basically deleted the half of the map that wasn't needed for the mission segment and deleted the sound that wouldn't be used from their folders. I also removed the intro from the second part. I simply exported each to a pbo mission file afterwards. Is this correct? I trust that it is. Once again, if anyone knows any good ways of recording voices to sound as though they 'belong' in the game as opposed to playing over top of it (radio crackle in particular) I love to know. Thanks for your replies. Warezflogga