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Everything posted by vizir

  1. vizir

    Latest screenshots available

    33 new screens today there was a new beta test on armedassault.pl with 33 new pics Link: http://www.armedassault.pl/module.php?name=article&id=31
  2. vizir

    New ArmA trailer

    WOW! Nice Fanmovie!
  3. vizir

    Latest screenshots available

    hi freaks, the "new" pictures are of one arma preview from the german gamermagazin > POWERPLAY <. we already reported you... everything can see you> here < greeting vizir
  4. vizir

    Latest screenshots available

    New Armed Assault Preview in a German Gamer-Magazin! On 3. May in > PCPowerplay < Everything read: > click < Thanks for your Time!
  5. vizir

    Vote 4 ArmA

    Vote 4 Armed Assault Armed Assault in the PCGames - "Most Wanted Charts" at place 2!!! Readers decide, what they would like to read! PCGames is a German Gamer-Magazin. Attack is the best defense therefore gives your opinion off to favour ArmA > click < --------------------------------------------------------- Complete news on our > PAGE < Thanks for your time!
  6. vizir

    Can someone translate this interview?

    Hi OFP&ArmA-Fans, In a German Gamer-Magazine (PCACTION) there is the first German-language interview with Placebo. Scans and information get it on our ArmA > Fansite <. > PCACTION < writes: publication-date for armed assault Q3/2006! We do not hope!
  7. vizir

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Hi OFP&ArmA-Fans, In a German Gamer-Magazine (PCACTION) there is the first German-language interview with Placebo. Scans and information get it on our ArmA > Fansite <. > PCACTION < writes: publication-date for armed assault Q3/2006! We do not hope!
  8. vizir

    ArmA DVD-Design

    Hi, vizir here. I am Admin of a German Armed Assault-Community. We created a Armed Assault-DVD-Box and a DVD-Label. It is only my Suggestion and Idea-Games is not the Publisher!!! Thanks for looking! vizir & team -------------------------------------------------------- > Let's face the facts <
  9. vizir

    ArmA DVD-Design

    ohhh, ofpjunk is my friend. is that a problem? I do not hope we would like nevertheless only our contribution to community to make!