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Everything posted by uiox

  1. Just share.... Don't care Just for the guy like me //not alone, give the possibility of scriting the world... _thinking = getvelocity (wind height) Bob Dylan
  2. I too </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this addEventHandler ["fired",{_M = nearestObject [this, _this select 4];_B = "Shell125" createvehicle getpos _m;_B setvelocity (velocity _m)}] <span id='postcolor'> </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">removeallweapons this; this addmagazine "Rocket57x192"; this addweapon "Rocket57x192" <span id='postcolor'> I have test your tip, funny too, but the player don't have a gun in his hand, and try to do heat120....
  3. _ArrayPlayers = Players _ArrayPlayers --> ["Server","uiox","dude"] _ArrayPlayers select 0 is always the server. This array is update when a player join or quit. [] exec ["OneScript.sqs",Players] [] exec ["OneScript.sqs",[_ArrayPlayers select 0]] Script start only server side. Or execOnserver "EndGame.sqs" CloseSlot [west,true] _WestPlayers = west Slots Events: Onassign Onbriefing endgame or exit GetIn Getout for AIs or InVehicle,Outvehicle Fired select 5 return ammos velocity Position up,crouch,prone Reveal Locked respawn
  4. uiox

    Scripting command request

    _ArrayPlayers = Players _ArrayPlayers --> ["Server","uiox","dude"] _ArrayPlayers select 0 is always the server. This array is update when a player join or quit. [] exec ["OneScript.sqs",Players] [] exec ["OneScript.sqs",[_ArrayPlayers select 0]] Script start only server side. Or execOnserver "EndGame.sqs" CloseSlot [west,true] _WestPlayers = west Slots Events: Onassign Onbriefing endgame or exit GetIn Getout for AIs or InVehicle,Outvehicle Fired select 5 return ammos velocity Position up,crouch,prone Reveal Locked respawn
  5. uiox

    Ofp 2 site is up

    Obvious yes obvious of the moment of: Propose new features, think and propose all what you think of OFP2..... Imagine OFP2, help etc ...
  6. uiox

    Operation flashpoint 2

    COOOOOOOOL. We will have OFP2. Where is the button for pre-order?
  7. uiox

    Operation flashpoint 2

    COOOOOOOOL. We will have OFP2. Where is the button for pre-order?
  8. Why not for addon? I know #include <> but it's not "clean"
  9. In MP scripting most part of command relates to group only works on server side (setcombat,formation,formdir,move,position,etc..). So you need to start a script with the command on the server, but we don't have a command for this. A solution: A loop on the server PubVarClientAskForCommand = false #loop @PubVarAskClientForCommand PubVarAskClientForCommand = false _Command = PubVarDocommand (a number relates to commands) Goto _command ;Move #1 PubVarGroup move [pubvarMoveX,pubvarMoveY,pubvarMoveZ] goto "loop" In a client PubVarGroup = _groupClient PubVarDocommand = 1 pubvarMoveX = 123 pubvarMoveY = 235 pubvarMoveZ = 330 PubVarAskClientForCommand = true Note all variables are publicvariable for "dialog" between server and client, if you have many groups and sides use always call command like this: #SetCombat _TypeCombat = _this select 2 Call format ["PubWaitEvent%1%2 = true ; publicvariable {PubWaitEvent%1%2}",side _Group ,_IdGroup ] Call format ["PubTypeOfAction%1%2 = 2 ; publicvariable {PubTypeOfAction%1%2}",side _Group ,_IdGroup ] Call format ["PubCombat%1%2 = %3 ; publicvariable {PubCombat%1%2}",side _Group ,_IdGroup,_TypeCombat  ] Goto "End" If you want an exemple of this you can take a look to my multi-squad MP mission. http://www.geocities.com/uiox46/MSOFP.html
  10. uiox

