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Posts posted by vulcan

  1. _time = 0



    _cam CamSetTarget helo

    _cam CamsetRelPos [x,y,z]

    _cam CamCommit 0

    _time = _time + 0.025

    ? (_time > 5) : goto "End"

    goto "Update"



    _time = 0



    _cam CamSetTarget helo

    _cam CamsetRelPos [x,y,z]

    _cam CamCommit 0

    _time = _time + 0.025

    ? (_time > 5) : goto "End"

    goto "Update"


    where do i put this in realation to the camcommits and settargets?

  2. I know how to do scripted cutscenes but when i set target on the chopper it always does a fly-by. How can I use the script to make the camera stay w/ the chopper?

    _cam cameraeffect ["internal", "back"]

    where it says internal, would I just have to change it to something else?


  3. i tested this on a soldier and just moved in out of site

    i made a trigger and in the activation i put:

    pot1 setpos [8000,8000,0]

    i makes it disappear from your viewing area. then you could just setdammage to 1 and they will be gone from the game.

    now the slowly part, u could just make some of the plants disapper w/ the unitpos at one time so they will gradually be gone

    I dont know if its what u need, but i thought it would work to make it disapper then kill it.

    hope this helps!
