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About uusmario

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  1. uusmario

    ArmA is just ... awesome!

    ArmA is a great game, it has some problems, but nothing to bad.Every game has it's share of problems.Hopefully bugs will be sorted out soon In my opinion, it really is the ultimate combat simulator what you can buy for 40$.I think we can't expect to much from ArmA, we (ok, me atleast) wanted a game whit better graphics an new features, and well, we got it.We can't compare it with VBS2, because:firstly VBS2 is mainly a military simulator for military personel, not fot avrage PC gamer.And secondly it's price is 40.times higher than ArmA. Keep up the good work BIS, and good luck for making the game even better. //Jätkake samas vaimus! Edu
  2. uusmario

    ArmA Photography

    What about destroyed vehicles, anybody have some pictures?
  3. uusmario

    FFUR 2006 2.5 ... Full Pack

    This problem somehow disappeared after installing RHS soldier packs (don't really know what pack exactly)