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Everything posted by vulcan

  1. so.... you want a script that detects who you were shot by? if so OFPEC code snippets i saw it in there
  2. http://games.tiscali.cz/flashpoint/download.asp goto the very bottum of the page where you'll see the island names. hopes this helps
  3. I think if you DePBO the 1985 file it should give you sound and the missions. Maybe it just gives you sound, if that happens reply and I'll post the campaign mission download site.
  4. vulcan

    I'm burnt out...

    If you are good at cutscenes and other stuff, I could use some help on a mission I am starting with a lot of custom sound and scripts.
  5. I'd like to join but I like to do sound editing and some scripted cutscences, so if I sent you a mission it probably wouldn't fit your standards. ---I use a guitar recording program for all my sound files. It has a lot of noise gates, reverb, and distored effects.
  6. Alright, lets say i have a convoy of 4 trucks grouped together. I have 4 platoons with a get-in waypoint while the trucks have a load waypoint. How do I get the 4 platoons to board the trucks while the trucks stay as a group? thanks
  7. vulcan

    Group get-ins?

    could I do this..... leader activation field alpha1 = group this waypoint get-in alpha1 assignascargo truck4 would that work if the trucks were all in a group from the begining?
  8. vulcan

    Helo rappelling

    i think flyinheight 15 is too high, but if u want the helo that high you should probably try a different script
  9. vulcan

    Helo rappelling

    try this, when your chopper gets to the trans. unload waypoint.. unitname flyinheight 8
  10. vulcan


    you have to download the pbo extractor from ofp.cz. (note some of the missions won't work for me.)
  11. vulcan

    Radio samples

    Engineer------usually if u distort it lightly, it sound pretty good
  12. I know how to do scripted cutscenes but when i set target on the chopper it always does a fly-by. How can I use the script to make the camera stay w/ the chopper? _cam cameraeffect ["internal", "back"] where it says internal, would I just have to change it to something else? thanks
  13. vulcan

    Scripted cutscene

    _time = 0 #Update ~0.025 _cam CamSetTarget helo _cam CamsetRelPos [x,y,z] _cam CamCommit 0 _time = _time + 0.025 ? (_time > 5) : goto "End" goto "Update" #End exit<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd--> _time = 0 #Update ~0.025 _cam CamSetTarget helo _cam CamsetRelPos [x,y,z] _cam CamCommit 0 _time = _time + 0.025 ? (_time > 5) : goto "End" goto "Update" ------------------------------------- where do i put this in realation to the camcommits and settargets?
  14. ok, I searched the threads and only found like 3 posts w/ mission ideas. Does anyone else have some ideas for missions in a campaign im starting? thanks for your input
  15. vulcan

    Scripted cutscene

    which one is it?
  16. vulcan

    Camera scripting

    _cam camcommit 5 try camcommit 0
  17. vulcan

    Scripted cutscene

    bump noone is online?
  18. it also has noise gates
  19. i have cakewalk which is a guitar recording studio, it has hundreds of plug-ins for that stuff (reverb, echo, voice tweaker, microphone simulator) if you send me the file in a wav file, I can try to break it down 4 ya
  20. vulcan

    Mission ideas

    while people still view this thread, does anyone know if you can camsettarget on a shadow. if u cant what would be good coordinates for a chopper's shadow at about 25 feet. thanks
  21. Ok i am trying to use the campaign sounds in my own missions but i cant get them so work. please dont refer me to another tutorial sight because they dont help.(and yes i used the search button) First as an example, I used "STRCAMP_01r1" from the attack on morton mission. In the description file its name is "Radio Msg 1" so i copied the description file into my mission's description file and i copy and pasted the sound files into a sound folder in my mission's main directory. Now Go into the editor i make a trigger and on activation i put me sideradio "Radio Msg 1" i also tried me sideradio "STRCAMP_01r1" they both didnt work. is there another file i need to edit to complete this ? any help would be greatly appreciated
  22. vulcan

    Mission ideas

    bump Doesn't anyone have some good mission ideas?!?
  23. vulcan

    Need a script

    i tested this on a soldier and just moved in out of site i made a trigger and in the activation i put: pot1 setpos [8000,8000,0] i makes it disappear from your viewing area. then you could just setdammage to 1 and they will be gone from the game. now the slowly part, u could just make some of the plants disapper w/ the unitpos at one time so they will gradually be gone I dont know if its what u need, but i thought it would work to make it disapper then kill it. hope this helps!
  24. vulcan

    Mission ideas

    drkhrt32, I am intersted in anyone's ideas for a realistic solid based campaign with a lot of missions and custom sound. I want it to be realistic just like in the real army. I tried to email you but it returned my mail with an unknown address error. for info. or just contact me w/ your ideas at justin24@tbcnet.com thanks