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About vulcan

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  1. vulcan

    Satalite internet...

    does anyone here have satalite and plays ofp MP ??
  2. vulcan

    Satalite internet...

  3. vulcan

    Satalite internet...

    Awhile back my mom got us some satalite internet (Direcway) Im going to reinstall ofp and try it later this year but my pings when i test servers through DOS prompts have been unbelievably high... does anyone know anything about satalite internet and ofp MP and if its descent or not?
  4. vulcan

    Anti-cheat  team

    yes, but then if the script isnt done right or detects all modifications of the config.bin there will be overwhelming numbers of people getting banned for soundpacks and stuff in that category. Unless its done right, ALOT of testing will stil apply.
  5. vulcan

    Anti-cheat  team

    yeah im trying my best to help them out now.
  6. vulcan

    Ofp servers

    Looking for USA based servers
  7. vulcan

    Ofp servers

    I have been searchin google for hours and cannot find a good place to rent ofp servers. I found klan-host and they seemed good but their prices are alittle high. Can anyone post some places where the servers rates are good and the servers stats are decent? thanks ps anyone who has a server who would be interested in renting it, please contact me.
  8. vulcan

    Anti-cheat  team

    Hello, Recently i have been playing many multiplayer of OFP both on private and public server. Like many of you, i have become sick of people who I believe are possible cheats as they seem to disappear, unlimited amoe, God mode, and other various cheats. I would like to possibly form a team of scriptors, editors, tech advisors, or anyone else who could be of help or support to form a Team/Group based on developing scripts ways to track cheaters by researching the various ways of cheating and making more anti-cheat scripts for servers. I have limited experience with coding and such but I have several sources as of now and could use all the help we could get to make this happen and be succesful. Anyone who is interested or has any questions can post here, vulcan@jos.ofprc.netemail me, or contact me on MSN, forristall24@hotmail.com This is just a thought of mine and i would hope for it to become very successful with possbily a website and all... it only depends how many people are interested and the resources and skill at hand. Can you help?
  9. vulcan

    Mp player stat script

    yeah.. how do we use that to get the same info from our server so we can post people who played on the server's results ? thanks
  10. vulcan

    Mp player stat script

    I know i have seen it somewhere, but does anyone know of a script that records player stats from a MP game such as kills, shots taken, shot % and all that stuff. Really need please reply asap thanks!
  11. vulcan

    Sever addon problem

    It seems we are the only ones experiencing a problem loading missions with anything containing the bas rangers/deltas. When we select the mission we choose our spots fine... then load the mission only to be kicked off the server while about half way through recieving data. it says "cannot load mission missing addon bas_weap" i assure you they are all in the correct directory and the server is linux so if anyone can help we desperately need it!! thanks!!
  12. vulcan

    Server kicking problem

    nvm is working now
  13. vulcan

    Server kicking problem

    Hello, anyone know how to fix a problem whenever we choose a mission, then we click ok and it loads 1kb and kicks us off the server? any replies would help alot !! ASAP thanks!
  14. vulcan

    Server addon problem

    ok I have come to believe that the problem is residing in the server. Since everyone has this problem that we tested something must be wrong with the addon location of the addons on the server. thanks
  15. vulcan

    Server addon problem

    We are having trouble running missions containing the BAS deltas or rangers. Any mission we choose on the server with the deltas or rangers in them, will say wait for server for about a second then kick us back into the mission selection screen. NO error messages shown. server is 1.90. would linux have any problem with the addons compatibility? im not the admin so i dont know the real details. If anyone knows how to fix this please reply ASAP! thanks, vulcan