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About ultimategamerdobert

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  1. ultimategamerdobert


    does iraq actually have a chance of spreading the disease and does it really kill 30 percent of people who contract it does it kill young or old people (who is at risk the most)?
  2. ultimategamerdobert

    Revolver vs. auto pistol

    obviously the auto pistol is better because they can be calbred the same but the auto pistol will have a larger capacity
  3. ultimategamerdobert

    Role of canada in war on terrorism

    why has Jean Chretien chosen to give the Canadian health workers and volunteers small pox vaccien Do they think Canada (with an army of 5 compared to the U.S.) will even play a key role
  4. ultimategamerdobert

    The Iraq Thread

    i think that america will be even cockier and go after another country who poses a threat
  5. ultimategamerdobert

    What was said to george bush by jean chretien

    Why would he say that