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Everything posted by varjo

  1. varjo

    Odd crashes...

    Im playing OFP SEB2 Nam addon(maybe it is because of this addon, although this happens in normal OFP Res too) and suddenly colorful vertical lines appear to screen and computer freezes and i have to reboot. Usually i can play for 5 min and then... Crash Also, when i start the game some AUpdate.exe (or something) complains something... Specs: Herc Radeon8500LE 64 DDR AMD XP 1700 MSI KT3 Ultra motherboard 256 DDR I just updated ATI:s newest drivers and VIA4in1 drivers(Hyperion, 10th of December or something like that). the OFPRes.exe is cracked because my brother has the original cd(at least in Finland this is legal...and anyway we bought it together so....really don't care whether it is illegal or not) When we play MP against each other it says something about FADE...
  2. varjo

    My cd is broken, what to do?

    thanks for answers and i will try now three things: #1 My friend copies his CD and I'll re-install the game using my CD-key. Will this activate Fade? Hope not #2 Crack the .exe and hope that there won't be any new patches to OFP. Fade problem? #3 Contact Bis/Codemasters...i am willing to pay little fee, not much more than the cost of CD and shipping~like 5-10€ or something. Like someone said, the cd is just a method to bring the software i bought to me. It shouldn't be a problem to get new one. After all when i buy the game i pay for the game not for painted piece of aluminum and plastic or whatever CD:s are made for.
  3. I have the orig. game and CD-key but now suddenly my CD got somehow broken, i don't know how it happened but i can't recall whether it was accident or did it broke by itself. I've had the game for like 9 months and played a lot, most of the time the CD has been in Cd-drive of my computer. Now it has a little crack from the centre to the edge. I mean crack as it is true crack, the whole cd is broken in that part of disk. My CD-driver can't read the disk properly and it identifies the CD as audio CD. I don't know what to do, by new disk, crack the .exe, or what? Ok the IL will be out at summer but will it need the orig. cd as well as RH.
  4. I just got ADSL connection to my home and ofcourse tried to play flashpoint with it. Well back with 64k ISDN the only problem was the slow speed but that could be tolerated. Now with 256/128 ADSL the MP wont run at all. When i pick a game in All-seeing... the game starts with normal flashpoint logo and then comes the "the countdown begins" text and there it stays. I waited about 5 mins and nothing happened. I started pressing all the buttons in the keyboard and then something happened, it said "waiting for server" or something like that and then came the "receiving". Suddenly i was in SP-game and not in MP i wanted. I have 1.46 Flashpoint 1,4 Amd 256 SDRam 64 MB Kyro USB-based ADSL modem.
  5. varjo

    V1.45 found new bugs!

    couple ones i have noticed: 1. taking off with civilian plane is much harder than before. Speed must be something like 120 before you can start takeoff. 2. Enemy has IR-eyes. I mean i create a situation with me and enemygroup. I check that no-one has NVG:s. Ill place myself about 100-more metres away from the enemies. Set time for something like 01.00 or 00.00. When i start game i can't see anything, just black and some stars. If i stay still they will not see mee but if i take just one step theyll notice me and kill with couple shots, even if i duck they'll kill me. I mean that is not very realistic. IRL one might sneak so close that you could touch your enemy. And when you try to shoot in dark it is totally useless without NVG:s etc.
  6. varjo

    Operation flashpoint: holy war crisis

    "I mean apart from Bin Laden's Ass-shaggers who would not want to kill Bin Laden!! I mean it's crazy!! " For someone who cares about the environment who would not want to kill Bush. I mean he is moron.
  7. varjo

    AT weapons...

    AFAIK APilas has about 700 mm penetration and it is consired one the best....errr... i guess the word is bazookas. CG is also Bazooka but AT-4 is AT missile. Real AT-missiles weight about 50 kilos and one can not fire them from elbow or something. Isn't Javelin and TOW a AT-missile. At least in Finland AT-troops use At-4/5 and TOW for heavy defense and Apilas and laws for light defense. Also missiles are of course controlled by 2 or more men.
  8. varjo

    AT weapons...

    AFAIK APilas has about 700 mm penetration and it is consired one the best....errr... i guess the word is bazookas. CG is also Bazooka but AT-4 is AT missile. Real AT-missiles weight about 50 kilos and one can not fire them from elbow or something. Isn't Javelin and TOW a AT-missile. At least in Finland AT-troops use At-4/5 and TOW for heavy defense and Apilas and laws for light defense. Also missiles are of course controlled by 2 or more men.
  9. varjo

    Questions about the Hind, this is NUTS!

    "... the Mi-24 Hind is the second fastest combat helicopter in the world (the first is the Lynx" Bullshit...Don't know much about choppers but if we speak only about russian choppers KA-50/52 are both faster. Don't know about mi-28 but it is newer and smaller/lighter so it would be very odd if it wouldn't be faster than the mi-24.
  10. varjo


    The finnish format is in finnish but the basics are the same everywhere when firing to unidentified target. For example in finnish and translation TUKOM P1234 I5678 K100 2000 500 xygh z ke am TUKOM=err.. Fire mission P,I,K= coordinates in North, East and altitude (=latitude,longitude,altitude or something like that) 2000 = angle from observation point to target (in degrees or in military system) 500= distance from target to observation point xygh=Coding of the target, what the target is:how it is protected(bunker,armor...):the area of target(is it very big or just one pinpoint bunker):does it move or is it still. z ke =amount of rounds to fire am=fire! Something like that
  11. varjo

    T-55 in Status Qu

    I just started wandering in the island and what did i found- a guerilla T-55 hidden behind a barn. Coordinates are Bi46.
  12. varjo

    How would a Real BlackOp Team Do it

    yes, put your belly on the ground and crawl That is the only way to do it if you don't want to get caught/sighted. In special operations invisibility is #1. If the group is more like platoon size then you might consider "violent reconnaisse" if you were leader. Behind enemy lines there is no hope for wounded so it is better to keep low profile until, click---BOOM. Then run like ####. If possible it would be optimal to rig all Zhilkas(it isn't Shilka in reality) and then blow all of them. After that get the #### out of the area quickly but still carefully. 4 men isn't really optimal squad to fight against platoon which might follow you. Long range patrol recon group leader in finnish army.