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About viper-hawkens

  • Rank
    Private First Class


  • Interests
    bikes football<br>ofp computer like ps2
  1. i want to know will you want to join in with my site and clan web site i made for my which is e.f.f which make everon freedom fighter so i am asking can i make link to you forum and so that people can use for my site bu still use it.??
  2. viper-hawkens


    when is that p3d editing coming out if out where can i find it? i have problem with a server if go to c: drive then codematser and agin you see ofp server and this message came up on me! (no entery resource bin::RsclnGameui::Rschint::background.size) is there any way of fixing this.
  3. viper-hawkens

    Anyone know about web pages

    i would someone to make us a web page for are team and that perosn can join are squad and get other stuff of us if they help us to put up a web site and make it he or she can make it for us and you can get other stuff of us like music or idears or sofware form download.com. so anyone know eb page plz be in our side and make it up for us .
  4. i would someone to make us a web page for are team and that perosn can join are squad and get other stuff of us if they help us to put up a web site and make it he or she can make it for us and you can get other stuff of us like music or idears or sofware form download.com. so anyone know eb page plz be in our side and make it up for us .
  5. viper-hawkens

    Is true can u put m2 to plane

    i know but i mena can you put the m2 machine on civilian plane so that you can use it when you up in the skies?
  6. can you put m2 machine gun inside plane that is civilian?
  7. viper-hawkens

    Vechiles idears

    O-F-P vechiles idears Speedboat Fairboat –brings vechiles across Aircraft carrier Motorbike Train Hovercraft Scrambler w\missiles Jame bond car with guns & missiles Bike Uncycle Gocart Scooter with engine Rollerblades Divengear Surfboard with engine Stealth plane b2 Infare red goggles Ramps for bikes Refuel plane & chopper refuel does anyone think these are good idears for the game plzz help if any of these are already out. I hope this is ok for some good idears toward the game and if there is already some out plz tell me.  Â
  8. viper-hawkens

    Vechiles idears

    O-F-P vechiles idears Speedboat Fairboat –brings vechiles across Aircraft carrier Motorbike Train Hovercraft Scrambler w\missiles Jame bond car with guns & missiles Bike Uncycle Gocart Scooter with engine Rollerblades Divengear Surfboard with engine Stealth plane b2 Infare red goggles Ramps for bikes Refuel plane & chopper refuel does anyone think these are good idears for the game plzz help if any of these are already out. I hope this is ok for some good idears toward the game and if there is already some out plz tell me.  Â
  9. viper-hawkens

    How do put a logos on trucks

    theavonlady i uderstand wht you mean for logos but i need your help with the last apart no12 plz help and i will not slag u off.
  10. viper-hawkens

    How do put a logos on trucks

    yes isshe nice in her scotish balreana dres from on step to other she was wants man now she is now woman if puffy dress. i do not need carchasm people
  11. viper-hawkens

    How do put a logos on trucks

    will chris i am gone to spell everon with (a) and when someone help me with wrp i will make up a new island. can anyone help me with logos like step by step on putting it on vechiles plz. theevaonlady in multplayer questions in your web site i dont get it in you logos could u give me hand.
  12. viper-hawkens

    How do put a logos on trucks

    if anyone know how to pu logos on truck will that person tell me by step plz i would be gratefull if he or she did. chris i spell everon with (a) becuase to chage it but i am gone make up island but someone has to teach me wrp first to make up new island so will anyone help me with that?
  13. viper-hawkens

    How do put a logos on trucks

    i do dv because it is everon just i decide to put with and (a) to shorten it ok christ is anyone know anything about logos on how to put on vechiles but make easy for me ok! can you get towers like one in saving prvite rayn at the start.
  14. viper-hawkens

    How do put a logos on trucks

    hi it me viper i was wonder could you give me hand theavonlady i need to ask soem thing to you if you hav emsn plz give you email for it i need step by step on logo plz i would be gratefull.
  15. i need help on how to put pictures on house wall on outside, and how do u put logos on trucks or choopers? i saw somone on game spy in his game he had logos on his trucks? We are making up clan called (averon freedomfighers)-(A.F.F) anyone that has web site experance we need someone to do it for free and we would be much apprishate if you did!! and you can join are clan. And more idears for it as will.