    Ofp dialog editor

    Good work If you want idea of something very easy to use take a look to the yahoo! pagebuider only the text management, it's java applet for creates HTML. Snap to grid yes, but before little move by arrow keys. Other idea a pict with different commands bar of OFP, resizes with your window... And don't forget you can write all parameters for a control, if example backgroundcolor is not use by it : no problem About names of controls the order in the array defines the order where you go with arrow key in active control, the last in is first show. Ex: {but1,but3,but5,butfirst}, when dialog is show butfirst is active, if you do down key but1, but3, but5... And up key but5,but3. For ID an offset (1000 +1, 1000 +2) For style, type, use directly the number in editor (but string in combo box in display ), so you don't need #define ex : title (with it you can drag the dialog on the screen) is 32, if you want center text it's 2, so a title center 32+2 =34, for fonts the string. I have other ideas an tips about dialog but my english is not good enought for explain it here.
  11. uiox

    A resource.cpp or bin?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Dinger @ Mar. 21 2003,03:19)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">...nice tip. but you still have to use the description.ext <span id='postcolor'> Right Dinger And if you need a file description.ext it's not a real stand alone addon. I have done some scripts in an addon for: Drone Remote control vehicles Missile caméra & bullet camera And some projects Toadlife gives me the idea of a real arty script, nan, not a marker, you move the "pipe" of the cannon with dialog, and extand the idea to battery missile. Parachute,wing etc... Remote control box for bombs, objects, etc. Radar, satellite A real camera Advanced GPS Enigma machine (and try to code strings with numbers, and when the code is finish, script ICQ in OFP for MP mission) But for the moment it's only scripts, not addon (download & play)
  12. uiox

    A resource.cpp or bin?

    uiox + mariruana + not good knowledge of English = actual post You are right. Sorry Forget it PS i'm not good in english, you know, i know, we know, do you understand the problem? I explain : DIALOGS IN ADDONS no problem with this I think....
  13. uiox

    A resource.cpp or bin?

    If you can't put a description of dialog in an addon you can't do an addon with a dialog. Hargh harght
  14. uiox

    A resource.cpp or bin?

    NO DIALOG IN ADDON NO berk You don't care You don't script Ha ha ha
  15. It's a problem of syntax coz this works : {_x addEventHandler ["Killed", { If ({alive _x} count units G1 <= 6) then {deleteVehicle (_this select 0)} }]} foreach units g1
  16. "Land" countType list triggerOne works, less easily than typeOf but works
  17. uiox

    Multiplayer annoyances

    Dude always repeat speak english plz BEFORE THE MISSION START (I can speak in my mother language to a friend when we wait). I want a CTF in coop only server Silly guy who wants chopper and crash it (and the team)cause he does not know how pilot it. My playerID ban on a server I never play it.
  18. uiox

    Mp multi-squad

    Beta version. All orders execute by server side. 1 vs 0 only 38 Ais (and easy to win ) 1 vs 1 only 72 AIs (remove by server) 4 vs 4 only 296 Ais... Sample in TDM... For move Squad select it by alt clic on map, and create a WP by shift clic. In the select dialog use the wheel button for call it. Download here : http://www.geocities.com/uiox46/MSOFP.html
  19. uiox

    Mp multi-squad

    296 AIs yes it's alittle crazy, but it's a beta, and I don't know how many big server can support. Maybe someone tell me this. You can use also this in an other way, a chopper for exemple for transport, transport ammos or little squads for specific use snipers, At, AA. This don't need a lot of Ais and can be integreate to MP missions. You use this like dynamical way point directly move by player. And last 296 ais for lan it's not execessive, you can put 500 ais in a lan mission, I know this I have test it.
  20. uiox

    Mp multi-squad

    Only scripts... If you script mission only one script to change : DesignerInit.sqs In it a command engine server...... For it thx to the scripter of MFCTI (for a script tutorial), MaxPower and Whisper (for scripting help in NdF forum).
  21. Yes good idea cause more easy...
  22. Create a crosshair and use titlersc.
  23. uiox

    Mp / coop missions

    Be busy, be busy, be busy, your missions are dreams... Spetznaz missions for me. I can't explain in English, there is something special, you are IN action, an remember all what you nned to know, be cover, protect flanc etc... I think when you script you SEE what IAs will do, coz there is always a good timing in action. The natural born scripter/designer. La classe ŕ l'état pur.
  24. Bn880, Denoir chain of command in BIS forum? Â