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Everything posted by uiox

  1. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">In the next patch can you add a "leader" event to groups (when leader change), and "status" (when fleing or destroy), and then i will be able to disable all the task/loops of my mod.<span id='postcolor'> Finally it's not useful, cause I can script this with event "killed", cause when a unit is kill i can test if they flees (units killed and flee are relate in fact), or wait for the new leader. One more loop disable !
  2. this addEventHandler ["Dammage",{_this setdamage 0}] in the init field
  3. Finally unit first and after vehicle, for my use (addaction to vehicle player), it's a good compromise. But with the problem of the bad return for units you can't use this in many application.
  4. Scripting for this is not the best method. I use one trigger, sync with wps and set to switch. The time for wait is in the WPs, cause you can adjust it for different unit and time to reach objectives. The trigger is only for starting timer of wps at the same moment. Or the timer in trigger condition : 10,25 < daytime (start hour 10 and a quarter) And adjust time in Wps only for different time to reach objective.
  5. OK, So the right syntax is : [] call gridCoordFunction.
  6. If I do this </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _result =(_Pos) call loadFile "GridCoord.sqf" <span id='postcolor'> Call execute ONE time and after bugs. If I do this </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_result =[_Pos] call loadFile "GridCoord.sqf"<span id='postcolor'> No bug, why () works one time? And for OFP scripters without knowledge of C, in sqf you can do this : </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> private ["_result","_GrandeLettre","_PetiteLettre","_Chiffre", "_Chiffrestring","_Pos"]; _Pos = _This select 0; _Chiffrestring =""; _result = ""; _GrandeLettre = (((_Pos select 0) - ((_Pos select 0) Mod 1280))/1280);               _PetiteLettre =((((_Pos select 0) Mod 1280)- (((_Pos select 0) Mod 1280)Mod 128))/128);  _Chiffre = (99 - ((_Pos select 1) - ((_Pos select 1) Mod 128))/128);     _Chiffrestring = Format["%1",_Chiffre]; If (_Chiffre < 10) then  {_Chiffrestring = "0" + _Chiffrestring }; If (_Chiffre != 0) then  {nobody globalchat "Bonjour";nobody globalchat "Au revoir" }; _result = (( ArrayMajuscForGrid select _GrandeLettre) + ( ArrayMinusForGrid select _PetiteLettre) +_Chiffrestring); _result<span id='postcolor'> Very near of OFP scripting I think...
  7. uiox


    GetIn and getOut not work for me player addEventHandler  ["getIn",{_this exec "EventManager\playerIn.sqs"}] player addEventHandler ["getOut",{_this exec "Eventmanager\playerOut.sqs"}]
  8. uiox


    If you write in init field of a unit this : this AddEventHandler ["hit", "player globalchat {touché}"]  When the unit is hit you have the message. So Dinger is right dans les grandes lignes. If you write : this AddEventHandler ["hit", "player globalchat {touché};this  RemoveEventHandler [{hit} ,0.2]"]  When the unit is hit you have the message too.
  9. How I can do with "call format" Call format [" _TempSetAction = "[%1] exec "Gfolder\CallGroup.sqs"; closedialog 0" ",_i ] buttonSetAction [200000 +_j , _TempSetAction] ? And with foreach I execute a "script" store in edit control ctrlText 109 foreach [0] ? How make a filter for numbers? How solve problem with big numbers (scientific notation)?
  10. With 1.75 I have problem with the command distance With this _Dist = unit1 distance unit2 '_Dist = unit1 I#Idistance unit2': Error unknown operator distance
  11. uiox

    1.85 resistance patch discussion

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Is there any way to make a dialog appear on only one player's screen in multiplayer? That really bugs me! <span id='postcolor'> If you call, like me (isn't it Bn880), with radio instead of action key or something else effectivly you have dialogs on each client...
  12. It's not English Gameer77, it's EnglishOFP... So, le Français que je suis, has understand and solve his problem.
  13. And the dream : Createmarker [Pos, type, dir,color,text] Only for icon, I don't want abuse I can do that for the moment, but with 1200 predifened markers ---> 800 k for an empty mission...
  14. Thanks BigPoppa, I'm sure you're right, because if it's OFP bug...
  15. With 1.75 I have problem with the command distance With this _Dist = unit1 distance unit2 '_Dist = unit1 I#Idistance unit2': Error unknown operator distance
  16. uiox

