Jelly Belly,
Earlyer someone asked you if you use ofpwatch, but you didn't respond. I suggest copy of ofpwatch grabbing you a at ofpwatch download
once you do this:
unzip the .exe file and place it in your operation flashpoint folder
then right click you the .exe and send a short cut to your desk top
now make sure to delete all your addon folders (not untill Karr has is ftp server back up so you can redownload them)
now go to your desk top and double click on ofpwatch
once the program starts you will see an @@ button click it
select what ever server you want to connect to
once you've done this ofpwatch will scan your operaton flashpoint folder for the respective addons.
when its done the button below the @@ button in the next box will either say MANAGE or DOWNLOAD.
if it says download that means you have addons to download so select it
the next screen will show all downloads needed click download and just let them all download in there respective mod folders.
once the download is finnished your done.
by useing ofpwatch -nosplash and the use of the 1.96 exe is already implemented all you have to do is select edit when the aproprite server is being monitored and in the other start up peramaters type in the -nomap so all the addons will not load at start up.
If this is to confusing you can allways go to ofpwatch web site for more information