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Everything posted by v4nd4l

  1. v4nd4l

    Joining during a battle

    i HONESTLY do not believe that ANYTHING will be able to knock down CS in a LONG A$$ TIMe! ive been playing cs since6.5 and i still cant get enough, expecially now that i found a server cluster that has a lot of cool ppeople on it and i ping good to, i will watch the regulars in the cluster, and learn off them, well, i used to do that, i dont anymore though, i have my skill level that will increase day by day as i play.. i hate bein called a cheater though, i think that if there is anything that will kill cs, its because of the newbs taht play and call everyone cheaters, i know several ppl who have quit the game cuz of that accusations.. thx for the time guys, --long live CS.. (i love OFP as well though dont get me wrong... and, join in progress is a must for the next patch)
  2. v4nd4l

    Joining during a battle

    i love counter strike, i realize that this game is NOT counterstrike at all, but i love the tactical idea of this game, i agree on the "mid game join" idea.. i hate having to look up game IPs, then see if i can join, then see if anyone is even IN THERE! its such a hassle.. ( i wish my gamespy would work)