    Setmarkerdir & setmarkertext

    And the dream : Createmarker [Pos, type, dir,color,text] Only for icon, I don't want abuse I can do that for the moment, but with 1200 predifened markers ---> 800 k for an empty mission...
  17. This : </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _subarray = (ArrayOfWPforGroup  select _WhoCall) _Prec =(count _subArray)-1 _Group = rSquadParameters select _WhoCall select 0 ? count _subarray==0 :_PosGroup = getPos  leader _Group ? count _subarray!=0 :_PosGroup = ArrayOfWPforGroup select _WhoCall select _Prec select 10 _PosOrderX = (_PosGroup select 0) + ((sin Direction) * Distance) _PosOrderY = (_PosGroup select 1) + ((cos Direction) * Distance) _PosOrder = [_PosOrderX,_PosOrderY,0] direction = (direction + 0.5 - ((direction + 0.5) % 1)) _Angle = direction/ 10 _Angle = (_Angle + 0.5 - ((_Angle + 0.5) % 1)) _Angle = _Angle *10 ? _Angle  < 180 : _AnglePlus =  180 ? _Angle  == 180 :_AnglePlus =  0 ? _Angle  > 180 :_AnglePlus =  - 180 _Angle = _Angle  + _AnglePlus ;ArrayCurMarkerUnit   ArrayCurMarkerDiz  ArrayCurMarkerAngle   CurNumMarkerUnit  CurNumMarkerDiz _PosInArray = _Angle / 10 _Marker = ArrayCurMarkerAngle select _PosInArray CurNumMarkerAngle = CurNumMarkerAngle +1 ?CurNumMarkerAngle > 100 : ["No marker, 100 maxi"] exec "Dialogue\alertWP.sqs" ?CurNumMarkerAngle > 100 :Goto "MainLoop" _AngleNum =_Angle + 1000 _CurMarkerAngleStr = Format ["%1_%2",_AngleNum ,CurNumMarkerAngle ] ArrayCurMarkerAngle set [_PosInArray ,_CurMarkerAngleStr  ] _markerColor = ((rSquadParameters select _WhoCall) select 5)select 1 _markerType = ArrayMarkerInternalWP select lbCurSel 111  _marker SetMarkerPos _PosOrder _marker SetMarkerSize rOrderMarkerSize _marker SetMarkerColor _markerColor _marker SetMarkerType _markerType _Number =count _subarray ? _Number >9 : goto "Diz" _MarkerUnit = ArrayCurMarkerUnit select _Number CurNumMarkerUnit  = CurNumMarkerUnit  +1 ArrayCurMarkerUnit  set [_Number ,format ["%1_%2",_Number ,CurNumMarkerUnit  ]] _MarkerDiz  = "" _MarkerUnit SetMarkerPos _PosOrder _MarkerUnit SetMarkerSize rOrderMarkerSize _MarkerUnit SetMarkerColor _markerColor _MarkerUnit SetMarkerType "dot" _MarkerUnit setMarkerSize [0, 0] goto "skipDiz" #Diz _Diz = 0 _Diz =(_Number- (_Number mod 10))/10 _Number = _Number -(_Diz*10) _MarkerUnit = ArrayCurMarkerDiz select _Number CurNumMarkerDiz  = CurNumMarkerDiz  +1 ArrayCurMarkerDiz  set [_Number ,format ["10%1_%2",_Number ,CurNumMarkerDiz  ]] _MarkerUnit SetMarkerPos _PosOrder _MarkerUnit SetMarkerSize rOrderMarkerSize _MarkerUnit SetMarkerColor _markerColor _MarkerUnit SetMarkerType "dot" _MarkerUnit setMarkerSize [0, 0] _MarkerDiz = ArrayCurMarkerunit select _Diz CurNumMarkerunit  = CurNumMarkerunit  +1 ArrayCurMarkerunit  set [_diz ,format ["%1_%2",_Diz ,CurNumMarkerunit  ]] _MarkerDiz SetMarkerPos _PosOrder _MarkerDiz SetMarkerSize rOrderMarkerSize _MarkerDiz SetMarkerColor _markerColor _MarkerDiz SetMarkerType "dot" _MarkerDiz setMarkerSize [0, 0] <span id='postcolor'> Or this : SetMarkerDir [curmarker,_direction] Setmarkertext [curmarker,format ["%1",_Number] ]
  18. uiox

