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Everything posted by widjiwagan

  1. widjiwagan

    Oxygen submission form:

    i couldn't agree more. seriously, i am working on a mod now and it is nothing great but that isn't the point. everyone out here paid the exact same ammount of money to BIS, so it shouldn't be an issue who gets a product for our investment. they made the game unburnable or something, so no one got it illegally. if someone has poor mod making skill, which may include me, they should not be penialized for it. another thing is that they send out screenshots so we all go nuts and then they yank it away from us. that is cruel dude. i had to put a lot of projects on hold becasue i didn;t want to make something that i would have to recreate with a program that would improve it. that would be a waste of time. but now, they gave us all false hopes. i am a huge fan of OFP and have never known BIS to do any wrong to me, but i feel that this is a cheap deal. OFP fans are humans, and doesn't everyone need OXYGEN? lol, just a really corny stupid pun. i would truly like to hear something form them abotu the release. lets not jump to any conclusions about any selective distribution of this product until we have official word; unless i just didn't hear it from'em. all we know is they haven't released it yet.
  2. widjiwagan

    Need a new f16 or f18

    clearly the people who have responded know at least something about modern military fighterjets, as do i. so, i know that those who posted previously would agree with me that the coolest planes you could put in the game are the russian SU-37, F-22, MV-22 Osprey, and an commanche. i wounder what the radar would be like on the F-22 or commanche! i also think it would be cool if the civs had their own chopper model like some bell or agusta biz chopper. another idea i had would be if they had a new kind of civilian: reporter. they could have choppers and stuff and giant news trucks and be getting in the way! that could could be the beginning of a new campaign! lol. it would get booring if all u had to do was be a media reporter, no gun or nothing!
  3. ok, i accidentally moved a soldier into the spot of a tower and he started in the top of the tower, but i couldn't recreate this. is their a command to make him climb the ladder, then take out his gun?