    Setmarkerdir & setmarkertext

    This : </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _subarray = (ArrayOfWPforGroup  select _WhoCall) _Prec =(count _subArray)-1 _Group = rSquadParameters select _WhoCall select 0 ? count _subarray==0 :_PosGroup = getPos  leader _Group ? count _subarray!=0 :_PosGroup = ArrayOfWPforGroup select _WhoCall select _Prec select 10 _PosOrderX = (_PosGroup select 0) + ((sin Direction) * Distance) _PosOrderY = (_PosGroup select 1) + ((cos Direction) * Distance) _PosOrder = [_PosOrderX,_PosOrderY,0] direction = (direction + 0.5 - ((direction + 0.5) % 1)) _Angle = direction/ 10 _Angle = (_Angle + 0.5 - ((_Angle + 0.5) % 1)) _Angle = _Angle *10 ? _Angle  < 180 : _AnglePlus =  180 ? _Angle  == 180 :_AnglePlus =  0 ? _Angle  > 180 :_AnglePlus =  - 180 _Angle = _Angle  + _AnglePlus ;ArrayCurMarkerUnit   ArrayCurMarkerDiz  ArrayCurMarkerAngle   CurNumMarkerUnit  CurNumMarkerDiz _PosInArray = _Angle / 10 _Marker = ArrayCurMarkerAngle select _PosInArray CurNumMarkerAngle = CurNumMarkerAngle +1 ?CurNumMarkerAngle > 100 : ["No marker, 100 maxi"] exec "Dialogue\alertWP.sqs" ?CurNumMarkerAngle > 100 :Goto "MainLoop" _AngleNum =_Angle + 1000 _CurMarkerAngleStr = Format ["%1_%2",_AngleNum ,CurNumMarkerAngle ] ArrayCurMarkerAngle set [_PosInArray ,_CurMarkerAngleStr  ] _markerColor = ((rSquadParameters select _WhoCall) select 5)select 1 _markerType = ArrayMarkerInternalWP select lbCurSel 111  _marker SetMarkerPos _PosOrder _marker SetMarkerSize rOrderMarkerSize _marker SetMarkerColor _markerColor _marker SetMarkerType _markerType _Number =count _subarray ? _Number >9 : goto "Diz" _MarkerUnit = ArrayCurMarkerUnit select _Number CurNumMarkerUnit  = CurNumMarkerUnit  +1 ArrayCurMarkerUnit  set [_Number ,format ["%1_%2",_Number ,CurNumMarkerUnit  ]] _MarkerDiz  = "" _MarkerUnit SetMarkerPos _PosOrder _MarkerUnit SetMarkerSize rOrderMarkerSize _MarkerUnit SetMarkerColor _markerColor _MarkerUnit SetMarkerType "dot" _MarkerUnit setMarkerSize [0, 0] goto "skipDiz" #Diz _Diz = 0 _Diz =(_Number- (_Number mod 10))/10 _Number = _Number -(_Diz*10) _MarkerUnit = ArrayCurMarkerDiz select _Number CurNumMarkerDiz  = CurNumMarkerDiz  +1 ArrayCurMarkerDiz  set [_Number ,format ["10%1_%2",_Number ,CurNumMarkerDiz  ]] _MarkerUnit SetMarkerPos _PosOrder _MarkerUnit SetMarkerSize rOrderMarkerSize _MarkerUnit SetMarkerColor _markerColor _MarkerUnit SetMarkerType "dot" _MarkerUnit setMarkerSize [0, 0] _MarkerDiz = ArrayCurMarkerunit select _Diz CurNumMarkerunit  = CurNumMarkerunit  +1 ArrayCurMarkerunit  set [_diz ,format ["%1_%2",_Diz ,CurNumMarkerunit  ]] _MarkerDiz SetMarkerPos _PosOrder _MarkerDiz SetMarkerSize rOrderMarkerSize _MarkerDiz SetMarkerColor _markerColor _MarkerDiz SetMarkerType "dot" _MarkerDiz setMarkerSize [0, 0] <span id='postcolor'> Or this : SetMarkerDir [curmarker,_direction] Setmarkertext [curmarker,format ["%1",_Number] ]
  19. uiox

    Download console for ofp:r

    Pax ------------> Peace in Latin
  20. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">It wasn't me!<span id='postcolor'> It's an idea of Dinger or .... (o' sorry I forget the other pseudo) , and , and ,and, ---------> Â Â Spinor !!!! But if you want to know how convert string to num you ask .............................. to Gameer 77.......... "1000" = 1000 possible in OFP "1000" = 1000 possible in OFP "1000" = 1000 possible in OFP "1000" = 1000 possible in OFP
  21. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"> Well One of Bigpoppa's friends at The chain of command helped me out there.<span id='postcolor'> What do you mean gameer_77? Tu en dis trop ou pas assez......
  22. uiox

    Bis console

    Try this : ok = createDialog "RscDisplayDebug" ;ctrlSetText [101, "It's an idea of Bigpoppa"]